Has someone offered you a huge sum of money or a valuable consignment? It's a 419 or advance fee fraud - find out how they work, and what to do to be safe.
by bev1965 Sun Mar 20, 2011 12:21 pm
Hi can you tell me if i am being scammed please, i have been chatting to tim and he says he loves me and wants me to buy him a phone for him to use to contact each other. he is in iraq. I have sent him photos and lots of emails, this is the e mail i got to be able to get him a phone. please can you tell me the truth if it is a scam as i have really fell for this man and before i get hurt i would like to no. thank you.

"[email protected]" <[email protected]>
View Contact
To: removed - dotti
Concerning Your Request To Communicate With Lt Tim Donnelly
Telecoms specializes in providing global satellite access services. Our core business is broadband access to the Internet in areas with poor telecommunications infrastructure and mobile satellite phones communication. The main medium of used transmission is a two-way satellite transfer system which we use to connect to your mobile phone provides which provides good access to the satellite network in even the least accessible areas. It not only provides a broadband connection but also a wide range of additional data and voice services.
Before end of 2007 year, the Telecoms solutions have been implemented for e.g. US Marine Corps (USMC), US Army Corps of Engineers, Australian Defense Force (ADF), Command of Polish Navy, Special Military Formation GROM, 1st Special Commando Regiment, Polish National Police, Polish National Headquarters of the State Fire Services, Border Guard (Poland), World Bank Group, Lockheed Martin Information Technology, Halliburton Energy Services, KBR, General Dynamics Information Technology, General Atomics Aeronautical Systems Inc., L-3 Communications Vertex Aerospace, US Naval Research Laboratory, ITT Corporation Aerospace / Communications Division, Technest Holdings / EOIR Technologies, North Eastern Aeronautical Company (Neany), EchoStorm Worldwide, Jorge Scientific Corporation, Erinys International, Aegis Iraq, American Heart of Poland and more others.

Our satellite products NSS6 satellite (LinkStar), Intelsat 10-02 (iDirect) and Inmarsat personal service (BGAN) are available in all US bases, including location of Kabul Airbase in Afghanistan. This broadband service offer two-way high-speed internet access with mobile phone lines, no cable, no dial-up modem. It's always online, available virtually anywhere, and affordable. Your computer or wireless / wired network can receive internet signal, through a special satellite VSAT modem which was usually set up in a building or tent when deployed. This type of Internet connection you can share with other soldiers from Kabul Airbase in Afghanistan. It is an ideal solution, Most soldiers deploy with a laptop in hand and a hookup to the Internet in their barracks.
This is especially important for the many who are married, and have young children. The Internet access has resulted in major morale improvements. Troops no longer feel cut off from home. Not all the Internet connectivity is just for staying in touch with the folks back home. The troops from Kabul Airbase in Afghanistan use the Internet a lot for professional tasks, and not all of them are official business. Some troops blog, and many other stay in touch with families, friends and associates in other parts of the world. The Internet has made possible many online communities composed of military professionals.
We deliver satellite equipment to most of all military locations in Afghanistan, Iraq and the Middle East within 3-4 days.
Telecoms satellite communication system give you the ability to stay connected in Europe, the Middle East, Africa, Asia and Australia.....
Telecoms service provider is service provider rendered to families and friends that wants to communicate with their families and friends in the military in Iraq and Afghanistan.this service is offered to people who wants to communicate with their military men through the use of phones
which allows to call and send Sms to them in their respective units in the military .

these are price list of two-ways phone connectivity are link are as listed as below

*1025 k bps 1.1=410USD limited text message
*2048 k bps 1.1=580USD limited text message
*3059 k bps 1.1=650USD limited text message
*4089 k bps 1.1=780USD unlimited text

With reference to the request. To connect with one of our military men in Iraq through the Telecoms .
You are to make a payment Paid through Western union money transfer store
The details will be send to you after replying this mail

All payment should be remitted via Western union money transfer store and the payment reference #order number should be Emailed to us as soon as possible to hasten confirmation.
Get back to us as soon as possible.You can pay to our agent below...


Note:Telecoms payments are to be made within 48 hours of request for early ref-ferment to the United States Of America's head-quarter,payment is refundable as your military man receive your first three calls and get sms from you.

Colonel Pamela Jones
Telecoms General Secretary

by Arnold Sun Mar 20, 2011 12:34 pm
Sorry but is is definitely a scam. The concept of soldiers needing a special phone for personal calls exists only in the minds of scammers along with leave having to be paid for. There's more about this particular scam here at viewtopic.php?f=7&t=6529

by Dotti Sun Mar 20, 2011 12:56 pm
As Arnold said, there is no doubt this is a scam.
-The email does not come from a legitimate telecom company.
-A real soldier would not need an expensive satellite phone to be able to call you--the US military makes sure that soldiers can connect with their loved ones.
-The name "Colonel Pamela Jones" has come up many times before. You will see this name associated with other scams listed here at scamwarners. There is a group of scammers who use the fake Colonel Pamela Jones with all of their military phone scams, though their email addresses change all the time as they are closed down for fraud.
There are other things too, but I will stop here for now as it is already 100% certain this is a scam.

What this means is that the man you are talking to is not real. The letters are being sent to you by an African scammer, not by an American soldier.

The best thing you can do is cut off all contact with this scammer immediately. Do not answer his emails, or better yet, filter them to trash. If he calls you, don't answer or hang up. Block him from your messenger accounts. He will likely continue to proclaim his innocence and declare his love for you--these are all lies intended to get you to keep in contact with him so that he can get money from you later.

It is often tempting to confront him with the truth to try to get him to admit to being a scammer, and make him feel bad for how much he has hurt you. It is best not to do this. These scammers are incapable of empathy, and all they do is tell more lies. Even if they "confess" they tell more lies. He may act romantic, caring, and sympathetic, but the truth is, to him, you are nothing more than a foolish woman who is simply a way for him to get money he hasn't worked to earn. (This is not true--but this is how scammers really see their victims.) He doesn't care if you lose your house and your family, as long as he gets his money. If you confront him with the things that prove he is a scammer, then you are likely teaching him how to improve his scamming for the next victim.

Need to post photos? http://scamwarners.com/forum/viewtopic.php?f=28&t=3219
Are you a victim of a romance scam? Read here for advice and FAQ's.
by bev1965 Sun Mar 20, 2011 1:03 pm
Thank you for this as i nearly did send some money, ive sent him pictures and everything, i feel such a fool. I believed in everything he said to me.

Thank you for help

is name is lt tim donnelly
by Dotti Sun Mar 20, 2011 1:10 pm
Can you post his email address, and if you still have them, some of the early emails he sent you?

Scammers are quite lazy, and they frequently use scripts (a series of prewritten emails) over and over again, even after they change names. Posting them can help the next victim to quickly identify a scammer.

Need to post photos? http://scamwarners.com/forum/viewtopic.php?f=28&t=3219
Are you a victim of a romance scam? Read here for advice and FAQ's.
by bev1965 Sun Mar 20, 2011 1:25 pm
Donnelly Tim <[email protected]>;

Donnelly Tim <[email protected]>
View Contact
To: <snipped@yahoo.com>
My love, my heart, my soul is my gift to you
Your smile, your love is the only reward I would want

Precious, like a gem made by angels to shine forever
Releasing the passion inside me that burns for you
Intertwining our destinies, so that we two soul mates
Now and forever, can live out our hopes and dreams
Creating our own bond of life, to overcome the challenges
Explore the mysteries, and to enjoy life as it should be
Sharing the peace and love, that everyone looks for
So in the end I want nothing, because I have everything I need

[email protected]

http://photos-d.ak.fbcdn.net/hphotos-ak ... 5056_s.jpg

hopefully this is his picture, if it is he is the one in uniform
Last edited by Michael on Sun Mar 20, 2011 3:47 pm, edited 1 time in total. Reason: Removal personal data

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