by meja08
Sat Nov 01, 2008 10:44 pm
i need to know somwthing? why do they want info like your name where you live, your phone number and where you work and stuff like that, that most people would see no problem in telling them but that is all they want for th most part? is there more behind it all and they are just waiting or can they get what they need from that little bit of info, must know have a scammer trying to scam me right now it is the tobias one and he is very persistant, until i told him i sent the info to him to the addresses he sent to me for "info to prove who he is" and he is freaking out i think it is funny as i did not really send anything anyway i just said that to see what this person would do and they freaked help me find out what they are really looking to find out about me??? liz
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mod edit: fixed coding and enabled smilies/BBCode -Jillian
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