by David Jansen
Sat Mar 26, 2011 4:49 am
This scammer is not sure which type of scam he will run, but whatever it is, you'll be loosing money if you fall for this.
From: jamesbans <[email protected]>
Compliments of the season to you to you & family The company has been
paid. Send me your
Banking information for the money
to be sent into your account as soon as possible. The Company has been
paid So they are remitting my percentage to you through your account
as we have agreed .The Company called me asking for the information so
that they can effect transfer/ How do you want them the to write the
check? is it on your name or company name? Please you know that you
will pay for the taxes & handling fee. I count on you to see this
mutual transaction come through.
Advise soon. The credit card WILL BE RELOADED & THE MONEY YOU OWE
WILL BE PAID OFF you did well to have paid for all dues Kudos to
you.Can you received the Gold? I
will respond to your mail when am less busy
Hope to hear from you regards,
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