Has someone offered you a huge sum of money or a valuable consignment? It's a 419 or advance fee fraud - find out how they work, and what to do to be safe.
by ischabra Tue Mar 15, 2011 2:54 am
hi i recieved an email from nokia
see if this is scam letter too

==============================================================================================CONGRATULATIONS!!! YOUR EMAIL ID WAS AMONG THE LUCKY ID THAT WON PRIZE IN THE NOKIA AWARDTuesday, 15 March, 2011 4:34 AM
From: "NOKIA PROMOTION" <[email protected]>Add sender to Contacts
To: "nokiapromotion.14 " <[email protected]>


Ref No: 89930NKB2
Batch No: NA8645600CK91
Winning No: 0091988GSNKCK706
Bonus No:15

Dear Winner,

This is to inform you that Nokia is Celebrating (16 YEARS) Anniversary in the United Kingdom and a general award is currently conducted by draws. This is done annually to promote individuals not for NOKIA users alone and for all e-mail users worldwide. All participants were selected randomly from World Wide Web site through computer draws system and extracted from over 10,000,000 companies and personal e-mails. So your email is your online automatic ticket that qualified you for this draw, no tickets were sold. Our winning notification is sent via e-mails to all lucky e-mails winners and your e-mail address falls among the (20) lucky e-mails addresses for you to receive our winning notification e-mails as you have indicated.

Your e-mail address attached to Ref No: 89930NKB2, with Batch No: NA8645600CK91 drew the Winning No: 0091988GSNKCK706 Bonus No:15. won you Seven Hundred Thousand Great British Pounds (GBP700,000.00) Only. In ongoing NOKIA Celebrating (2011) Anniversary. You are to fill and submit the verification form below to Mr. Brown Morison for the release of your fund and within 48hrs you will receive an e-mail on how to proceed with your claims. Below is your contact agent (Mr. Brown Morison )address you have the option to visit his office and claim your place or fill the below form and send it to him through his Email address below.

Mr. Brown Morison
Nationwide bank plc London
Address: 329 Green Street
New-ham London E13 9AZ
Tell: +44 70100 37446, +44 70100 45978
Fax: 0044 70100 38771
[email protected]
WEBSITE: www.nationwide.co.uk
Kindly furnish Mr. Brown Morison with below information’s immediately.

Full name :--------------------------------------------------------------------------

Address : ---------------------------------------------------------------------------

Total Amount Won :--------------------------------------------------------------

Date of Birth :----------------------------------------------------------------------

Occupation :------------------------------------------------------------------------

Mobile Number :------------------------------------------------------------------

Citizenship :------------------------------------------------------------------------

Next Of Kin:-----------------------------------------------------------------------


Sex : ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------

Religion : --------------------------------------------------------------------------

Congratulations!!! once again

Prof. Dr. Henning Kagermann
Director Nokia Company London
PhD in Theoretical Physics
(Technical University of Brunswick).
Co-CEO and Chairman of the Executive Board of SAP AG 2008-2009.
CEO of SAP 2003-2008.
Co-chairman of the Executive Board of SAP 1998-2003

Note: Any unclaimed prize will be returned to the treasury of nokia company. You are advised to keep your winning details strictly to yourself and not share it with any individual or firm to avoid sophistication's of your prize

by Bankster Tue Mar 15, 2011 3:48 am
There are a lot of signs that this is a scam. I'll concentrate on those that you can easily check yourself:

  1. You can't win a lottery you haven't entered.
  2. Winners of a legit lottery are notified by letter, not by e-mail.
  3. Phone numbers starting with +4470... are so-called 'follow-me numbers'. It's not a real phone line but a redirect to another phone number anywhere in the world. These numbers are very popular with scammers who claim to be in the UK but in reality are somewhere else.
  4. rediffmail.com is a free webmail provider. No legit company the size of Nokia would use these. Real Nokia representatives have e-mail addresses ending in @nokia.com.
  5. Try googling for "Nokia Lottery" - all you get is talk about scams.
    And finally,
  6. You can't win a lottery you haven't entered. (It's okay to mention this twice.)

There are other signs that it's a scam - bogus postal address, grammar - , but the above points are very easy to check for yourself and catch 99.9% of all lottery scams.

There's more info here: An Introduction to Lottery Scams

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