Has someone offered you a huge sum of money or a valuable consignment? It's a 419 or advance fee fraud - find out how they work, and what to do to be safe.
by Peanut Mon Nov 24, 2008 1:40 pm
A new format by Barrister Philip William Jnr.

E-mail: Mr. Philip William <[email protected]>

More info can be found on this scammer here:

A classic example of the Nigerian 419 Scam:

Manager of Audit & Acct.Dept.
Phone : 00229 97727889.

Dear Friend.

Greeting, and how are you doing?I hope fine.Please let this my message do not be a surprise to you because I got your informations and lay trust in you before i contacted you.I am the Director incharge OF AUDIT & ACCOUNTANCY DEPARTMENT of our bank and i decided to contact you over this financial transaction worth the sum of Nine million Six hundred thounsand Dollars.($9,600,000.00).This is an abandoned fund that belongs to one of our foreign customers who died along with his completely family.
http://www.cnn.com/2003/WORLD/africa/12 ... index.html

I was very fortunate to came across the deceased file when I was arranging the old and abandoned customers files of 2003-2004 in other to submit to the bank managements accordingly for documentation purposes.It is clearly stated in our BANKING FOREIGN POLICY and signed lawfully that if such fund remains unclaimed by the NEXT OF KIN till the period of EIGHT(8) years starting from the date when the beneficiary died, the money will be transferred into the BANK TREASURY as an unclaimed fund.Besides,it is not authorized by the law guiding our bank for a citizen of Benin to make the claim of the fund.

So the request of you as a foreigner is necessary to apply for the claim and transfer of the fund smoothly into your reliable bank account as the NEXT OF KIN to the deceased.When the fund is transferred into your account,Thirty five PERCENT(35%) will be for you in an assistance and in provision of the bank account,%15 Is set aside for incured expences incured,while Fifty PERCENT (50%) will be for me.and my colleague.

If you are really sure of your intergerity, trustworthy and confidentiality, reply with your contact necessary for the transfer and call me as you so that I will let you know the steps to follow in order to finalize this transaction immediately.I will be waiting for your urgent reply.

My regards to you and your family,


Quoting a legitimate news story is an old trick. They seem to think if they can point to ANYTHING legitimate, it will somehow legitimize their story by proxy.

Obviously this makes little sense! The news story, also, as you can see is dated Friday, December 26, 2003. This fund has clearly been sitting around a while. Yet I'm sure they will start telling you that they money needs to be sent now now now! I love this part:

...if such fund remains unclaimed by the NEXT OF KIN till the period of EIGHT(8) years starting from the date when the beneficiary died

If that is true, it looks like you have till 2011 to finish all the processes needed to get the money. Do yourself a favor and bring the letter to the police for clarification on its legitimacy. I'm sure they will clear up any confusion you might have :wink:


by Peanut Mon Nov 24, 2008 1:48 pm

He's prepared for you German-speakers, too.

Seien Sie vorsichtig!

Attn Liebe,

Ich begrüßte Ihre Antwort auf meinen Vorschlag; mit Ihrer Antwort, die hoffentlich erwies sich meiner bescheidenen selbst Ihre Aufrichtigkeit von uns arbeiten zusammen in dieser Transaktion auf die erfolgreich Ende zu Ihren Gunsten.

Mein Name ist Mr.Philip William Jnr.living zusammen mit meinem geliebten Familie hier in Benin Republik mit der Bevölkerung über 7.3million. Hier ist meine direkte Telefonnummer: +229 97 985 239, die ist meine direkte Telefonnummer. Alter 44 Jahre: Beruf Bankkaufmann.

Mit viel Aufrichtigkeit der Zweck legen die Vertraulichkeit in diesem Geschäft Erfolg wird, unsere worden, dass der Vorschlag nicht um eine Spam-; als Banker Ich habe die benötigten Informationen, die es ermöglichen der ausländischen Überweisung Abteilung der Bank zur Genehmigung dieser Summe in Ihren Gunsten, wenn Sie in der Bank Anwendung der Anspruch.

Bevor wir fortfahren möchte ich Sie zu erkennen, dass Late-Konto Eigentümer hatte keine bestehende Verhältnis zu behaupten, sein Gleichgewicht (9,6 Millionen US-Dollar) aus der Bank, seit dem Niedergang von seinem Tod am 21. April 2001, alle Anstrengungen, um seine erweiterten relativen und Familienmitglieder über ihre Konsulat und Auswärtige Angelegenheiten, in der alle Ministerien vergeblich.

Am operativen Konto kann nicht mehr existieren mehr als sechs Jahre in den afrikanischen Banken, nach zwei Jahren geschlossen werden als unzustellbar Rechnung, wenn der Eigentümer oder ein Verwandter des Empfänger-Konto nicht zu behaupten, der Fonds links auf dem Konto.

Ich habe Ultimatum oder nur 21 (einundzwanzig) Tagen, um die Verstorbenen Erben haben oder das Konto geschlossen als unzustellbar Rechnung, eine andere Frage ist: --

Wenn dieses Konto geschlossen ist als unzustellbar Rechnung, was passiert mit dem Geld? Die Antwort, ist dieses, 70% der gesamten Summe geht in die Regierung Treasury-Konto an der Spitze der Regierung finanziert, während 30% dieser Fonds ist geteilt zwischen den Verwaltungsrat der Bank.

Mein Freund, Sie werden mir zustimmen, dass aus diesem Fonds zu verschwinden wie ein Wind ist sinnlos, wenn ich über alle erforderlichen Einrichtungen zu behaupten, dieses Fonds durch Ihre Hilfe.

Ich denke, dies ist der einfachen Mitteln zu sagen, dass diese Transaktion ist, für die es keine Gefahr, alles war gut geplant, dass kein Problem jetzt oder Jahre nach der Transaktion.

Angaben, die notwendig sind;
1 Firma Adresse
2. Ihr Alter
3. Du bist Beruf
4. Direkte Telefonnummer

Ich garantiere, dass diese wird unter legitim Vereinbarung, die Schutz vor einer Verletzung des Gesetzes, wie werde ich mit meinem Anwalt seine Position zu sichern und Zulassungen garantieren die erfolgreiche Ausführung dieser Transaktion. Sie erreichen mich mit diesem direkten Telefonnummer +229 97 985 239

Ich erwarte Ihre Antwort ASAP.

Mit besten Grüßen

Herr Philip William

And in English:

Attn.Dear ,

I welcomed your responds to my proposal; with your reply which hopefully proved to my humble self your sincerity of us working together in this transaction to the successfully end in your favour.

My name is Mr.Philip William Jnr.living together with my beloved family here in Benin republic with population of about 7.3million. Here is my direct telephone number: +229 97 985 239 which is my direct telephone number. Age 44 years: profession banker.

With much sincerity of purpose attach confidentiality in this transaction success will be ours been that the proposal is not spam ;as a Banker I'm having the needed information which will make it possible of the foreign remittance department of the bank approving this total sum in your favour when you send in bank application of claim .

Before we proceed I want you to realise that Late account owner had no existing relative to claim his balance (9.6 million United States dollars) from the bank, since the demise of his death on the 21st of April 2001, all effort to locate his extended relative and family members through their consulate and foreign affaires ministries where all in vain.

On operative account can no longer exist more than six years in African banks, after two years be closed as unclaimed bill if the owners or a relative of the account beneficiary fails to claim the fund left in the account.

I have received ultimatum or only 21(twenty one) working days to present the deceased heir or have the account closed as unclaimed bill, another question is: -

When this account is closed as unclaimed bill what happens to the money? The answer, is this, 70% of the total sum goes into government treasury account at the apex government Bank, while 30% of this fund is shared amongst the Governing Board of the Bank.

My Friend; You will agree with me that leaving this fund to disappear just like a wind is senseless when I have all the facilities required to claim this fund through your help.

I guess this is the simple means to say that, this transaction is attached with no single risk; every thing was well planed to avoid any hitch now or years after the transaction.

Information needed;
1 Company Address
2. Your Age
3. You're Profession
4. Direct telephone number

I guarantee that this will be executed under legitimate arrangement that will protect you from any breach of the law as I will use my position his attorney to secure approvals and guarantee the successful execution of this transaction. You can reach me with this direct telephone number +229 97 985 239

I await your reply ASAP.
Best regards
Mr Philip William

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