Has someone offered you a huge sum of money or a valuable consignment? It's a 419 or advance fee fraud - find out how they work, and what to do to be safe.
by chrisB Sat Nov 08, 2008 12:04 pm
I think I read somewhere on this webpage that the +447..... numbers are not from the Uk but Nigeria - is that correct? I can't find the article and I am getting calls from that kind of number but don't want to answer until I have made sure. I got a few emails telling me that I have won a lot of money through 'random email address search' and unfortuneately I gave them my phone no, name, address and date of birth. I since realised that it was a scam and have not answered any more of their emails. Should I get rid of that email address?


by John DeLaney Sat Nov 08, 2008 2:48 pm
Hi Chrisb, 4470 is a redirected number, they could be anywhere, not necessarily in Nigeria. It is used by a lot of scammers.

As for your email account, if you really need it, filter all the spam and scam letters to your junk or spam , do not open any more, eventually the scams will slow and die out, to a trickle. Having answered a few, your email address will be getting passed around unfortunately.

You can't do much now they have your phone number/address etc, if you find the phone calls getting too much, if it is a land line, Eircom may be able to block calls from the 4470 numbers for you, or if you just stop answering, they will eventually give up.

If you want to go further, and join in our sister site at 419eater, you will need a new set of email addresses with no real life details.

John DeLaney

by Arnold Sat Nov 08, 2008 2:51 pm
It's a UK number, but one that allows incoming calls to be directed anywhere in the world. There's no way of telling where the scammer is.

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