Has someone offered you a huge sum of money or a valuable consignment? It's a 419 or advance fee fraud - find out how they work, and what to do to be safe.
by buried under 419s Thu Feb 10, 2011 1:20 pm
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Dear beloved ,


How  is life over there in your country? I hope that you are in an atmosphere of peace and love? please do not be surprised or get offended for receiving this message from me, It just that me and my sister have been obliged to lay a mere trust on you due to the critical situation we are facing here in  refugees camp of Republic of Ghana. My Name is Mr. Kelvin Gideon Kerkular. I and my younger sister Vivian are staying here in Ghana for obvious reasons but we are Liberians by nationality. Though we have not met you before but we believe one can know each other through one way or the other to succeed sometimes in life. My late father was an international diamond and Gold merchant in my country Liberia. He made a deposit worth of ($28million USA) for us in Ghana before he was assassinated during the political crisis in my country Liberia.

Now I and my sister have decided to invest this money in your country or anywhere safe enough outside Ghana for security and political reasons. We want you and your family to help us to transfer this fund to your country for investment purposes following the out standing order my late father gave to the security company, which stated that without me as the next of kin providing a foreigner as my beneficiary, that the company should not release the fund to me due to political and economic instability in West Africa as a whole.

Because of this facts, my late father took me a slap of photograph picture with the two trunk boxes containing the whole sum of money as a proof following the trends of things going on globally that causes people not to believe themselves again. In the attached documents are my proves. My late father was wrongly accused by the government of Liberia of stolen from country's money due to his closed relationship with the former president of Liberia (President Charles Taylor) but all these allegations are false. It is a known fact that my father and president Charles are very closed friends, they both attend club together and some other issues but that does not mean that he has anything to do with government of Liberian's funds. My late father was a hard working man, i know of his source of making money as he confides in me of all his secrecy and businesses while he was alive.

Therefore, I and my sister have been mandated by the security company to come up with someone as my father instructed before they can release the boxes to us. Actually we prayed fervently before coming in contact with you and with the believed that you will assist us. Please we need your experience on business matters mainly, so that we can invest this fund in a good business venture under your care. Meanwhile we will like to invest on these ventures bellow :

( 1). Telecommunication (2) Real Estate business, please if you can assist us, we will be pleased to offer you 30% of the total fund. We await for your soonest response. Extend my warmest regards to your entire family. On your response to this message I will brief you more on this issue.

Note: the boxes were deposited as a family valuable items not as money. No one have seen the content of these boxes but i am showing it to you for your confirmations on what you are to assist me for. The security company is not aware of the content so please keep this photos as a secrete before the company and even the lawyer who will be assisting us make claim on your behalf.

Thanks and God bless you
Yours Sincerely,
Kelvin and sister Vivian.
call us for more details on +233 266107819.

Questions about scams? fraudatiocruor @ gmail.com to contact remove spaces

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