by Macproconfused
Tue Mar 01, 2011 9:19 pm
Glad this is here. I'm a little confused, and could use some help. I found a MacBook pro on craigslist that the seller wants to trade for two iPhone 4s. I can get him 1 brand new iPhone 4 (i'm upgrade eligible)and my old 3G iPhone plus 200.00. He agreed after a few days. Provided me with a serial number and pictures. I called AppleCare and his phone number is registered to the computer and there is indeed 122 days left on the warranty. He agreed to meet at an apple store to make the deal. Is this a scam? It seems odd that someone would trade a 800-900 computer for a couple of iPhones (I'll have about 400.00 invested with the cash and new iPhone). I've spoken to several people and they say the phones are worth more if he jailbreaks them and resells them. Easily exceeding the 800-900 going price of the MacBook pro. personally I could care less what he resells the phones for as long as I'm not going to be linked to some type of criminal activity and I won't receive a stolen computer. is this a scam or what? Apple said he can't "cloak" the preference page that shows the serial number to show a false serial number. That is what I was most worried about since the serial number is buried inside the computer and can't be found without taking the computer apart. I'm supposed to meet with him tomorrow morning. Any help is appreciated.