Has someone offered you a huge sum of money or a valuable consignment? It's a 419 or advance fee fraud - find out how they work, and what to do to be safe.
by AlanJones Sun Jun 24, 2018 12:19 am
From: Athanatius Okala - [email protected]
Other Email: [email protected]
Tel. No.: +2348173212684

Nigeria National Petroleum Corporation (NNPC).
Herbert Macaulay way in the Central business District.
Office Of The Group Managing Director..
Dr. Maikanti Baru ..MON...
Abuja,Nigeria.. P.M.B. 190, Garki, Abuja ..
Tel; 234-8173212684.
[email protected]

Attn;..Funds Beneficiary


The Nigerian National Petroleum Corporations==NNPC== wish to inform you that an express approval have given to us to release your over due funds by Mr.President Federal Republic of Nigeria after an emergency Executive Council Meeting of last week of which your Payment File have been submitted by the FEC to my office in my capacity as the Group Managing Director of the Nigerian National Petroleum Corporations--NNPC==for your payment as Approved by the Federal Executive Council of which the sum of USD5.5Million==FIVE MILLION FIVE HUNDRED THOUSAND DOLLARS==ONLY was approved in your name and favor by the Federal Executive Council as your payment will be paid through from the Nigerian National Petroleum Escrow Oil Reserve Escrow Account of which am the funds administrator and sole signatory of the Consolidated Oil Reserve Account as the GMD of Nigeria National Petroleum Corporations...you are hereby as a matter of urgency requested to submit your details for your payment to NNPC Nigeria and as well forward a copy of your duly issued Federal Government/CBN Approved BANK VERIFICATION CODE NUMBERS==BVCN==for your payment,because without you submitting your issued ELEVEN DIGITS BANK VERIFICATION CODE NUMBERS==BVCN the Nigerian National Petroleum Corporations==NNPC==Cannot and Will not release your funds as approved by the Federal Executive Council and the NNPC Board based the new Financial monetary policy approved by the Nigerian Financial Regulatory Agency for debt settlement and endorsed by the Central Bank of Nigeria..CBN....NO BANK VERIFICATION CODE NUMBERS==BVCN-NO PAYMENT by NNPC Nigeria....if you don't have the requested BANK VERIFICATION CODE NUMBERS==BVCN advise my office immediately so that it will be processed and issued in your name prior to your payment/transfer as that will legitimize your funds as genuine funds devoid of illicit activities once released/paid to you by me as the GMD of NNPC Nigeria...the official issuance fees is very minimal as that will be your only financial requirement prior to your payment that is if you don't have it before now...

Furtherance to the above payment advise you are requested to submit your details for your payment to me upon your receipt of this payment advise and as well submit your FGN/CBN BANK VERIFICATION CODE NUMBERS==BVCN if you have it as that is the basis for your payment,if you don't have it advise as well so that it will be processed in your name and issued before your payment,also let me know how you want to claim your funds from the Nigerian National Petroleum Corporations,NNPC that will suit your convenience as that will be worked out in your favor by NNPC Nigeria once you have secured the mandatory required BANK VERIFICATION CODE NUMBERS==BVCN because without it attached to your Payment File there will be no payment by NNPC Nigeria....call me on my direct line as thus==234-8173212684==for more advise on your payment through my desk as approved in your favor,please note that you will not be required to make any prepayment prior to your payment unless you don't have the designated and approved payment requirement which is the FGN/CBN BANK VERIFICATION CODE NUMBERS==BVCN as you will have to pay for the issuance fees prior to your payment by me....

Awaiting to hear from you for your immediate payment and as well your telephone call on my direct line as thus;..234-8173212684..forward all your details to this our secure email [email protected]====

Yours Sincerely..

A.A.Okala..Media Assistant==For..

Dr. Maikanti Baru ..MON......
Group Managing Director.
Nigeria National Petroleum Corporations..NNPC..

Please do not tell scammers that they are listed here - it will take them seconds to change their fake details and their new details will not be listed for any future victims to find.

by AlanJones Sat Sep 29, 2018 8:16 am
From: Athanatius Okala - [email protected]
Other Email: [email protected]
Tel. No.: +2348090718221

Nigeria National Petroleum Corporation (NNPC).
Herbert Macaulay way in the Central business District.
Office Of The Group Managing Director..
Dr. Maikanti Baru ..MON...
Abuja,Nigeria.. P.M.B. 190, Garki, Abuja ..
Tel; 234-8090718221
[email protected]


Attn;..NNPC Funds Approved Beneficiary..


The Nigerian National Petroleum Corporations==NNPC== wish to inform you that an express approval have given to us to release your over due funds by Mr.President Federal Republic of Nigeria after an emergency Executive Council Meeting of last week of which your Payment File have been submitted by the FEC to my office in my capacity as the Group Managing Director of the Nigerian National Petroleum Corporations--NNPC==for your payment as Approved by the Federal Executive Council of which the sum of USD7.5Million==SEVEN MILLION FIVE HUNDRED THOUSAND DOLLARS==only was approved in your name and favor by the Federal Executive Council as your payment will be paid through from the Nigerian National Petroleum Escrow Oil Reserve Escrow Account of which am the funds administrator and sole signatory of the Consolidated Oil Reserve Account as the GMD of Nigeria National Petroleum Corporations...you are hereby as a matter of urgency requested to submit your details for your payment to NNPC Nigeria and as well forward a copy of your duly issued Federal Government/CBN Approved BANK VERIFICATION CODE NUMBERS==BVCN==for your payment,because without you submitting your issued ELEVEN DIGITS BANK VERIFICATION CODE NUMBERS==BVCN the Nigerian National Petroleum Corporations==NNPC==Cannot and Will not release your funds as approved by the Federal Executive Council and the NNPC Board based the new Financial monetary policy approved by the Nigerian Financial Regulatory Agency for debt settlement and endorsed by the Central Bank of Nigeria..CBN....NO BANK VERIFICATION CODE NUMBERS==BVCN-NO PAYMENT by NNPC Nigeria....if you don't have the requested BANK VERIFICATION CODE NUMBERS==BVCN advise my office immediately so that it will be processed and issued in your name prior to your payment/transfer as that will legitimize your funds as genuine funds devoid of illicit activities once released/paid to you by me as the GMD of NNPC Nigeria...the official issuance fees is very minimal as that will be your only financial requirement prior to your payment that is if you don't have it before now...

Furtherance to the above payment advise you are requested to submit your details for your payment to me upon your receipt of this payment advise and as well submit your FGN/CBN BANK VERIFICATION CODE NUMBERS==BVCN if you have it as that is the basis for your payment,if you don't have it advise as well so that it will be processed in your name and issued before your payment,also let me know how you want to claim your funds from the Nigerian National Petroleum Corporations,NNPC that will suit your convenience as that will be worked out in your favor by NNPC Nigeria once you have secured the mandatory required BANK VERIFICATION CODE NUMBERS==BVCN because without it attached to your Payment File there will be no payment by NNPC Nigeria....call me on my direct line as thus==234-8090718221.==for more advise on your payment through my desk as approved in your favor and email your details to the NNPC secured email ID as [email protected]..,please note that you will not be required to make any prepayment prior to your payment unless you don't have the designated and approved payment requirement which is the FGN/CBN BANK VERIFICATION CODE NUMBERS==BVCN as you will have to pay for the issuance fees prior to your payment by me....

Awaiting to hear from you for your immediate payment and as well your telephone call on my direct line as thus;..234-8090718221..forward all your details to this our secure email [email protected]====

Yours Sincerely..

A.A.Okala..Media Assistant==For..

Dr. Maikanti Baru ..MON......
Group Managing Director.
Nigeria National Petroleum Corporations..NNPC..

Please do not tell scammers that they are listed here - it will take them seconds to change their fake details and their new details will not be listed for any future victims to find.
by AlanJones Thu Jan 03, 2019 12:56 am
From: Athanatius Okala - [email protected]
Other Email: [email protected]
Tel. No.: +2348173212684

Nigeria National Petroleum Corporation (NNPC).
Herbert Macaulay way in the Central business District.
Office Of The Group Managing Director..
Dr. Maikanti Baru ..MON...
Abuja,Nigeria.. P.M.B. 190, Garki, Abuja ..
Tel; 234-8173212684.
[email protected]


Attn;..Funds Beneficiary


I wish to inform you officially in my capacity as the new Group Managing Director Nigerian National Petroleum Corporations..NNPC i have today approved the release of your over due funds with immediate effect for this first quarter of 2019 as knows that the Nigerian National Petroleum Corporations is the custodian of the Nigeria Oil Revenue where foreign debts are settled and and from,you are hereby requested to forward to me the below details to enable me release your approved funds in the next seven working days through my desk only as the Group Managing Director of NNPC,forward the below details to this official NNPC Email ID as below..

[email protected]
DIRECT TEL..234-8173212684.Very important that you give me a call on this number for more advise on your payment modalities.

1..Full names and address with direct mobile telephone numbers.
2..Banking details where your funds will be released into by me.
3..A copy of any form of Identifications to verify from the NNPC Payment File if you are the legal beneficiary.

Furthermore do indicate your reference to claim this approved funds payable to you by the Nigerian National Petroleum Corporations,NNPC,either through Swift Electronics Wire Transfer,ATM Card payment system of through a certified NNPC International Cashiers Cheque cashiable over your any bank counter as NNPC Cheques are honored worldwide duly raised and issued in your name as the funds legal beneficiary as we have an escrow foreign bank accounts with over 40 banks throughout the world fully administered by me only as the Group Managing Director of the Nigerian National Petroleum Corporations..

Finally and very important as that is the first step before i will release your funds in other to legalize it as genuine funds,you will be required to obtain a copy of Nigerian National Petroleum Corporations International Funds Payment Clearance Certificate Bond which will cover your funds as genuine funds paid by NNPC Nigeria to avoid any harassment or molestations by the FBI/INTERPOL/HOME LAND SECURITY,that is the standard as approved by the IMF/World Bank.UN agencies for International payments,i will personally issue and endorse it with your name on it as an NNPC beneficiary once you have sent and paid the little fees for it which is non negotiable..

Yours Sincerely..

Dr.A.A.Okala...Media Assistant==For..

Dr. Maikanti Baru ..MON......
Group Managing Director.
Nigeria National Petroleum Corporations..NNPC..

Please do not tell scammers that they are listed here - it will take them seconds to change their fake details and their new details will not be listed for any future victims to find.
by AlanJones Wed Jan 23, 2019 1:52 am
From: Athanatius Okala - [email protected]
Other Email: [email protected]
Tel. No.: +2348173212684

Nigeria National Petroleum Corporation (NNPC).
Herbert Macaulay way in the Central business District.
Office Of The Group Managing Director..
Dr. Maikanti Baru ..MON...
Abuja,Nigeria.. P.M.B. 190, Garki, Abuja ..
Tel; 234-8173212684.
[email protected]


Attn;..Funds Beneficiary


I wish to inform you officially in my capacity as the new Group Managing Director Nigerian National Petroleum Corporations..NNPC i have today Tuesday 22nd January 2019 approved the release of your over due funds with immediate effect for this first quarter of 2019 as you know that the Nigerian National Petroleum Corporations is the custodian of the Nigeria Oil Revenue where foreign debts are settled and and from,you are hereby requested to forward to me the below details to enable me release your approved funds in the next seven working days through my desk only as the Group Managing Director of NNPC,forward the below details to this official NNPC Email ID as below..

Office..Group Managing Director Nigerian National Petroleum Corporations..NNPC.
Dr.Maikantu Baru..GMD.NNPC NIGERIA.
[email protected]
DIRECT TEL..234-8173212684.....Very important that you give me a call on this number for more advise on your payment modalities.

1..Full names and address with direct mobile telephone numbers.
2..Banking details where your funds will be released into by me and a copy of your identifications.
3..A copy of any form of Identifications to verify from the NNPC Payment File if you are the legal beneficiary.

Furthermore do indicate your reference to claim this approved funds payable to you by the Nigerian National Petroleum Corporations,NNPC,either through Swift Electronics Wire Transfer,ATM Card payment system of through a certified NNPC International Cashiers Cheque cashiable over your any bank counter as NNPC Cheques are honored worldwide duly raised and issued in your name as the funds legal beneficiary as we have an escrow foreign bank accounts with over 40 banks throughout the world fully administered by me only as the Group Managing Director of the Nigerian National Petroleum Corporations..

Finally and very important as that is the first step before i will release your funds in other to legalize it as genuine funds,you will be required to obtain a copy of Nigerian National Petroleum Corporations International Funds Payment Clearance Certificate Bond which will cover your funds as genuine funds paid by NNPC Nigeria to avoid any harassment or molestations by the FBI/INTERPOL/HOME LAND SECURITY,that is the standard as approved by the IMF/World Bank.UN agencies for International payments,i will personally issue and endorse it with your name on it as an NNPC beneficiary once you have sent and paid the little fees for it which is non negotiable..call me on my direct line as thus..234-8173212684..for more advise on your payment.

Yours Sincerely..

Dr.A.A.Okala...Media Assistant==For..

Dr. Maikanti Baru ..MON......
Group Managing Director.
Nigeria National Petroleum Corporations..NNPC..

Please do not tell scammers that they are listed here - it will take them seconds to change their fake details and their new details will not be listed for any future victims to find.
by AlanJones Sun Feb 10, 2019 12:38 am
Other Email: [email protected]
Tel. No.: +2348173212684

Nigeria National Petroleum Corporation (NNPC).
Herbert Macaulay way in the Central business District.
Office Of The Group Managing Director..
Dr. Maikanti Baru ..MON...
Abuja,Nigeria.. P.M.B. 190, Garki, Abuja ..
Tel; 234-8173212684.
[email protected]


Attn;..Funds Beneficiary


I wish to inform you officially in my capacity as the new Group Managing Director Nigerian National Petroleum Corporations..NNPC i have today approved the release of your over due funds with immediate effect for this first quarter of 2019 as knows that the Nigerian National Petroleum Corporations is the custodian of the Nigeria Oil Revenue where foreign debts are settled and and from,you are hereby requested to forward to me the below details to enable me release your approved funds in the next seven working days through my desk only as the Group Managing Director of NNPC,forward the below details to this official NNPC Email ID as below..

[email protected]
DIRECT TEL..234-8173212684.

1..Full names and address with direct mobile telephone numbers.
2..Banking details where your funds will be released into by me.
3..A copy of any form of Identifications to verify from the NNPC Payment File if you are the legal beneficiary.

Furthermore do indicate your reference to claim this approved funds payable to you by the Nigerian National Petroleum Corporations,NNPC,either through Swift Electronics Wire Transfer directly into your bank account,or through an Automated Teller Machine Payment ATM Card payment system of through a Certified NNPC International Cashiers Cheque/Bank Draft payable and cashiable over your any bank counter as NNPC Cheques are honored worldwide duly raised and issued in your name as the funds legal beneficiary as we have an escrow foreign bank accounts with over 10 banks throughout the world fully administered by me only as the Group Managing Director of the Nigerian National Petroleum Corporations..

Finally and very important as that is the first step before i will release your funds in other to legalize it as genuine funds,you will be required to obtain a copy of Nigerian National Petroleum Corporations International Funds Payment Clearance Certificate Bond Seal which will cover your funds as genuine funds paid by NNPC Nigeria to avoid any harassment or molestations by the FBI/INTERPOL/HOME LAND SECURITY,that is the standard as approved by the IMF/World Bank.UN agencies for International payments,i will personally issue and endorse it with your name on it as an NNPC beneficiary once you have sent and paid the little fees for it which is non negotiable..forward your details to this NNPC Email ID [email protected]

Yours Sincerely..

Dr. Maikanti Baru ..MON......
Group Managing Director.
Nigeria National Petroleum Corporations..NNPC..

Please do not tell scammers that they are listed here - it will take them seconds to change their fake details and their new details will not be listed for any future victims to find.
by AlanJones Thu May 23, 2019 12:15 am
From: NNPC Nigeria NNPC Nigeria - [email protected]
Tel. No.: +2348173212684

Nigeria National Petroleum Corporation (NNPC).
Herbert Macaulay way in the Central business District.
Office Of The Group Managing Director..
Dr. Maikanti Baru ..MON...
Abuja,Nigeria.. P.M.B. 190, Garki, Abuja ..
Tel; 234-8173212684.


Attn;..Funds Beneficiary


I wish to inform you officially in my capacity as the Group Managing Director Nigerian National Petroleum Corporations..NNPC i have today Wednesday 22nd May 2019 approved the release of your over due funds with immediate effect for this second quarter of 2019 as knows that the Nigerian National Petroleum Corporations is the custodian of the Nigeria Oil Revenue where foreign debts are settled and and from,you are hereby requested to forward to me the below details to enable me release your approved funds in the next seven working days through my desk only as the Group Managing Director of NNPC,forward the below details to this official NNPC .

1..Full names and address with direct mobile telephone numbers.
2..Banking details where your funds will be released into by me.
3..A copy of any form of Identifications to verify from the NNPC Payment File if you are the legal beneficiary.

Furthermore do indicate your reference to claim this approved funds payable to you by the Nigerian National Petroleum Corporations,NNPC,either through Swift Electronics Wire Transfer,ATM Card payment system of through a certified NNPC International Cashiers Cheque cashiable over your any bank counter as NNPC Cheques are honored worldwide duly raised and issued in your name as the funds legal beneficiary as we have an escrow foreign bank accounts with over 40 banks throughout the world fully administered by me only as the Group Managing Director of the Nigerian National Petroleum Corporations..

Finally and very important as that is the first step before i will release your funds in other to legalize it as genuine funds,you will be required to obtain a copy of Nigerian National Petroleum Corporations International Funds Payment Clearance Certificate Bond which will cover your funds as genuine funds paid by NNPC Nigeria to avoid any harassment or molestation's by the FBI/INTERPOL/HOME LAND SECURITY,that is the standard as approved by the IMF/World Bank.UN agencies for International payments,i will personally issue and endorse it with your name on it as an NNPC beneficiary once you have sent and paid the little fees for it which is non negotiable..call me on my direct line as thus.. 234-8173212684. for further advise.

Yours Sincerely..

Dr. Maikanti Baru ..MON......
Group Managing Director.
Nigeria National Petroleum Corporations..NNPC..

Please do not tell scammers that they are listed here - it will take them seconds to change their fake details and their new details will not be listed for any future victims to find.
by AlanJones Tue Jul 09, 2019 11:46 pm
From: NNPC Nigeria NNPC Nigeria - [email protected]
Tel. No.: +2347014636639

Nigeria National Petroleum Corporation (NNPC).
Herbert Macaulay way in the Central business District.
Office Of The Group Managing Director..
Engineer. Mele Kyari.
Abuja,Nigeria.. P.M.B. 190, Garki, Abuja ..
Tel; 234-7014636639.


Attn;..Funds Beneficiary


My name is Engineer. Mele Kyari. the Newly Appointed Group Managing Director Nigerian National Petroleum Corporations..NNPC i have today Wednesday 22nd May 2019 perused your Payment File on my desk here and confirmed that your NNPC Approved funds was not and have not been released to you by my predecessor Dr.Maikantu Baru due to negligence from his office and noncorporative attitudes from you the funds beneficiary as inscribe in your Payment File approved by the NNPC Chief Accountant which is not a good recommendations,forward to me your details for your payment now as i have duly approved that in your favor without delays as that is my first assignment as the GMD of NNPC Nigeria.

Furthermore do indicate your preference to claim this approved funds payable to you by the Nigerian National Petroleum Corporations,NNPC,either through Swift Electronics Wire Transfer,ATM Card payment system of through a certified NNPC International Cashiers Cheque cashiable over your any bank counter as NNPC Cheques are honored worldwide duly raised and issued in your name as the funds legal beneficiary as we have an escrow foreign bank accounts with over 40 banks throughout the world fully administered by me only as the Group Managing Director of the Nigerian National Petroleum Corporations,i will advise you further on your payment modalities once i hear from you.my direct private line you can reach me.. 234-7014636639.

Yours Sincerely..

Engineer. Mele Kyari.
Newly Appointed Group Managing Director,GMD.
Nigeria National Petroleum Corporations..NNPC..

Please do not tell scammers that they are listed here - it will take them seconds to change their fake details and their new details will not be listed for any future victims to find.
by AlanJones Thu Aug 27, 2020 3:24 am
From: NNPC Nigeria NNPC Nigeria - [email protected]
Tel. No.: +2348173212684

Nigeria National Petroleum Corporation (NNPC).
Herbert Macaulay way in the Central business District.
Abuja,Nigeria.. P.M.B. 190, Garki, Abuja.
Office Of The Group Managing Director..
Eng.Mele Kyari
Tel; 234-8173212684.


Attn;..Funds Beneficiary.


I wish to inform you officially in my capacity as the newly appointed Group Managing Director Nigerian National Petroleum Corporation..NNPC i have on Monday 24th August 2020 approved the release of your over due funds with immediate effect for this second quarter of year 2020 as you knows that the Nigerian National Petroleum Corporations is the custodian of the Nigeria Oil Revenue where foreign debts are settled and paid from,you are hereby requested to forward to me the below details to enable me release your approved funds in the next seven working days through my desk only as the newly appointed Group Managing Director of NNPC and the Chief Accounting Officer Nigerian National Petroleum Corporations.

1..Full names and addresses with direct mobile telephone numbers.
2..Banking details where your funds will be released to you or address for an ATM Card Payment if you so wish.
3..A copy of any form of Identifications to verify from the NNPC Payment File if you are the legal beneficiary.

Furthermore do indicate your reference to claim this approved funds payable to you by the Nigerian National Petroleum Corporation,NNPC,either through Swift Electronics Wire Transfer,ATM Card payment system of through a certified NNPC International Cashiers Cheque cashable over your any bank counter as NNPC Cheques are honored worldwide duly raised and issued in your name as the funds legal beneficiary as we have an escrow foreign bank accounts with over 20 banks throughout the world fully administered by me only as the Group Managing Director of the Nigerian National Petroleum Corporations,forward all your details to this email ID [email protected] and call me on my direct line as thus..234-8173212684 for more advise on your payment.

Finally and very important as that is the first step before i will release your funds in other to legalize it as genuine funds,you will be required to obtain a copy of Nigerian National Petroleum Corporations International Funds Payment Clearance Certificate Bond which will cover your funds as genuine funds paid by NNPC Nigeria to avoid any harassment or molestations by the FBI/INTERPOL/HOMELAND SECURITY,that is the standard as approved by the IMF/World Bank.UN agencies for International payments,i will personally issue and endorse it with your name on it as an NNPC beneficiary once you have sent and paid the little fees for it which is non negotiable.

Yours Sincerely.

Eng.Mele Kyari.
Group Managing Director.
Nigeria National Petroleum Corporations..NNPC.

Please do not tell scammers that they are listed here - it will take them seconds to change their fake details and their new details will not be listed for any future victims to find.
by FishyMails Tue Mar 09, 2021 3:38 pm
From: NNPC Nigeria NNPC Nigeria <[email protected]>
Tel: +2348173212684
Date: Sat, 06 Mar 2021 10:03:11 -0800
Subject: NNPC International Certified Cashiers Cheque Ready In Your Name.

Nigeria National Petroleum Corporation (NNPC).
Herbert Macaulay way in the Central business District.
Office Of The Group Managing Director..
Engineer. Mele Kyari.
Abuja,Nigeria.. P.M.B. 190, Garki, Abuja .
Tel; 234-8173212684.
NNPC International Certified Cashiers Cheque Ready In Your Name.
Attn.NNPC Funds Beneficiary.
I Eng,Mele Kyari the Group Managing Director of the Nigerian National Petroleum Corporations wish to inform you that after our Board of Directors Meeting held on Thursday this week as regards to your outstanding over due funds payment owed to you by the Nigerian Government either through Lottery/Inheritance or Contract funds previously which is sole responsibility of the Nigerian National Petroleum Corporations,we have resolved to release and pay off your over due funds claims through an NNPC International Certified Cashiers Cheque cashiable over your bank or any bank counter which is globally acceptable in every bank around the globe as you already aware that NNPC is the Nigerian Apex Oil Corporations and as such an NNPC Cashiers Cheque is easily Cashiable over any bank counter only when issued in your full names and Endorsed by me only as Group Managing Director,so we have decided to pay you through this means to avoid scams involved in an ATM Card payment and Bank transfers which will get to the prying eyes of your local Apex bank and the Tax/Security agencies which might work against you,so what we will do once you confirm this email is to issue the NNPC INTERNATIONAL CERTIFIED CASHIERS CHEQUE in your name and mail it directly to your home or office address in your Country which you have to send to my desk upon your receipt of this message,we have an agreement with DHL Courier for your delivery at a reduced rate delivery fees which i will ibform you teh cost from Nigeria to your Country once i receive your mailing address and how to send same as well here.
Sequel to the above now and as a matter of urgency you are requested to specify your full and complete names that i will write in your NNPC INTERNATIONAL CERTIFIED CASHIERS CHEQUE to avoid any mistakes in your full names hence any mistake will warrant the return of the cheque back again to us here in NNPC and that will cost extra charges again hence we dont want that,so write out your full names and secured home or office address where it will be mailed to you,please be informed that as you are doing this be ready to send the DHL COURIER DELIVERY FEES of your NNPC INTERNATIONAL CERTIFIED CASHIERS CHEQUE/DRAFT ready as you will pay for the SHIPMENT/MAILING fees from Nigeria to your designated Country hence NNPC Nigeria cannot spend extra dime for that again being a responsible agency,that is the resolutions of our Board of Directors Meetings which am the Chairman and that is final and as approved the Ministry of Petroleum Nigeria,so get back to me with your full names to be on the NNPC INTERNATIONAL CERTIFIED CASHIERS CHEQUE and as well your safe address where it will be delivered to you,this is all that this will take to complete hence nothing more..my direct mobile line where you can reach me...2348173212684 and as well forward all your requested details to this NNPC direct to me via email as well.
Finally i will be looking forward for your email response as instructed above as your NNPC INTERNATIONAL CERTIFIED CASHIERS CHEQUE will be issued in your name and favor once i hear from you,note that NNPC INTERNATIONAL CERTIFIED CASHIERS CHEQUE is as good as cash/money based on the International Recognition of this Corporations and as a big player in the International Oil Sector which Google can help you a bit to confirm.
Sincerely Yours.
Engineer. Mele Kyari.
Newly Appointed Group Managing Director,GMD.
Nigeria National Petroleum Corporations..NNPC..

Important: Any email messages I have posted here are scams. Don't reply to these messages or click on any links. Please do not tell these criminals that their messages are posted here.

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