Has someone offered you a huge sum of money or a valuable consignment? It's a 419 or advance fee fraud - find out how they work, and what to do to be safe.
by Bankster Sat Mar 12, 2011 4:18 am
Another standard "please send me a small fee so we can both get rich" scam.

From: Rooney Cole <[email protected]>
Subject: RE

IP: - Nigeria


I am sorry if i am writting this message to you at the wrong time but it is due to the urgency of my connection to you. I am Engr. Rooney Cole, former Purchasing Manager in the Rolex Company in Europe. I am contacting you based that there is something that came up and i know that you would be very much unitrested because it is going to benefit the both of us. their is this product called ( OPAL ) it is a presious stone and it is used for designing the rolex watches and i normally buy them in large quantity from Libya, but since the war in libya started i have been purchasing them from a company in Nigeria called the Dricon Mining Company.

I usally buy this stones at a rate of $5000 per one and sell to the Rolex Company at $6500 per one. but the major problem now is that i have been changed from that position as the Purchasing manager and has replaced me with and italian man called Mr. Masarano. The Company has ordered that i give the Contact of the Company where i purchase the goods from to Mr. Masarano but i dont want to give it to him because, if he knows the true price of the material,i would loose my job and the large profits i make from the purchase. that is why i have contacted you, to present you as the Owner of the Company where i buy the goods. The Company needs at list 3000 piecese of these stones this next week and they would be paying upfront, i would like you to get back to me so that we can discuss more, then i shall give you the contact of the Nigerian Company where i normally buy the goods and tell them that you would be needing 3000 piecese of the OPAL STONE. then if the Company pays you the money upfront, you would now use the money to buy the goods from Nigeria. i would give the Rolex Company your contact as the Feild Manager of the Mining Company once i hear back from you.

Kindly get back to me soonest.

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