by rascael34
Sun Feb 20, 2011 5:42 pm
Hello, to all my friends in this forum.
I want to share with ya the emails received from someone I suspect is a scam. Please, I would appreciate your opinion. So here, we go. I post all the emails, attachments received from her, as it follows.
Mail 1
Subject: Hello
from: [email protected]
Sent: Saturday, January 08, 2011 11:30 AM
Hello!!!!! I have sent you a photo that you have recollected me. We
have got acquainted with you on You have given
me the e-mail. I wrote to you, but you have not answered. At me The
computer and consequently I has broken so long did not write to you.
If you yet have not found the Love I would be glad to continue
dialogue with you. I will wait for your answer....
Alena from Russia.
Mail 2
From: Alena [[email protected]]
Sent: Friday, January 14, 2011 8:22 AM
To: rafael.jc
Subject: Hi, it's Alena!
Hello, my new friend!
I am very happy, that you have answered my letter. At first I wish to
apologise for my not a prompt reply. I have no computer in my the
house. Yes, it - really pity... I cannot answer you during the same
moment as you. Thanks, that you have found time, writes me the letter.
I think, that you have much Questions to me. I will try, describe me.
I do not know that speaks to you in the beginning... Well, let's
begin!To me 27. My birthday - on September, 15th. My height - 5 foots
7 inches. My weight - 51 kg. As you see in my photo, I have grey eyes.
I have the serious intention to find the man who is worthy me and I do
not wish to make a wrong choice... I tried to write to you, and now I
see that I too am interesting to you. We can begin our dialogue. I
wish to be fair with you. Be fair with me also. I live in Russia, in
the city of Nizhni Novgorod. You heard about it? It - very much
ancient city. Nizhni Novgorod is located in 400 kilometres from
Moscow. Nizhni Novgorod the big and well-known city in Russia, also is
located on the river Volga. We - two the person which wish to meet
someone ONLY For serious relations. I am right? We can try to know
better each other, if you do not want, it is your choice... It is a
little about me. I have higher education. I have begun my formation in
high school, in Nizhni Novgorod. After I have finished it, I have
entered the university on economic faculty. I have finished it 5 years
ago. Now I work manager of sales in one of the largest networks shops
of electronic technics in Russia. Within the working day I can use the
computer and to write letters. I really would like to know your
interests, a hobby, where you live and how spend a free time? Tell to
me more about you. I also will tell to you it is more about me in the
following letter. I send you a photo. I hope my letter will not break
you. I will wait for your letter and your photo with impatience. Also
I want that you did not pass my questions and answered them. It is
important for me.
There can be your new friend Alena!
Mail 3 Pt. I
Alena [[email protected]]
Sent: Saturday, January 15, 2011 6:32 AM
I - sad presence of any letter from you, at me was not chance to
receive here some days but when I have seen that I have no
the letter from you which have made me very sad . I understand, that you can be very much
busy on your work, but I am absent without you and would like
To receive news from you it is fast.
Mail 3 Pt. II
From: Alena [[email protected]]
Sent: Monday, January 17, 2011 6:32 AM
To: rafael.jc
Subject: It's me
Hello Rafael !
I am very happy to receive the letter from you today. I - very much
happy, that All of you still have, desire to write to me. It is very
good, that my answer about volume that I live in Russia does not
confuse you. Your country seems to me very interesting and certainly
differs from my. I like to learn all new.
We live far apart... It is very big distance for both of us. But it
the distance only seems big. It at all does not frighten me. It seems
to me especially interesting. Unless you do not think so? I read in
the newspaper (it was during long time back) that in other countries
(Europe and the North America) meets a situation, that women are more
careless than men. Whether it is valid truly? I very much would like
to study your opinion, Also, why you search for the woman on the
Internet? I - for the first time I have acquaintance through the
Internet. Now I wish to tell to you about me directly. I never was
married, and I wish to marry. I want, to meet someone who wants to
have an amicable and strong family. I require someone who is fair,
also It is careful, warm and sexual. I wish to have the friend who
later (if all is correct), could to become the friend is more than
only. The most important parts of relations - love, trust and
understanding. These three things should be present together. The love
is important, but you should to trust blindly to other person, If
really love it because you should know its real love - you, it is
final you. You probably have a question "why the Russian women search
for husbands in other countries”. As from many reasons, I think, and
first of all - an economic level of Russia. The Russian men cannot
care of their family. They are very lazy. They drink much and at times
very roughly concern women and a family, I do not want such future. If
they receive many money, anyhow they also start to spend everything to
drink alcohol or on other women. In our country of women it is more
than men. Russian women operate housekeeping, lift children and has a
permanent job at the same time. There is an opinion that the Russian
men degrade now. I wish to marry abroad as I am interested in my
future. I wish to have a usual, quiet life though I should leave my
friends and Culture. It is very difficult. Here only a few reasons,
why I - still one, I think, that it is better to be lonely than to be
with someone and to be the unfortunate. I have no children, but I
would like to have them. I think, that I would be good mother. I live
with the parents, mum and the daddy, at us very amicable family. My
mum call - Svetlana, to it of 50 years and it very much worry that I
ones . But it completely supports me in my opinion about to family. My
daddy - Vladimir to it 53. It the real man also is always ready to
come on the help in any situation. I like to visit cinema and to read
books. I have much free times after my work, therefore I have
possibility to read. I love various love stories, detectives and very
much, very much I love the classical Russian literature. Also I love
various music. When to me it is sad, I listen to slow, sensual music.
Jazz and blues. When I have good mood, I listen to modern music. The
American music, very pleasant to me Jeniffer Lopez, Aerosmith, Moby
and other American groups. In the winter I go, to ski and the fads.
That you like to do at leisure. My hobby if probably to tell so -
English language. I loved English language during long time when I
studied in to school. The training program necessarily includes a
foreign language in Russia, as rule - English language, the German or
the French language. I have entered English group language and I am
still happy, that I have made it. After school, I continued to study
English language at institute. I know, that now I commit errors, but I
hope, that you will not be becomes angry. I wait your answer Rafael .
I have many ideas about which I will write in following letters. I
send you my photos and I will look forward your photos.
Your friend Alena.
Mail 4
From: Alena [[email protected]]
Sent: Tuesday, January 18, 2011 7:55 AM
To: rafael.jc
Subject: It is more about me
Hello Rafael ! How - you today?
I hope, that you were happy to receive my letter because, when I
receive your letter, I really happen is admired. Many thanks to you. I
have absolutely understood everything, that you have written to me. As
I already spoke to you that I I know English language more likely
well. Rafael , as you already know, I have no computer in my house and
consequently I write to you from my work. Therefore I regret, if not
so quickly I answer your letter. I work since Monday till Friday and
is very frequent on Saturday. My working day begins at 8:00 and last
by 18:00. Sometimes I work till 19.00. But it is not easy, because my
boss does not allow use the computer with the private the purposes. We
have no unlimited access of the Internet on work. My monthly income -
10000 roubles, it approximately 250 euros. But as I live with parents,
this money suffices also I even I can postpone gradually, as I like to
travel. I travelled to Russia, I saw Moscow, Samara, St.-Petersburg,
Sochi. But I never was in Europe. Approximately 2 years I worked in
Advertising agency. 5 people from our firm have left in the USA for
training. Among these people there was my girlfriend with whom we are
on friendly terms since the childhood - Anna. In the USA it Has met
the man of the dream - Harry. They have got acquainted directly on
work, and them acquaintance has ended with wedding. Anna remained to
live in the USA from Harry. They together already 2 years also wait
for the child. I am very happy for it. We keep in touch with it. She
also has advised to me to take advantage of the Internet for search of
the only thing. Now I have found you Rafael ! I - very much to it and
I think now of you. I tried to find love and happiness here, but I
felt lie. We have a proverb in Russia: the Fierce truth is better than
sweet lie. I think, that you are a fair person. Whether I am valid is
right? I have many girlfriends, but I do not have beloved and from it
to me is sad. But now when I have met you, my grief leaves when I see
the letter from you. And I very much want that our relations proceeded
also who knows, is possible we are born for each other. What do you
think of it? I can hope only for me directly. But sometimes I so wish
to feel a strong shoulder close to me... Yes, I want the real the
person for family creation. Rafael , I have the most serious
intentions. Therefore I am very happy, that have met you. To me our
dialogue is very pleasant. For me not so distinction of age is
important, it will not be important for me. These days I so strongly I
wait for your letter. It as a sweet dream... It is other world for me.
Now I should finish mine the letter. I wait with alarm your answer.
Also I want, to ask you: the friend from other country had you ever?
Whether it is valid important for you a nationality? Rafael , you love
what food? I would like to discuss it with you tomorrow.
Your friend Alena !!!!
Mail 5
From: Alena [[email protected]]
Sent: Wednesday, January 19, 2011 7:36 AM
To: rafael.jc
Subject: Dreams come true. Anyway!
Hello my dear friend Rafael .
I very happy to see your letter, and I I think you happy will see my
also. I am always very happy, to receive yours letters.
By the way, I have good news to you, near to my house is the cafe
Internet. And now I can write is more often to you, after work and
during week-end. Today I would like to speak with you about food. I
very much like to prepare. If I did not work as the bookkeeper,
possibly I became the cook. Cookery - the health basis, cherishing a
family life. I know many recipes dishes. I love tasty and healthy
foodstuff. Yes, the food should be it is useful for health, it is the
most important.Rafael , I very much love a potato and various, Various
dishes from this vegetable. When I come home, at first I begin to
prepare for me something is direct tasty. Mhh... I very much I love
those moments when my friends arrive to me. Always I try to be
prepared for their meeting. I prepare various delicacies from fish, a
various kind of meat. I always try that my friends have estimated my
abilities in cookery, and almost always it happens. Also I very much I
like to bake pies.Rafael , you know what is "the Russian pies"? It is
the groceries of the filling which have been wrapped up in the test,
and baked in an oven. Most the important do not use a microwave.
Otherwise taste it becomes absolute another, besides it it is awfully
baked completely. If all to do, correctly it is divine taste!!! You
should eat this thing sometime... All my friends have estimated it. I
have started to prepare, when I was 15 years old. I helped mum on
kitchen. It has learnt me to all that was able itself. I very much
love my friends. Now YOU in my life... You my friend Also. I can think
so? I very much would like, to think that you my FRIEND. I really want
the nobility you to speak with you, to take your hand and to see your
eyes. Possibly it is very sincere now, but it is true, and I do not
wish to hide it. I always speak true, and I do not love, when people -
lie. I hate it. I very much love to dream. I am a dreamer.... I do not
know well, it is or it is bad. Since the childhood I dreamt. My
teacher anyhow has told to us: "you should forget about your dreams!"
It has told, that dreams do not bring happiness. She has told, that
dreams bring only a pain and disappointment. There can be it was
right. Actually dreams are carried out not always. It happens, you
should make everything, all forces and all yours aspiration to reach
this purpose. But it is frequent - insufficiently. No all in this life
depends on us. Destiny! Its strong and invisible hands easily
reconstruct people of hearts and a life. When you have dream, your
life is filled sense. With dream, the life becomes more interesting
and more various. You begin to think, analyze, choose, and to do the
decision. And each small victory, each won the obstacle in your way to
the dream, everyone after a step to your dream brings the big
pleasure. Your heart is filled by belief and hope. And you are
inspired with thing which waits for you in the end. You remember
pleasure of victories and the won purposes it is better than a pain of
losses and disappointments. For this purpose judge, that I like to
dream, though my dreams are carried out not so often as I want. I
surprised, that I write you all it. Rafael , I never had the person
with whom I can divide my ideas. But now I have found you, and I am
very happy. I do not judge people whence they - or what colour of a
skin they. Your letters - a unique thing for me, out of Russia. Your
letters - a part of my life now. I very much would like so to think.
And I appreciate it very much. You became very important for me. And
to be frank, I being afraid to lose you. Forgive to me for my
frankness. If I offended you anyway, or the caused inconveniences,
forgive to me please. Do not stop write to me. Write me everyone day
even if I cannot answer you every day. I will answer you anyhow.
Rafael , your letters give to me, forces, and my day is filled by
pleasure. I hope, you have not become angry. I will look forward your
letter. And now I wish to set to you some questions: Women in your
country are engaged in the house economy, cooking ? What do you think
of me ? For me very important your opinion on me. I wait for your
Yours Alena...
Mail 6
From: Alena [[email protected]]
Sent: Thursday, January 20, 2011 7:24 AM
To: rafael.jc
Subject: Lonely Home
Hello my dear friend Rafael .
I waited for your letter to answer you . With impatience. Many thanks
you have answered my questions. Your opinion is very important for me.
Thanks! I have divided with you only some ideas. You can send me your
phone number so I could call you and hear your voice, and we could
talk with you our votes, instead of letters. I'll call you as soon as
I can, because I do not have phone. But I can call you from a friend.
Rafael , today I was late for work. My alarm clock has broken. But my
boss did not see my delay. Till this time it has not arrived. I always
rise early in the morning. The rhythm of my life in which I live,
compels me to be the early person. My the alarm clock does not ask me,
that is my character. I always rise early, and I go to bed not so
late. Your letters which become so close to my heart, and I am happy
to see them like the child. You write very pleasant letters . Your
words are so pleasant, I feel in them warmly, and I would like to fly
in heavens when I read them. Please, write to me every day, even two
words, I should know that with you all well. I will be convinced of
it, and I will not worry. Your first e-mail was small light of the sun
when I read yours letters for me the new world which I never saw
earlier opens. Beautiful, absolutely another. These relations which we
have begun through E-mail - begining new long friendship which can
develop something more? Love is such intoxicating drug which can make
the person mad, and sometimes doing amusing actions. Only the
enamoured person Can give one million scarlet roses or sustain the
whole night under a balcony the beloved, singing serenades. I have
most expensive person it you Rafael , I have understood it clearly
yesterday when I went on on park also thought of you. I have closed my
eyes and thought of you. A wind carried away, my hair and shrouded my
body in its cold freshness. I do not know, why, but I have thought,
that you somewhere nearby. And my heart has started to fight as never
before. To me was so Pleasantly and I was ready to cry out with
happiness. People who passed near to me, possibly thought, I am a
strange lady, they saw, that I sat on a bench with the closed eyes and
smile. But I did not think of their opinion. It so so has heated up my
mood. I like to go along the street and to inhale fresh air,
especially when heat weather. Actually I do not want to go home. It is
very boring to be houses of one, despite the fact that what at home my
parents, But I want that nearby there was still someone, that unique
beloved. I very much I wish to speak, divide ideas with any, to have
entertainment. I want that my loved person was about me with whom I
can spend evening, meet morning, speak about the past and tomorrow.
But it is enough about it. I should go. I will wait for your letter
tomorrow. I will wait yours Pleasant words.
PS: Do you know that I have told to my mom about you that I’m
communicating with you and my mother is very happy for me that I’ve
found a very good person like you. Also I have told to my girlfriends
about you that we are communicating with each other and you my very
good friend and certainly they a happy for me.
Sincerely yours Alena!!!!!
Mail 7
From: Alena [[email protected]]
Sent: Monday, January 24, 2011 5:32 AM
To: rafael.jc
Subject: Hi my dear!
Hi my dear!
I now read your letter, and it was interesting to me to learn your
opinion that I spoke to you in my last message. Our exchange of
opinions is interesting to me and I think, that now I can make some
opinion on what your character. Rafael , I send you a new picture. It
is made in the last summer when we with the girlfriend walked on park.
I hope, that this The picture will like you.Rafael , I too would wish
to see more than your pictures. Dear, I would like to learn, how you
like to spend the free time. I very cheerful person also think out
various entertainments for itself and the friends. To me to like to
help them to do a life interesting. It can be different things:
Dances, cinema, parties or entertainments on the nature. But if to
speak frankly in the last these entertainments give time To me ever
less pleasure. I often dream of romantic evening with the favourite
person, it can be a supper or simply walk I think, that in it there is
a lot of charm. Whether you think, sometimes, of it? I very much love
holidays when all family gathers, behind one table. It is very cosy
and comfortable for me. And how you like to have holidays dear? What
for you does a cosiness and rest? Tell to me please about it Rafael .
Rafael , excuse me for a question: whether there is for you now any
woman? I think, that you are good, as the man and To like many women.
Because at me good taste, and you like me. What your private life now,
please tell about it. Once again I ask to excuse me for this question,
but simply understand me correctly. For me it is all very seriously,
and I do not want that it is all was game. And I write it because
heard about that that on the Internet there are men which Get
acquainted with girls to bring their private life a variety, to
distract from a family, and to it similar. I do not want it, I want a
family. And I feel that our dialogue will lead us to that that we wait
also for that we want. Therefore I ask you about it, now. Write to me
more in detail about the feelings and desires, to me to like to read,
when you tell about yourself, I am ready To listen about it. I wait
for your messages.
My embraces.
Yours Alena!!!!!!
Mail 8
From: Alena [[email protected]]
Sent: Tuesday, January 25, 2011 4:12 AM
To: rafael.jc
Subject: My Day!
Hello my dear Rafael.
Thanks for your warm letter. I have warm calmness, when I receive your
letter. I cannot tell to you, that I feel during that moment. And
every day I hope, that you feel the same as I. I always dreamt, to
find someone who would be really special for me who will enter into my
life! The one who understood me also divided my dreams. As the little
girl I dream of the person who will force me to smile and laugh. To
whom I can trust, who will never wound me.
Rafael, today I want, to describe to you my usual daily day, since
morning and till the night . My alarm clock at 6:00 roars. I - not so
love my alarm clock. As it so loudly roars, each time, my head begins,
to break from this noise. It was earlier... But last days I clear up
quickly because now I will see yours the fine letter. At 6:05 I enter
into a bath, and I wash and I clean a teeth . At 6:30 I prepare for a
breakfast, as a rule strong tea or coffee and I warm up food which I
have prepared yesterday, if I have no it, I do a sandwich. I drink
tea, I watch TV also I THINK Of YOU! At 7:15 I leave my apartment, and
I go for my work. Usually, if weather good, I go small distance on
foot, and I THINK Of YOU! I love morning walk, at this time air such
fresh, I like it. I live very far from my work, anyhow then I go by
the bus. I arrive for work vigorous and cheerful. At 7:55 I come for
work. If I have possibility, I check my mail. If there is no your
message, I receive it later. And when Rafael I see your letter it
always, always brings to me so many positive emotions. It does all my
day, CELEBRATING HOLLYDAY. It is the most long-awaited moment of my
day. At 8:00 I begin work. I think, that I will write to you today. I
work, and I think over my answer. As I have no possibility at once to
write to you. I should work. Sometimes I have a lot of work, and I
cannot write the letter quickly. My letter for you should be written
with my soul, wellwritten. Therefore it occupies a lot of time. At
12:00 at us the dinner begins, we go to cafe in a building nearby
ours. Usually after a dinner I write to you if I did not do it
earlier. Ohh... As strongly I worry during this moment, writing down
the letter for you... My heart fights more more strongly and faster.
From 13:00 I again in working affairs. At 18:00 I go home. Sometimes
it happens later, approximately 19.00. We with my colleagues leave a
building, and we go on busstop. I sit in the bus with ideas About YOU.
I think, that you do now... I think whether write you to me the new
letter. Rafael, I think of it even after parcels to you of my new
letter. As tomorrow I will wait it with the big impatience. When I
come home, I am met by my parents , when they at home. I change
clothes, I take a shower. After that I have small rest. Then I do a
supper if mum has not prepared something earlier. In our family,
usually cooking, I am engaged. I do it because I do not want that my
mum troubled itself with it as it has I. Also I consider it has taken
care of us already enough, now our turn to do it. To me my friends
sometimes come, (but it happen not so often). Then I prepare which for
what especial For them. Sometimes I go for walk. If is not present, I
listen to music, I read the book, I watch TV, I do various homework.
At 22:00 I go to bed. Well, my dear Rafael, I should go now. Only
allow me to send to you a kiss from the Russian woman who, thinks of
you being far. I kiss you Rafael, and I with impatience look forward
to hearing from you.
Yours Alena!!!!!
Mail 9
From: Alena [[email protected]]
Sent: Tuesday, February 01, 2011 7:05 AM
To: rafael.jc
Subject: Hello my LOVE!
Hello to my sweetheart Rafael !
How are you feeling my love? I'm sorry but my letter today will be
brief since I have a very hard day at work today. I care for you so
much . You mean the world to me and I love you more than anything. I
want to express my feelings to you Rafael. I hope, that you succeed
beloved. My heart Is filled so large love for you . I - so in Love
with you Rafael. To have life with you on this ground and I have you
to thank my love. Every time, when I have bad day, I only think of you
Rafael And my day becomes better also by happier. You have made Me so
happy and I never loved so much, how many You beloved. You -
everything, that I think rather and The feeling is so perfect. I want
to tell you that I love you and you have changed my life for the
better. I want to tell you that it hurts being away from you. You are
my best friend and I love you so much I just want to kiss you and hold
you! I look at your photos that you have sent me and my heart gets a
very warm feeling. You are so lovely not only on the outside but on
the inside as well. I love the way you write letters Rafael
sweetheart. You have the soul of a poet and I am so lucky to have a
chance to spend my life with you Rafael. I see a great future for the
both of us together. We both love and have respect for each other. We
will be equal partners in life and we will be there for each other. It
will be so wonderful knowing that I have an amazing beautiful man to
come home to everyday. A man who I will love more than anything. Your
happiness Rafael is the most important thing to me sweetheart. I just
want you to be happy my love. I know that I can make you happy
sweetheart. In my heart I know that we will be together soon ! I just
love you so very much! I send you hot kisses and hugs because I love
you Rafael! Bye for now my love. I will be thinking of you my love!
With love, your Alena !!!!!!!!
Mail 10
HFrom: Alena [[email protected]]
Sent: Wednesday, February 02, 2011 2:33 AM
To: rafael.jc
Subject: My Love!
Hello my dear Rafael!
When I see your new mail my heard stat to bump!!! Only having read
through your new mails I’m at once become joyful and happy! We are
divided with distance but now it seems to me that it not so far in
fact we can fly over it in some hours. Now I sit in front of the
computer and I think of you! I write to you the message and I imaging
it as you will read it and I see pleasure on your eyes I am right?
I often re-read all your mails again and it seems to me that I
remember each word in them! It is really surprising! The Internet is
an excellent opportunity which reduces distances and removes borders
between the people! I feel very comfortably and easy with you! When I
write you the letters I forget about all. I forget about my work, on
house efforts, about people. I just forget about everything. I plunge
into the world where in the center of attention only you and I! I do
not wish to hurry up but should tell that in me there is a dependence
on you It similar on an infection caused by your attention to me
I never got such interesting feeling. When I go to bed I just think
about you! I can sometimes think of you in current of hour and have
imaginations about us and our future. It is not a shame to me to speak
about this You think of me? If really I just telling you the way
how and what I think. I understand that has passed not a lot of time
and we almost do not know each other but it seems to me that we know
each other for a long time and you became very close to me. Well have
to go for now. Today we with friends plan to have some entertainment.
It will be possible it is club or a disco. It is a pity, that now not
there are opportunities to invite you there because you it is far. I
think, that we with you could carry out perfectly together evening. I
hope, that we shall make still it in the future and we can well have
fun. I am sure, that it will be good time for us Rafael! We shall
drink easy wine, then to dance, while our legs can maintain it. And
after that we probably shall reach somewhere else..... My imagination
very much advanced and I can represent for myself many details of ours
appointments. Probably, dear, it is time to me to finish this letter,
and I now shall write that a lot of superfluous and I shall have then
confusion before you. I wait for yours e-mail, my lovely. Embraces and
my kiss!!! My Rafael,I wish to visit you in a dream!Wishing you good
night and a lovely dreams !!!!!!!!!
Miss you a lot!
Yours Alena!!!!
Mail 11
From: Alena [[email protected]]
Sent: Thursday, February 03, 2011 2:52 AM
To: rafael.jc
Subject: You - man of my dreams!
My sweet Rafael!
I madly missed by your new mail!!!!!!! Do you know that you my angel?
Yes it so because you are the one of the person of whom I know on this
World. I think about you and our correspondence, about your words a
lot! I receive the big heat from you when you think of me and I can
feel it. I don’t know but is just fill like this.. Rafael, I think of
you! I think of you all the time, every minute. I feel as you near to
me. As you hold me for a hand and speak with me. By the way, I had
quite good evening with my friends. We reached in one club also there
were there some hours. First we had the good supper and some glasses
of champagne, then played balling Also danced. Impressions have
remained good, only when I saw , as some my girlfriends danced and
kissed the men - I had small envy to them. I thought of you and
represented for itself, what you beside Rafael. That you too embrace
me and whisper to me on an ear gentle words. And you Rafael, when see
around the in love pairs people, - that recollect me? As frequently
you with the friends reach in any bar or club? When you are in these
places girls frequently try to get acquainted with you? To me very
much frequently men approach and try to begin acquaintance, but I at
once I help them to understand, that with me these things to fail.
Rafael, I frequently I think above your messages and I understand,
that you it is serious concerning me. I too do not look at our
dialogue as on an entertainment, and I write you some very personal
words and things, as to the close person. And I want to tell to you
Rafael, that I am glad, that at me is such the person - as you! You
understand that this happiness to meet you! I feel these feelings to
you. I start to think of as we now together. I’m afraid to give my
love and to receive instead of it roughness. As it is the worst thing,
such feeling not pleasant. I do not want it more but now I know that
that all not so. You another, you lovely, kind, gentle and
sweet!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Our relations should depend on you. As it
is accepted. The man all over again should show interests in desires
with the woman. The man should make all over again deciding steps to
creation of any relations and I hope that you agree with me. I think,
it will not be correct, If I shall take the majority of a part of the
initiative in our relations. I’m the modest woman and I also need in
your decision, your opinion and yours support, attention and care. But
now I with privacy can inform you that I do not regret at all about
this decision, and I am grateful the God, that I have found you! I
always have been dreaming that I’ll meet the man like you which the
care of me and now I feel that we can have the big future together! My
dear Rafael I have understood that love you Rafael ! I wish to know
all your ideas on it? So please tell me all about it. I send you the
gentlest embraces!!!!
Looking forward for you letter.!
Yours Alena!!!!!!
Mail 12
From: Alena [[email protected]]
Sent: Friday, February 04, 2011 7:10 AM
To: rafael.jc
Subject: I want to see you!
Hi my lovely Rafael ,
Today when I have opened my e-mail box, I was really nice to get an
e-mail from you! My mood became much better when I have read it. When
I read your letter at me even have appeared of tear of pleasure! When
I began to correspond with you I did know that you will go so far.
With each your letter I understood that I have found man which I was
looking for and you are the one who I was looking and dreaming for al
this time. From yours e-mail I can see that you the person who I can
trust and with who I can think about the future and be happy with you.
I think anything in life is so much better when you can share the
moment with someone else. Sometimes just to hold the hand of that
person you love can make all the worldly troubles disappear.
I this time I think about us, when we shall meet and I waited for this
moment all the time! I shall gently kiss you and I shall strong
embrace you! I can not wait I want to be closer to you. Just want to
say that I love you my Rafael . I trust your each word I believe you
and on this my soul aspires to see you. I must tell about my love to
you, because it is so difficult to hide a close feelings I love you
Rafael , and I want to say to you it always I want to say to you, my
darling, that I can't without your letters because you letters are
necessary for me, I LOVE YOU VERY MUCH MY DEAREST Rafael !!! Also It
is pity that only our letters connect us, I really want to see you in
reality. I want it very much. So what do you think about this? Please
tell me. I want to say that my mum, relatives and my best friends are
very happy for us, they are all time ask about you, about you feelings
to me and I’m not afraid to say about our love feelings now, because I
don't want to hide my love to you my Rafael , I have found sense of my
life, I love you and I miss you my darling. I’ve never been abroad and
it will be the big opening for me especially to see you. Certainly the
great pleasure and happiness for me - opportunity to find out all
between us. My darling Rafael with this words I’m going to stop to
write this letter to you but I will wait for your next emails. With my
great love desire, you must know how I feel so happy myself when I
read your letters my darling Rafael . Well, I must go my dear, I will
miss you, I LOVE YOU and I want to be with you forever thinking about
you my love Rafael .
Your and only your love, Alena!!!
Mail 13
From: Alena [[email protected]]
Sent: Tuesday, February 08, 2011 3:15 AM
To: rafael.jc
Subject: I'm very grateful to destiny
Hello my fine, the most desired and gentle Rafael.
I am very happy to receive your letter. All this time without a break
I thought of you my dear Rafael. I am very awful slept because of
various ideas in my head. I thought, what reaction at you will be
after my last letter... But today I am happy, learn, that you
understand me. I want madly to meet you. It is the truth... I would
not like to pass our chance to be together. We should define, when we
can meet. I think, that the best variant for us would be fast meeting
as I talked to my boss and he has told that, on work drawing, my
holiday begins this month, and I can already take the vacation, at any
moment in a current of this month. At us with you will be 30 days
which we can spend together. But if I do not receive the vacation now
my turn will pass, and because of shortage of people on to work, to me
it is necessary to wait there will be no yet a possibility to make it.
And it can be tightened for long time. Here therefore I also offer not
to tighten with our meeting. Because long separation I will not go
through, Dear. If in the near future you cannot have free from work
time, it not a problem. I could wait for you at home while you will
not come with works. And at this time to be engaged in housekeeping to
prepare and clean for you. I really wish to like you as the mistress
in the house. After all the woman should care of the family. Dear,
inform me that you think of it. Rafael I am always so happy to receive
yours magic letters every day. It always gives me one million positive
emotions. People meet once. They reach get acquainted. They start to
meet. A few forces them pulls. They wish to be together to study each
other. Some people when learn other person, they start to get used, if
something does not occur more... "The book became read"... "Book" is
put on a shelf. Or for it or it other "book" is necessary... Other
people when will read this "book", do not place it on a shelf, and
they write themselves continuation of this book. Everyone the person -
its author or her lives if it or it want... I am "author". I hope you
also... Let's write our book together. I do not represent my life
without you. You became for me the unique person. I very much would
like to meet you and to continue our life TOGETHER! I hope, that my
words do not shake you... Rafael we The acquaintance not so during
long time, but you already in my heart... I so wish to see you every
day, to feel you, to speak with you to inhale aroma of your body to
feel a heat of your strong hands... I so wish to kiss you... I think,
that you also have the same desires. Rafael, I - not the little girl
is more, and I wish to be about the strong, favourite, kind person...
I do not wish to be one more, I want to be happy... Rafael, I wish to
do you by the happiest person in the world! I think it is possible! I
definitely wish to be with you! I will look forward your letter. One
thousand gentle and passionate kisses.
P.S. Tomorrow I will call in travel agency and to learn all about my
travel to you. Also i will inform you all on it in the letters.
Your love Alena!!!!
Mail 14
From: Alena [[email protected]]
Sent: Wednesday, February 09, 2011 4:41 AM
To: rafael.jc
Subject: Our meeting
Hello my dear Rafael !
I am very happy to receive yours the letter it is always very pleasant
today for me. Thanks for your very pleasant the letter, for your
gentle words about me. I am very happy, that you are ready to do our
meeting actually. I very happy, that we can to conduct unforgettable
time together. My holiday will last 1 month. I can spend this time
together with you. I think, that it is big term and it will be to
study enough each other very much, very well. I am assured that it
There will be unforgettable time for both of us. The idea about our
meeting compels my heart to fight very strong and fast. It seems, that
is ready to jump off from my bodies. I am very grateful to destiny,
that I have found you, my love! Every day brings to me huge pleasure
when I see your letter! Rafael , your letters for me something more
than only the letter! When I clear up in the morning I think of you,
my sweet ! When we will be, together I will be the happiest woman on
the Earth ! I very much want to be with you, my sweet ! And for me the
most important person it - YOU!!! I already now I represent you
meeting me at the airport with colours. With my favourite tulips... It
- so bewitches my mood. Our time will arrive soon. And we will meet!!!
It is grandiose!!!!!! Today favourite, I called in travel agency and
had the telephone conversation with the agent who in the future will
be engaged in preparation necessary documents for me. We have agreed
that tomorrow I will come to it and we about all will agree. Still the
agent has told that the full information on you to develop my route is
necessary to it: I should know city in which you live. Your full
address is necessary for arrival you and registration of papers for
me. I need to know what international airport to be closer to you.
Tomorrow Rafael , I learn about trip costs to you and when all will be
ready for this purpose. During a breakfast, I will go to travel
agency. Such agencies have the full information concerning travel and
trips. I will write to you that I has learnt. I have written in last
letter to you about my "book". I hope, that you have estimated it.
Rafael , I really have serious intentions about our meeting. I very
much would like it that we have written our book together. I think of
you constantly. Even on distance I feel your presence is close to me.
Millions kisses for you, my fine Rafael !!!
Your love Alena!!!!!
Mail 15
From: Alena [[email protected]]
Sent: Friday, February 11, 2011 3:44 AM
To: rafael.jc
Subject: I'm sure in you
Hi my lovely Rafael .
Thank you for your very kind letter. I feel it's filled with kindness
and caress. I am so glad that you wish to meet me. I feel this meeting
will turn my life absolutly another side. Not only my... I think you
too will feel yourself like in another way. Already now I understand
that you and your letters is very deep in my heart! I am very happy
that you with me, even here I feel you! The idea on our meeting
supports me very much. Rafael , I still cannot believe that you have
appeared in my life... I am very, very grateful to destiny that she
has presented you to me!!! You much mean for me. I am glad that soon
we shall be together!!! Today I was in travel agency to learn about a
trip to you and signed with them the contract. According to The
contract, the agency will prepare for me all documents for travel.
From my city there are no planes to you and consequently at first it
will be necessary for me To reach to Moscow, and therefrom already to
you. Trip to you is not very easy. Yes, I want it all my heart and
hope that we will find heart and soul of each other when we will meet.
But I was sad from cost of trip to you. I need some papers for trip.
Visa to Colombia with medical insurance, documents for visa,
international passport and tickets. I found out cost of it and I am
sad very much and I do not know what do. Because visa with insurance
and documents for it will cost 210 $. I had 800 $ for documents. And
today I gave money for documents, but I have no money for tickets. In
travel agency I was told that tickets for airportBarranquilla,
Colombia (BAQ) will cost approximately 1520 $.Now me does not suffice
on ticket purchase 900 $ . I want to come to you and to have my
happiness and love - you. But I can not because of the money. In
travel agency I was told that I can get all necessary documents in one
week. But my sweet Rafael , I do not know about money. May be it is
wrong but, but may be you will be able to help me with cost of trip.
Lovely Rafael , please tell me can I hope for you, can you help me
with it. I want to come to you as soon as possible. I miss you very
much and I am sure that now my love, my happiness is close to me as
never before. You are close to me and you are in my heart, I dream
about us and live with hope that we will be together soon. Kiss you
million times, my sweet Rafael .
Forever yours Alena!!!!
Mail 16
Subject: love
Alena [[email protected]]
Sent: Monday, February 14, 2011 6:07 AM
To: rafael.jc
Hello my love Rafael .
Yes, yes, yes, yes, I so was happy at readings your sweet and
beautiful letter, that it is very difficult for me to transfer all
pleasure through a computer. I am very happy, that you can send me the
remittance for my arrival you as soon as I shall receive your
remittance I shall pay at once all and as soon as at me all will be
ready I at once shall inform to you the information on my arrival you
that you without problems could meet me. I'll find out how you can
send me money, my love!! I will inform you immediately. I very much
hope for you and on your help as now all depends on you. My love and
my happiness, only with you I shall be happy, only you can present me
the sea of caress and heat. I couldn't think of a better way to spend
days then with you honey. Oh honey a love tear in my eye so inlove
with you am and to think us together and sharing a real pure love from
our heart and in a great time of the year to have such joy and love
and with you be a memory of long life to treasure of its beauty in us
. Oh honey your name upon my lips and you in my heart my soul is on
heat for you to be with you . Ever sence we first written I fell for
you and like you so very much and how I have falling in love with you
. you are my true pure real love be no other but you my love for ever
and more just you have the key to my heart its yours my love. We don't
need to wait or see or feel something we allready have lots more our
feelings are more then true our love for one other is as deep as the
deep blue sky and as perfect as the sea and shore goes together . I
have such great faith in us and sure hopes of our love you are so
beautiful i love you so very much honey. Love it is joy and such
happyness I just simply adore you . I have things to do and I will
write you an other real soon and I can't wait to hear from you my
beautiful husband my love my Rafael . sending throw the universe to
your lips. I love you honey you are the best of my love.
Yours truely love Alena !!!!
Well. I haven´t answered to this yet.
Thanks for your help. Allow me to identify if she´s real or a potential scam.
I want to share with ya the emails received from someone I suspect is a scam. Please, I would appreciate your opinion. So here, we go. I post all the emails, attachments received from her, as it follows.
Mail 1
Subject: Hello
from: [email protected]
Sent: Saturday, January 08, 2011 11:30 AM
Hello!!!!! I have sent you a photo that you have recollected me. We
have got acquainted with you on You have given
me the e-mail. I wrote to you, but you have not answered. At me The
computer and consequently I has broken so long did not write to you.
If you yet have not found the Love I would be glad to continue
dialogue with you. I will wait for your answer....
Alena from Russia.
Mail 2
From: Alena [[email protected]]
Sent: Friday, January 14, 2011 8:22 AM
To: rafael.jc
Subject: Hi, it's Alena!
Hello, my new friend!
I am very happy, that you have answered my letter. At first I wish to
apologise for my not a prompt reply. I have no computer in my the
house. Yes, it - really pity... I cannot answer you during the same
moment as you. Thanks, that you have found time, writes me the letter.
I think, that you have much Questions to me. I will try, describe me.
I do not know that speaks to you in the beginning... Well, let's
begin!To me 27. My birthday - on September, 15th. My height - 5 foots
7 inches. My weight - 51 kg. As you see in my photo, I have grey eyes.
I have the serious intention to find the man who is worthy me and I do
not wish to make a wrong choice... I tried to write to you, and now I
see that I too am interesting to you. We can begin our dialogue. I
wish to be fair with you. Be fair with me also. I live in Russia, in
the city of Nizhni Novgorod. You heard about it? It - very much
ancient city. Nizhni Novgorod is located in 400 kilometres from
Moscow. Nizhni Novgorod the big and well-known city in Russia, also is
located on the river Volga. We - two the person which wish to meet
someone ONLY For serious relations. I am right? We can try to know
better each other, if you do not want, it is your choice... It is a
little about me. I have higher education. I have begun my formation in
high school, in Nizhni Novgorod. After I have finished it, I have
entered the university on economic faculty. I have finished it 5 years
ago. Now I work manager of sales in one of the largest networks shops
of electronic technics in Russia. Within the working day I can use the
computer and to write letters. I really would like to know your
interests, a hobby, where you live and how spend a free time? Tell to
me more about you. I also will tell to you it is more about me in the
following letter. I send you a photo. I hope my letter will not break
you. I will wait for your letter and your photo with impatience. Also
I want that you did not pass my questions and answered them. It is
important for me.
There can be your new friend Alena!
Mail 3 Pt. I
Alena [[email protected]]
Sent: Saturday, January 15, 2011 6:32 AM
I - sad presence of any letter from you, at me was not chance to
receive here some days but when I have seen that I have no
the letter from you which have made me very sad . I understand, that you can be very much
busy on your work, but I am absent without you and would like
To receive news from you it is fast.
Mail 3 Pt. II
From: Alena [[email protected]]
Sent: Monday, January 17, 2011 6:32 AM
To: rafael.jc
Subject: It's me
Hello Rafael !
I am very happy to receive the letter from you today. I - very much
happy, that All of you still have, desire to write to me. It is very
good, that my answer about volume that I live in Russia does not
confuse you. Your country seems to me very interesting and certainly
differs from my. I like to learn all new.
We live far apart... It is very big distance for both of us. But it
the distance only seems big. It at all does not frighten me. It seems
to me especially interesting. Unless you do not think so? I read in
the newspaper (it was during long time back) that in other countries
(Europe and the North America) meets a situation, that women are more
careless than men. Whether it is valid truly? I very much would like
to study your opinion, Also, why you search for the woman on the
Internet? I - for the first time I have acquaintance through the
Internet. Now I wish to tell to you about me directly. I never was
married, and I wish to marry. I want, to meet someone who wants to
have an amicable and strong family. I require someone who is fair,
also It is careful, warm and sexual. I wish to have the friend who
later (if all is correct), could to become the friend is more than
only. The most important parts of relations - love, trust and
understanding. These three things should be present together. The love
is important, but you should to trust blindly to other person, If
really love it because you should know its real love - you, it is
final you. You probably have a question "why the Russian women search
for husbands in other countries”. As from many reasons, I think, and
first of all - an economic level of Russia. The Russian men cannot
care of their family. They are very lazy. They drink much and at times
very roughly concern women and a family, I do not want such future. If
they receive many money, anyhow they also start to spend everything to
drink alcohol or on other women. In our country of women it is more
than men. Russian women operate housekeeping, lift children and has a
permanent job at the same time. There is an opinion that the Russian
men degrade now. I wish to marry abroad as I am interested in my
future. I wish to have a usual, quiet life though I should leave my
friends and Culture. It is very difficult. Here only a few reasons,
why I - still one, I think, that it is better to be lonely than to be
with someone and to be the unfortunate. I have no children, but I
would like to have them. I think, that I would be good mother. I live
with the parents, mum and the daddy, at us very amicable family. My
mum call - Svetlana, to it of 50 years and it very much worry that I
ones . But it completely supports me in my opinion about to family. My
daddy - Vladimir to it 53. It the real man also is always ready to
come on the help in any situation. I like to visit cinema and to read
books. I have much free times after my work, therefore I have
possibility to read. I love various love stories, detectives and very
much, very much I love the classical Russian literature. Also I love
various music. When to me it is sad, I listen to slow, sensual music.
Jazz and blues. When I have good mood, I listen to modern music. The
American music, very pleasant to me Jeniffer Lopez, Aerosmith, Moby
and other American groups. In the winter I go, to ski and the fads.
That you like to do at leisure. My hobby if probably to tell so -
English language. I loved English language during long time when I
studied in to school. The training program necessarily includes a
foreign language in Russia, as rule - English language, the German or
the French language. I have entered English group language and I am
still happy, that I have made it. After school, I continued to study
English language at institute. I know, that now I commit errors, but I
hope, that you will not be becomes angry. I wait your answer Rafael .
I have many ideas about which I will write in following letters. I
send you my photos and I will look forward your photos.
Your friend Alena.
Mail 4
From: Alena [[email protected]]
Sent: Tuesday, January 18, 2011 7:55 AM
To: rafael.jc
Subject: It is more about me
Hello Rafael ! How - you today?
I hope, that you were happy to receive my letter because, when I
receive your letter, I really happen is admired. Many thanks to you. I
have absolutely understood everything, that you have written to me. As
I already spoke to you that I I know English language more likely
well. Rafael , as you already know, I have no computer in my house and
consequently I write to you from my work. Therefore I regret, if not
so quickly I answer your letter. I work since Monday till Friday and
is very frequent on Saturday. My working day begins at 8:00 and last
by 18:00. Sometimes I work till 19.00. But it is not easy, because my
boss does not allow use the computer with the private the purposes. We
have no unlimited access of the Internet on work. My monthly income -
10000 roubles, it approximately 250 euros. But as I live with parents,
this money suffices also I even I can postpone gradually, as I like to
travel. I travelled to Russia, I saw Moscow, Samara, St.-Petersburg,
Sochi. But I never was in Europe. Approximately 2 years I worked in
Advertising agency. 5 people from our firm have left in the USA for
training. Among these people there was my girlfriend with whom we are
on friendly terms since the childhood - Anna. In the USA it Has met
the man of the dream - Harry. They have got acquainted directly on
work, and them acquaintance has ended with wedding. Anna remained to
live in the USA from Harry. They together already 2 years also wait
for the child. I am very happy for it. We keep in touch with it. She
also has advised to me to take advantage of the Internet for search of
the only thing. Now I have found you Rafael ! I - very much to it and
I think now of you. I tried to find love and happiness here, but I
felt lie. We have a proverb in Russia: the Fierce truth is better than
sweet lie. I think, that you are a fair person. Whether I am valid is
right? I have many girlfriends, but I do not have beloved and from it
to me is sad. But now when I have met you, my grief leaves when I see
the letter from you. And I very much want that our relations proceeded
also who knows, is possible we are born for each other. What do you
think of it? I can hope only for me directly. But sometimes I so wish
to feel a strong shoulder close to me... Yes, I want the real the
person for family creation. Rafael , I have the most serious
intentions. Therefore I am very happy, that have met you. To me our
dialogue is very pleasant. For me not so distinction of age is
important, it will not be important for me. These days I so strongly I
wait for your letter. It as a sweet dream... It is other world for me.
Now I should finish mine the letter. I wait with alarm your answer.
Also I want, to ask you: the friend from other country had you ever?
Whether it is valid important for you a nationality? Rafael , you love
what food? I would like to discuss it with you tomorrow.
Your friend Alena !!!!
Mail 5
From: Alena [[email protected]]
Sent: Wednesday, January 19, 2011 7:36 AM
To: rafael.jc
Subject: Dreams come true. Anyway!
Hello my dear friend Rafael .
I very happy to see your letter, and I I think you happy will see my
also. I am always very happy, to receive yours letters.
By the way, I have good news to you, near to my house is the cafe
Internet. And now I can write is more often to you, after work and
during week-end. Today I would like to speak with you about food. I
very much like to prepare. If I did not work as the bookkeeper,
possibly I became the cook. Cookery - the health basis, cherishing a
family life. I know many recipes dishes. I love tasty and healthy
foodstuff. Yes, the food should be it is useful for health, it is the
most important.Rafael , I very much love a potato and various, Various
dishes from this vegetable. When I come home, at first I begin to
prepare for me something is direct tasty. Mhh... I very much I love
those moments when my friends arrive to me. Always I try to be
prepared for their meeting. I prepare various delicacies from fish, a
various kind of meat. I always try that my friends have estimated my
abilities in cookery, and almost always it happens. Also I very much I
like to bake pies.Rafael , you know what is "the Russian pies"? It is
the groceries of the filling which have been wrapped up in the test,
and baked in an oven. Most the important do not use a microwave.
Otherwise taste it becomes absolute another, besides it it is awfully
baked completely. If all to do, correctly it is divine taste!!! You
should eat this thing sometime... All my friends have estimated it. I
have started to prepare, when I was 15 years old. I helped mum on
kitchen. It has learnt me to all that was able itself. I very much
love my friends. Now YOU in my life... You my friend Also. I can think
so? I very much would like, to think that you my FRIEND. I really want
the nobility you to speak with you, to take your hand and to see your
eyes. Possibly it is very sincere now, but it is true, and I do not
wish to hide it. I always speak true, and I do not love, when people -
lie. I hate it. I very much love to dream. I am a dreamer.... I do not
know well, it is or it is bad. Since the childhood I dreamt. My
teacher anyhow has told to us: "you should forget about your dreams!"
It has told, that dreams do not bring happiness. She has told, that
dreams bring only a pain and disappointment. There can be it was
right. Actually dreams are carried out not always. It happens, you
should make everything, all forces and all yours aspiration to reach
this purpose. But it is frequent - insufficiently. No all in this life
depends on us. Destiny! Its strong and invisible hands easily
reconstruct people of hearts and a life. When you have dream, your
life is filled sense. With dream, the life becomes more interesting
and more various. You begin to think, analyze, choose, and to do the
decision. And each small victory, each won the obstacle in your way to
the dream, everyone after a step to your dream brings the big
pleasure. Your heart is filled by belief and hope. And you are
inspired with thing which waits for you in the end. You remember
pleasure of victories and the won purposes it is better than a pain of
losses and disappointments. For this purpose judge, that I like to
dream, though my dreams are carried out not so often as I want. I
surprised, that I write you all it. Rafael , I never had the person
with whom I can divide my ideas. But now I have found you, and I am
very happy. I do not judge people whence they - or what colour of a
skin they. Your letters - a unique thing for me, out of Russia. Your
letters - a part of my life now. I very much would like so to think.
And I appreciate it very much. You became very important for me. And
to be frank, I being afraid to lose you. Forgive to me for my
frankness. If I offended you anyway, or the caused inconveniences,
forgive to me please. Do not stop write to me. Write me everyone day
even if I cannot answer you every day. I will answer you anyhow.
Rafael , your letters give to me, forces, and my day is filled by
pleasure. I hope, you have not become angry. I will look forward your
letter. And now I wish to set to you some questions: Women in your
country are engaged in the house economy, cooking ? What do you think
of me ? For me very important your opinion on me. I wait for your
Yours Alena...
Mail 6
From: Alena [[email protected]]
Sent: Thursday, January 20, 2011 7:24 AM
To: rafael.jc
Subject: Lonely Home
Hello my dear friend Rafael .
I waited for your letter to answer you . With impatience. Many thanks
you have answered my questions. Your opinion is very important for me.
Thanks! I have divided with you only some ideas. You can send me your
phone number so I could call you and hear your voice, and we could
talk with you our votes, instead of letters. I'll call you as soon as
I can, because I do not have phone. But I can call you from a friend.
Rafael , today I was late for work. My alarm clock has broken. But my
boss did not see my delay. Till this time it has not arrived. I always
rise early in the morning. The rhythm of my life in which I live,
compels me to be the early person. My the alarm clock does not ask me,
that is my character. I always rise early, and I go to bed not so
late. Your letters which become so close to my heart, and I am happy
to see them like the child. You write very pleasant letters . Your
words are so pleasant, I feel in them warmly, and I would like to fly
in heavens when I read them. Please, write to me every day, even two
words, I should know that with you all well. I will be convinced of
it, and I will not worry. Your first e-mail was small light of the sun
when I read yours letters for me the new world which I never saw
earlier opens. Beautiful, absolutely another. These relations which we
have begun through E-mail - begining new long friendship which can
develop something more? Love is such intoxicating drug which can make
the person mad, and sometimes doing amusing actions. Only the
enamoured person Can give one million scarlet roses or sustain the
whole night under a balcony the beloved, singing serenades. I have
most expensive person it you Rafael , I have understood it clearly
yesterday when I went on on park also thought of you. I have closed my
eyes and thought of you. A wind carried away, my hair and shrouded my
body in its cold freshness. I do not know, why, but I have thought,
that you somewhere nearby. And my heart has started to fight as never
before. To me was so Pleasantly and I was ready to cry out with
happiness. People who passed near to me, possibly thought, I am a
strange lady, they saw, that I sat on a bench with the closed eyes and
smile. But I did not think of their opinion. It so so has heated up my
mood. I like to go along the street and to inhale fresh air,
especially when heat weather. Actually I do not want to go home. It is
very boring to be houses of one, despite the fact that what at home my
parents, But I want that nearby there was still someone, that unique
beloved. I very much I wish to speak, divide ideas with any, to have
entertainment. I want that my loved person was about me with whom I
can spend evening, meet morning, speak about the past and tomorrow.
But it is enough about it. I should go. I will wait for your letter
tomorrow. I will wait yours Pleasant words.
PS: Do you know that I have told to my mom about you that I’m
communicating with you and my mother is very happy for me that I’ve
found a very good person like you. Also I have told to my girlfriends
about you that we are communicating with each other and you my very
good friend and certainly they a happy for me.
Sincerely yours Alena!!!!!
Mail 7
From: Alena [[email protected]]
Sent: Monday, January 24, 2011 5:32 AM
To: rafael.jc
Subject: Hi my dear!
Hi my dear!
I now read your letter, and it was interesting to me to learn your
opinion that I spoke to you in my last message. Our exchange of
opinions is interesting to me and I think, that now I can make some
opinion on what your character. Rafael , I send you a new picture. It
is made in the last summer when we with the girlfriend walked on park.
I hope, that this The picture will like you.Rafael , I too would wish
to see more than your pictures. Dear, I would like to learn, how you
like to spend the free time. I very cheerful person also think out
various entertainments for itself and the friends. To me to like to
help them to do a life interesting. It can be different things:
Dances, cinema, parties or entertainments on the nature. But if to
speak frankly in the last these entertainments give time To me ever
less pleasure. I often dream of romantic evening with the favourite
person, it can be a supper or simply walk I think, that in it there is
a lot of charm. Whether you think, sometimes, of it? I very much love
holidays when all family gathers, behind one table. It is very cosy
and comfortable for me. And how you like to have holidays dear? What
for you does a cosiness and rest? Tell to me please about it Rafael .
Rafael , excuse me for a question: whether there is for you now any
woman? I think, that you are good, as the man and To like many women.
Because at me good taste, and you like me. What your private life now,
please tell about it. Once again I ask to excuse me for this question,
but simply understand me correctly. For me it is all very seriously,
and I do not want that it is all was game. And I write it because
heard about that that on the Internet there are men which Get
acquainted with girls to bring their private life a variety, to
distract from a family, and to it similar. I do not want it, I want a
family. And I feel that our dialogue will lead us to that that we wait
also for that we want. Therefore I ask you about it, now. Write to me
more in detail about the feelings and desires, to me to like to read,
when you tell about yourself, I am ready To listen about it. I wait
for your messages.
My embraces.
Yours Alena!!!!!!
Mail 8
From: Alena [[email protected]]
Sent: Tuesday, January 25, 2011 4:12 AM
To: rafael.jc
Subject: My Day!
Hello my dear Rafael.
Thanks for your warm letter. I have warm calmness, when I receive your
letter. I cannot tell to you, that I feel during that moment. And
every day I hope, that you feel the same as I. I always dreamt, to
find someone who would be really special for me who will enter into my
life! The one who understood me also divided my dreams. As the little
girl I dream of the person who will force me to smile and laugh. To
whom I can trust, who will never wound me.
Rafael, today I want, to describe to you my usual daily day, since
morning and till the night . My alarm clock at 6:00 roars. I - not so
love my alarm clock. As it so loudly roars, each time, my head begins,
to break from this noise. It was earlier... But last days I clear up
quickly because now I will see yours the fine letter. At 6:05 I enter
into a bath, and I wash and I clean a teeth . At 6:30 I prepare for a
breakfast, as a rule strong tea or coffee and I warm up food which I
have prepared yesterday, if I have no it, I do a sandwich. I drink
tea, I watch TV also I THINK Of YOU! At 7:15 I leave my apartment, and
I go for my work. Usually, if weather good, I go small distance on
foot, and I THINK Of YOU! I love morning walk, at this time air such
fresh, I like it. I live very far from my work, anyhow then I go by
the bus. I arrive for work vigorous and cheerful. At 7:55 I come for
work. If I have possibility, I check my mail. If there is no your
message, I receive it later. And when Rafael I see your letter it
always, always brings to me so many positive emotions. It does all my
day, CELEBRATING HOLLYDAY. It is the most long-awaited moment of my
day. At 8:00 I begin work. I think, that I will write to you today. I
work, and I think over my answer. As I have no possibility at once to
write to you. I should work. Sometimes I have a lot of work, and I
cannot write the letter quickly. My letter for you should be written
with my soul, wellwritten. Therefore it occupies a lot of time. At
12:00 at us the dinner begins, we go to cafe in a building nearby
ours. Usually after a dinner I write to you if I did not do it
earlier. Ohh... As strongly I worry during this moment, writing down
the letter for you... My heart fights more more strongly and faster.
From 13:00 I again in working affairs. At 18:00 I go home. Sometimes
it happens later, approximately 19.00. We with my colleagues leave a
building, and we go on busstop. I sit in the bus with ideas About YOU.
I think, that you do now... I think whether write you to me the new
letter. Rafael, I think of it even after parcels to you of my new
letter. As tomorrow I will wait it with the big impatience. When I
come home, I am met by my parents , when they at home. I change
clothes, I take a shower. After that I have small rest. Then I do a
supper if mum has not prepared something earlier. In our family,
usually cooking, I am engaged. I do it because I do not want that my
mum troubled itself with it as it has I. Also I consider it has taken
care of us already enough, now our turn to do it. To me my friends
sometimes come, (but it happen not so often). Then I prepare which for
what especial For them. Sometimes I go for walk. If is not present, I
listen to music, I read the book, I watch TV, I do various homework.
At 22:00 I go to bed. Well, my dear Rafael, I should go now. Only
allow me to send to you a kiss from the Russian woman who, thinks of
you being far. I kiss you Rafael, and I with impatience look forward
to hearing from you.
Yours Alena!!!!!
Mail 9
From: Alena [[email protected]]
Sent: Tuesday, February 01, 2011 7:05 AM
To: rafael.jc
Subject: Hello my LOVE!
Hello to my sweetheart Rafael !
How are you feeling my love? I'm sorry but my letter today will be
brief since I have a very hard day at work today. I care for you so
much . You mean the world to me and I love you more than anything. I
want to express my feelings to you Rafael. I hope, that you succeed
beloved. My heart Is filled so large love for you . I - so in Love
with you Rafael. To have life with you on this ground and I have you
to thank my love. Every time, when I have bad day, I only think of you
Rafael And my day becomes better also by happier. You have made Me so
happy and I never loved so much, how many You beloved. You -
everything, that I think rather and The feeling is so perfect. I want
to tell you that I love you and you have changed my life for the
better. I want to tell you that it hurts being away from you. You are
my best friend and I love you so much I just want to kiss you and hold
you! I look at your photos that you have sent me and my heart gets a
very warm feeling. You are so lovely not only on the outside but on
the inside as well. I love the way you write letters Rafael
sweetheart. You have the soul of a poet and I am so lucky to have a
chance to spend my life with you Rafael. I see a great future for the
both of us together. We both love and have respect for each other. We
will be equal partners in life and we will be there for each other. It
will be so wonderful knowing that I have an amazing beautiful man to
come home to everyday. A man who I will love more than anything. Your
happiness Rafael is the most important thing to me sweetheart. I just
want you to be happy my love. I know that I can make you happy
sweetheart. In my heart I know that we will be together soon ! I just
love you so very much! I send you hot kisses and hugs because I love
you Rafael! Bye for now my love. I will be thinking of you my love!
With love, your Alena !!!!!!!!
Mail 10
HFrom: Alena [[email protected]]
Sent: Wednesday, February 02, 2011 2:33 AM
To: rafael.jc
Subject: My Love!
Hello my dear Rafael!
When I see your new mail my heard stat to bump!!! Only having read
through your new mails I’m at once become joyful and happy! We are
divided with distance but now it seems to me that it not so far in
fact we can fly over it in some hours. Now I sit in front of the
computer and I think of you! I write to you the message and I imaging
it as you will read it and I see pleasure on your eyes I am right?
I often re-read all your mails again and it seems to me that I
remember each word in them! It is really surprising! The Internet is
an excellent opportunity which reduces distances and removes borders
between the people! I feel very comfortably and easy with you! When I
write you the letters I forget about all. I forget about my work, on
house efforts, about people. I just forget about everything. I plunge
into the world where in the center of attention only you and I! I do
not wish to hurry up but should tell that in me there is a dependence
on you It similar on an infection caused by your attention to me
I never got such interesting feeling. When I go to bed I just think
about you! I can sometimes think of you in current of hour and have
imaginations about us and our future. It is not a shame to me to speak
about this You think of me? If really I just telling you the way
how and what I think. I understand that has passed not a lot of time
and we almost do not know each other but it seems to me that we know
each other for a long time and you became very close to me. Well have
to go for now. Today we with friends plan to have some entertainment.
It will be possible it is club or a disco. It is a pity, that now not
there are opportunities to invite you there because you it is far. I
think, that we with you could carry out perfectly together evening. I
hope, that we shall make still it in the future and we can well have
fun. I am sure, that it will be good time for us Rafael! We shall
drink easy wine, then to dance, while our legs can maintain it. And
after that we probably shall reach somewhere else..... My imagination
very much advanced and I can represent for myself many details of ours
appointments. Probably, dear, it is time to me to finish this letter,
and I now shall write that a lot of superfluous and I shall have then
confusion before you. I wait for yours e-mail, my lovely. Embraces and
my kiss!!! My Rafael,I wish to visit you in a dream!Wishing you good
night and a lovely dreams !!!!!!!!!
Miss you a lot!
Yours Alena!!!!
Mail 11
From: Alena [[email protected]]
Sent: Thursday, February 03, 2011 2:52 AM
To: rafael.jc
Subject: You - man of my dreams!
My sweet Rafael!
I madly missed by your new mail!!!!!!! Do you know that you my angel?
Yes it so because you are the one of the person of whom I know on this
World. I think about you and our correspondence, about your words a
lot! I receive the big heat from you when you think of me and I can
feel it. I don’t know but is just fill like this.. Rafael, I think of
you! I think of you all the time, every minute. I feel as you near to
me. As you hold me for a hand and speak with me. By the way, I had
quite good evening with my friends. We reached in one club also there
were there some hours. First we had the good supper and some glasses
of champagne, then played balling Also danced. Impressions have
remained good, only when I saw , as some my girlfriends danced and
kissed the men - I had small envy to them. I thought of you and
represented for itself, what you beside Rafael. That you too embrace
me and whisper to me on an ear gentle words. And you Rafael, when see
around the in love pairs people, - that recollect me? As frequently
you with the friends reach in any bar or club? When you are in these
places girls frequently try to get acquainted with you? To me very
much frequently men approach and try to begin acquaintance, but I at
once I help them to understand, that with me these things to fail.
Rafael, I frequently I think above your messages and I understand,
that you it is serious concerning me. I too do not look at our
dialogue as on an entertainment, and I write you some very personal
words and things, as to the close person. And I want to tell to you
Rafael, that I am glad, that at me is such the person - as you! You
understand that this happiness to meet you! I feel these feelings to
you. I start to think of as we now together. I’m afraid to give my
love and to receive instead of it roughness. As it is the worst thing,
such feeling not pleasant. I do not want it more but now I know that
that all not so. You another, you lovely, kind, gentle and
sweet!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Our relations should depend on you. As it
is accepted. The man all over again should show interests in desires
with the woman. The man should make all over again deciding steps to
creation of any relations and I hope that you agree with me. I think,
it will not be correct, If I shall take the majority of a part of the
initiative in our relations. I’m the modest woman and I also need in
your decision, your opinion and yours support, attention and care. But
now I with privacy can inform you that I do not regret at all about
this decision, and I am grateful the God, that I have found you! I
always have been dreaming that I’ll meet the man like you which the
care of me and now I feel that we can have the big future together! My
dear Rafael I have understood that love you Rafael ! I wish to know
all your ideas on it? So please tell me all about it. I send you the
gentlest embraces!!!!
Looking forward for you letter.!
Yours Alena!!!!!!
Mail 12
From: Alena [[email protected]]
Sent: Friday, February 04, 2011 7:10 AM
To: rafael.jc
Subject: I want to see you!
Hi my lovely Rafael ,
Today when I have opened my e-mail box, I was really nice to get an
e-mail from you! My mood became much better when I have read it. When
I read your letter at me even have appeared of tear of pleasure! When
I began to correspond with you I did know that you will go so far.
With each your letter I understood that I have found man which I was
looking for and you are the one who I was looking and dreaming for al
this time. From yours e-mail I can see that you the person who I can
trust and with who I can think about the future and be happy with you.
I think anything in life is so much better when you can share the
moment with someone else. Sometimes just to hold the hand of that
person you love can make all the worldly troubles disappear.
I this time I think about us, when we shall meet and I waited for this
moment all the time! I shall gently kiss you and I shall strong
embrace you! I can not wait I want to be closer to you. Just want to
say that I love you my Rafael . I trust your each word I believe you
and on this my soul aspires to see you. I must tell about my love to
you, because it is so difficult to hide a close feelings I love you
Rafael , and I want to say to you it always I want to say to you, my
darling, that I can't without your letters because you letters are
necessary for me, I LOVE YOU VERY MUCH MY DEAREST Rafael !!! Also It
is pity that only our letters connect us, I really want to see you in
reality. I want it very much. So what do you think about this? Please
tell me. I want to say that my mum, relatives and my best friends are
very happy for us, they are all time ask about you, about you feelings
to me and I’m not afraid to say about our love feelings now, because I
don't want to hide my love to you my Rafael , I have found sense of my
life, I love you and I miss you my darling. I’ve never been abroad and
it will be the big opening for me especially to see you. Certainly the
great pleasure and happiness for me - opportunity to find out all
between us. My darling Rafael with this words I’m going to stop to
write this letter to you but I will wait for your next emails. With my
great love desire, you must know how I feel so happy myself when I
read your letters my darling Rafael . Well, I must go my dear, I will
miss you, I LOVE YOU and I want to be with you forever thinking about
you my love Rafael .
Your and only your love, Alena!!!
Mail 13
From: Alena [[email protected]]
Sent: Tuesday, February 08, 2011 3:15 AM
To: rafael.jc
Subject: I'm very grateful to destiny
Hello my fine, the most desired and gentle Rafael.
I am very happy to receive your letter. All this time without a break
I thought of you my dear Rafael. I am very awful slept because of
various ideas in my head. I thought, what reaction at you will be
after my last letter... But today I am happy, learn, that you
understand me. I want madly to meet you. It is the truth... I would
not like to pass our chance to be together. We should define, when we
can meet. I think, that the best variant for us would be fast meeting
as I talked to my boss and he has told that, on work drawing, my
holiday begins this month, and I can already take the vacation, at any
moment in a current of this month. At us with you will be 30 days
which we can spend together. But if I do not receive the vacation now
my turn will pass, and because of shortage of people on to work, to me
it is necessary to wait there will be no yet a possibility to make it.
And it can be tightened for long time. Here therefore I also offer not
to tighten with our meeting. Because long separation I will not go
through, Dear. If in the near future you cannot have free from work
time, it not a problem. I could wait for you at home while you will
not come with works. And at this time to be engaged in housekeeping to
prepare and clean for you. I really wish to like you as the mistress
in the house. After all the woman should care of the family. Dear,
inform me that you think of it. Rafael I am always so happy to receive
yours magic letters every day. It always gives me one million positive
emotions. People meet once. They reach get acquainted. They start to
meet. A few forces them pulls. They wish to be together to study each
other. Some people when learn other person, they start to get used, if
something does not occur more... "The book became read"... "Book" is
put on a shelf. Or for it or it other "book" is necessary... Other
people when will read this "book", do not place it on a shelf, and
they write themselves continuation of this book. Everyone the person -
its author or her lives if it or it want... I am "author". I hope you
also... Let's write our book together. I do not represent my life
without you. You became for me the unique person. I very much would
like to meet you and to continue our life TOGETHER! I hope, that my
words do not shake you... Rafael we The acquaintance not so during
long time, but you already in my heart... I so wish to see you every
day, to feel you, to speak with you to inhale aroma of your body to
feel a heat of your strong hands... I so wish to kiss you... I think,
that you also have the same desires. Rafael, I - not the little girl
is more, and I wish to be about the strong, favourite, kind person...
I do not wish to be one more, I want to be happy... Rafael, I wish to
do you by the happiest person in the world! I think it is possible! I
definitely wish to be with you! I will look forward your letter. One
thousand gentle and passionate kisses.
P.S. Tomorrow I will call in travel agency and to learn all about my
travel to you. Also i will inform you all on it in the letters.
Your love Alena!!!!
Mail 14
From: Alena [[email protected]]
Sent: Wednesday, February 09, 2011 4:41 AM
To: rafael.jc
Subject: Our meeting
Hello my dear Rafael !
I am very happy to receive yours the letter it is always very pleasant
today for me. Thanks for your very pleasant the letter, for your
gentle words about me. I am very happy, that you are ready to do our
meeting actually. I very happy, that we can to conduct unforgettable
time together. My holiday will last 1 month. I can spend this time
together with you. I think, that it is big term and it will be to
study enough each other very much, very well. I am assured that it
There will be unforgettable time for both of us. The idea about our
meeting compels my heart to fight very strong and fast. It seems, that
is ready to jump off from my bodies. I am very grateful to destiny,
that I have found you, my love! Every day brings to me huge pleasure
when I see your letter! Rafael , your letters for me something more
than only the letter! When I clear up in the morning I think of you,
my sweet ! When we will be, together I will be the happiest woman on
the Earth ! I very much want to be with you, my sweet ! And for me the
most important person it - YOU!!! I already now I represent you
meeting me at the airport with colours. With my favourite tulips... It
- so bewitches my mood. Our time will arrive soon. And we will meet!!!
It is grandiose!!!!!! Today favourite, I called in travel agency and
had the telephone conversation with the agent who in the future will
be engaged in preparation necessary documents for me. We have agreed
that tomorrow I will come to it and we about all will agree. Still the
agent has told that the full information on you to develop my route is
necessary to it: I should know city in which you live. Your full
address is necessary for arrival you and registration of papers for
me. I need to know what international airport to be closer to you.
Tomorrow Rafael , I learn about trip costs to you and when all will be
ready for this purpose. During a breakfast, I will go to travel
agency. Such agencies have the full information concerning travel and
trips. I will write to you that I has learnt. I have written in last
letter to you about my "book". I hope, that you have estimated it.
Rafael , I really have serious intentions about our meeting. I very
much would like it that we have written our book together. I think of
you constantly. Even on distance I feel your presence is close to me.
Millions kisses for you, my fine Rafael !!!
Your love Alena!!!!!
Mail 15
From: Alena [[email protected]]
Sent: Friday, February 11, 2011 3:44 AM
To: rafael.jc
Subject: I'm sure in you
Hi my lovely Rafael .
Thank you for your very kind letter. I feel it's filled with kindness
and caress. I am so glad that you wish to meet me. I feel this meeting
will turn my life absolutly another side. Not only my... I think you
too will feel yourself like in another way. Already now I understand
that you and your letters is very deep in my heart! I am very happy
that you with me, even here I feel you! The idea on our meeting
supports me very much. Rafael , I still cannot believe that you have
appeared in my life... I am very, very grateful to destiny that she
has presented you to me!!! You much mean for me. I am glad that soon
we shall be together!!! Today I was in travel agency to learn about a
trip to you and signed with them the contract. According to The
contract, the agency will prepare for me all documents for travel.
From my city there are no planes to you and consequently at first it
will be necessary for me To reach to Moscow, and therefrom already to
you. Trip to you is not very easy. Yes, I want it all my heart and
hope that we will find heart and soul of each other when we will meet.
But I was sad from cost of trip to you. I need some papers for trip.
Visa to Colombia with medical insurance, documents for visa,
international passport and tickets. I found out cost of it and I am
sad very much and I do not know what do. Because visa with insurance
and documents for it will cost 210 $. I had 800 $ for documents. And
today I gave money for documents, but I have no money for tickets. In
travel agency I was told that tickets for airportBarranquilla,
Colombia (BAQ) will cost approximately 1520 $.Now me does not suffice
on ticket purchase 900 $ . I want to come to you and to have my
happiness and love - you. But I can not because of the money. In
travel agency I was told that I can get all necessary documents in one
week. But my sweet Rafael , I do not know about money. May be it is
wrong but, but may be you will be able to help me with cost of trip.
Lovely Rafael , please tell me can I hope for you, can you help me
with it. I want to come to you as soon as possible. I miss you very
much and I am sure that now my love, my happiness is close to me as
never before. You are close to me and you are in my heart, I dream
about us and live with hope that we will be together soon. Kiss you
million times, my sweet Rafael .
Forever yours Alena!!!!
Mail 16
Subject: love
Alena [[email protected]]
Sent: Monday, February 14, 2011 6:07 AM
To: rafael.jc
Hello my love Rafael .
Yes, yes, yes, yes, I so was happy at readings your sweet and
beautiful letter, that it is very difficult for me to transfer all
pleasure through a computer. I am very happy, that you can send me the
remittance for my arrival you as soon as I shall receive your
remittance I shall pay at once all and as soon as at me all will be
ready I at once shall inform to you the information on my arrival you
that you without problems could meet me. I'll find out how you can
send me money, my love!! I will inform you immediately. I very much
hope for you and on your help as now all depends on you. My love and
my happiness, only with you I shall be happy, only you can present me
the sea of caress and heat. I couldn't think of a better way to spend
days then with you honey. Oh honey a love tear in my eye so inlove
with you am and to think us together and sharing a real pure love from
our heart and in a great time of the year to have such joy and love
and with you be a memory of long life to treasure of its beauty in us
. Oh honey your name upon my lips and you in my heart my soul is on
heat for you to be with you . Ever sence we first written I fell for
you and like you so very much and how I have falling in love with you
. you are my true pure real love be no other but you my love for ever
and more just you have the key to my heart its yours my love. We don't
need to wait or see or feel something we allready have lots more our
feelings are more then true our love for one other is as deep as the
deep blue sky and as perfect as the sea and shore goes together . I
have such great faith in us and sure hopes of our love you are so
beautiful i love you so very much honey. Love it is joy and such
happyness I just simply adore you . I have things to do and I will
write you an other real soon and I can't wait to hear from you my
beautiful husband my love my Rafael . sending throw the universe to
your lips. I love you honey you are the best of my love.
Yours truely love Alena !!!!
Well. I haven´t answered to this yet.
Thanks for your help. Allow me to identify if she´s real or a potential scam.