Has someone offered you a huge sum of money or a valuable consignment? It's a 419 or advance fee fraud - find out how they work, and what to do to be safe.
by jw905851 Mon Mar 07, 2011 11:45 pm

I also posted this person on the 'Stop Scammers' site (www.stop-scammers.com), but a registration is required to access it. If you get in there, do a 'database search', and search for 'Elizabeth' and 'Andam'. Following is excerpt from that Stop Scammers report.

Current EMail addresses I am aware of that she uses:

[email protected]
[email protected]
[email protected]


Elizabeth Andam has been running what is called an "advance fee fraud" scam shop at least since 2010.
She contacted me out of the blue on YIM, and the story was - she had been born in Ghana, educated in Australia, and then had to move back to Ghana with her father (the story was her mother - an Australian - died, and her father - a native Ghanaian - took her back to Ghana); it was said there were financial problems as part of going back to Ghana.

Elizabeth has worked in the past, using other first-name aliases; 'mercy', and 'sophia', that I am aware of. The 'Sophia' one is referenced in the URL (from 2010):


The story was that "Liz" was studying in Ghana to be a teacher, and, since she was graduated, she was wanting assistance to come work in Australia. The fly in the ointment was she wanted $$$ assistance to get a new passport (the old one was supposedly destroyed in a fire).

To try and put me at ease, she referred me to another contact (her "father"), who I also had some conversations with ([email protected]).

There were lots of other sob stories along the way, trying to chisel other money out of me for internet and groceries, too. That was all transparent, and I kept them on the hook, as long as possible so I could get the pictures and any other information that I could off her/them.

I also dropped a few coins to engage an investigative agency to check what little data I had gathered about "Liz" on the ground - which was progressed in Ghana, on the ground.

The data all turned out to be bogus, from the investigations. The passport image sent to me was a photoshopped fake.

The phone number (0233546485122) she gave me is a Ghanaian pre-paid phone, that doesn''t have to have an ID presented to purchase it.

There was also a mailing address was also bogus, as I sent mail to it, to test it out. This mail address was also used in 2010 with the "Russian" scam URL above. The address given to me was:

P.O. Box 12 Bethesda, Agona Swedru, Ghana, West Africa

I initially sent some money to keep "Liz" on the hook, and to see if I could find out anything else about her (while investigating her details). I received lots of pictures (some x-rated), and eventually the fake 'passport' image. I also received photos of her 'father' (David).

Eventually, I got to a point where there was nothing else I was likely to get. I had already checked, and 'Liz' was a mostly undocumented (and, from the URL above, mis-documented, at best) scammer, so I wanted to get as much information on her as possible, so others won't be fooled by this one.

James (Australia)

by Bubbles Tue Mar 08, 2011 2:49 am
Thank you for posting such comprehensive information jw905851. We are glad you are here.

Bubbles, former Scamwarners moderator.

Rest in Peace 24 June 2015.

Gone, but never forgotten.
by jw905851 Tue Mar 08, 2011 7:37 pm
Hello, Bubbles -

I like being here!

I knew of Stop Scammers and of this site for some time, but I didn't think I'd have an opportunity to make use of the facilities, so to speak! I work for a large software house as a systems programmer, so technical means I am comfortable with.

It did cost me a few dollars to keep 'Liz' on the hook long enough to get the opportunity to ask for the passport and other pictures, but the cost was really inconsequential. The reason I asked for the passport is that I have a mate that works with Dept. of Immigration in Australia, who has taught me to spot bad/forged passports. Ghana, I've learned recently, has been in the 'Top 5' nations that traffic in stolen passports.

I'm tempted to put all the pictures I received from 'Liz' up (link them from somewhere else, to here), but then the actual scammer probably isn't that girl in the pictures, anyway, so I'll resist putting up the more selacious / x-rated pics that she sent me. I just linked the more 'tame' Stop Scammers pictures of the 'girl next door' that this scammer originally sent to me. The girl the pics are of certainly wasn't shy in those other pics!

The devil is certainly in the details, Bubbles, and so I wanted to get as much detail up on this scammer as possible, early on.... mostly because I could not find a reference to this one anywhere, except being mis-tagged as a Russian Marriage scammer as I had linked in the original post.

I recognise that the reality is that this scammer will just probably trash the current phone, change pictures, get some new Yahoo IDs set up, join some more social contact sites with new names, and be off again to victimise someone else. The game continues!

It does take more trouble and more effort to do what's right, but I believe that virtue is its own reward.

For us, as one of the Founding Fathers of the 13 Colonies quipped, 'We must hang together - or, we shall surely hang separately.' This applies to those who would stand against scammers everywhere, too. United we stand!

Bye for now. Thank you for the encouraging words.

'The price of freedom is eternal vigilance.'
(...The Cold War motto of the US Air Force Security Service (USAFSS))
by Bubbles Tue Mar 08, 2011 11:43 pm
If you like to draw scammers out, you might like out sister site. What you are describing is called scam baiting and you can learn more about that craft there.

I encourage you to continue to post emails you get from scammers. It is one of our best defenses, to expose their scripts and the email addresses they use.

Bubbles, former Scamwarners moderator.

Rest in Peace 24 June 2015.

Gone, but never forgotten.

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