Has someone offered you a huge sum of money or a valuable consignment? It's a 419 or advance fee fraud - find out how they work, and what to do to be safe.
by mjbl02 Fri Dec 05, 2008 4:53 pm
From: MR. V H C CHENG.?
From: Graeme Smith ([email protected])
Medium risk You may not know this sender.Mark as safe|Mark as unsafe
Sent: December 5, 2008 2:46:39 PM

From: MR. V H C CHENG.
Email: (Reply to:[email protected])

Good Day
I am Mr. Vincent Cheng Hoi Chuen, GBS, JP Chairman of the Hong Kong and
Shanghai Banking Corporation Limited.
Our Client, Gen Zaiki Taha Abdel, a businessman and also who was with the
Iraqi forces, made a fixed deposit, of Twenty Four million Five Hundred
Thousand United State Dollars only in my branch, a number of notices was
sent to him, before the war which began in 2003 and also after the war
but, no response came from him. We later found out that the General along
with his wife and only daughter had been killed during the war in a bomb
blast that hit their home.

After more inquiry it was also discovered that the late Gen. did not
declare any next of kin in his official papers including the paper work of
his bank deposit. What bothers me most is according to the laws of my
country at the expiration of 6 years the funds will be revert to the
ownership of the Hong Kong Government if nobody comes for the funds,
Against this scenery, I have all the information needed to claim these
funds and I want you to act as the beneficiary of the deposit, there is no
risk involved in this matter, as we are going to adopt a legitimate method
and the attorney will prepare all the necessary documents.

All I require is your honest co-operation and I guarantee that this will
be executed under a legitimate arrangement that will protect you from any
breach of the law. Please accept my apologies, keep my confidence and
disregard this email if you do not appreciate this proposition I have
offered you.

All confirmable documents to back up the claims will be made available to
you prior to your acceptance and as soon as I receive your return mail Via
my email address ( [email protected]) and I will let you know
what is required of you.

Your earliest response to this letter will be appreciated.

Best Regards,
Mr. Vincent Cheng

by Ralph Mon Nov 16, 2009 6:51 am
This scam came to me from a Satelite provider from Isreal Satellite Provider* This is reasonably common for African scammers who use the satelite that services parts of Africa, Not China where the sender claims to be.

The email it was sent from is [email protected]

A search on the name used reveals many other scams where the scammers have assumed that name Click Here

Good day to you,I am Mr.Vincent Cheng Hoi Chuen,GBS,JP Chairman of the Hong
Kong & Shanghai Banking Corporation Limited. Sensitive
Proposition,confidential in Hong Kong. I urge your
partnership:[email protected],
Regards from, Mr.Vincent Cheng.

The second email in this script tries to show how legitimate the sender is by directing you to a website, the website is a genuine HSBC page, this is common for scammers to piggy back real companies to make their scams look more legitimate, she Microsoft scam is a classic example of this


Thank you for your response to my email and your willingness to partner me in this endeavor, considering the money involved, and due to the nature of this transaction, it is necessary for you to be sure of whom you are transacting with, you can visit our webpage here: (http://www.hsbc.com/1/2/about-hsbc/board-of-directors) in order for you to know more about me , I want to be sure that you are ready, to execute this transaction with me, What I expect from you is trust and commitment, I want this large sum of money transferred with your assistance and you should have nothing to worry about regarding legality AT ALL, because what may affects you? Shall also without fail gets back at me too, considering the paper work we are about to sign together but, I will appreciate you to follow my directives amicably as everything shall be done in accordance passing through all international banking laws, and as a banker I know that if we follow up this transaction diligently it would be completed within 9 working days.

I have attached to this mail, an agreement letter with the details of this transfer, ratio 60/40 which you are to fill and sign, then scan and send it as an attachment via E-mail to me, before the Attorney can go ahead with the preparation of the application for funds release and some other documents which you shall also sign, before he can officially tendered the application on our behalf, so that it will be look into and before the funds can be endorse for transfer.

Please if interested reach me on my private Email:[email protected].

I await your prompt reply on this.

Kind Regards
Mr. Vincent Cheng.
by Ralph Mon Nov 16, 2009 7:05 am
Further email after questioning the ratio

Dear Partner,

Thanks for your email that you sent to me it was well noted,i want to inform you that i Mr vincent Cheng have 60% and you have 40% in this transaction OK.

I have attached to this mail, an agreement letter with the details of this transfer, ratio 60/40 which you are to fill and sign, then scan and send it as an attachment via E-mail to me.
I await your prompt reply on this.

Kind Regards
Mr. Vincent Cheng
by Ralph Wed Nov 18, 2009 8:03 am
Scammers really dont care what the ratio is, you will not be getting anything anyway, the money does not exist so it makes no difference to them.

Here is his reply to a request for a 50/50 ratio

Dear Partner,

If you so wish that 50% would be fair for you, that's OK. What is required of you is your trust and your willingness to partner me in the endevour. I will advice you get back to me with the required signed document so that we may proceed.

Waiting to hear from you soon.

Kind Regards
Mr. Vincent Cheng.
by Ralph Thu Nov 19, 2009 6:15 am
After agreeing with the 50/50 ratio, the scammers see an opportunity to increase the fees.

Dear partner,

Thanks for you email. I am sending the document as per 50/50 ratio and i found out that if you so wish that 50/50 is the split, so we shall both be responsible for the cost of running all expenses pending the fact that no 5% would be deducted from the total funds for expenses. We shall both make provision for these expenses involved. I cannot share the same ratio with you and again be responsible for cost of logistic OK.

I await your signed document so that we may proceed with this trasaction.

Vincent Cheng.

Of course, none of this makes any difference, the money does not exist

The scammer quickly adjusts the form in line with the 50% share

by Ralph Fri Nov 27, 2009 6:33 am
Furtehr emails trying to convince his victim to move quickly to complete teh transaction, of course, he just wants to speed it up to get money from his victim sooner

Dear Partner,

Thanks for you email, but there is no way i can offer you such ratio. if you cannot accept the 50/50 ratio which i have agreed, then you have inform me so that i will look forward in searching for anither partner. Don't you understand that these agreement letter are from the Hong Kong authority and cost me money in drawing out both agreement through the lawyer?

Do get back to me with a positive response with regards to your willingness to partner me in this endevour.

I await your response.

Vincent cheng.

here we are getting closer to the truth, he is mentioning the fees that need to be paid now and insisting that you will share them, ofcourse, he will not be paying a cent, the person who you are meant to pay will insist he has paid his share but being from the same group of scammers it is of course untrue.

This is a common ploy used to encourage you to believe the scammer has invested his own money

Dear Partner,

Sorry i cannot do this transaction is such manner. I am offering you 50% so that we shall both take our part on expenses an our required obligation. Please do inform if realy you are ready to take on as my partner in this transaction as there is no time on our side.

Vincent Cheng.
by Ralph Fri Nov 27, 2009 6:36 am
This email might look familiar, he has changed email address to try again


Good day to you,I am Mr.Vincent Cheng Hoi Chuen, GBS, JP Chairman of the
Hong Kong and Shanghai Banking Corporation Limited. I have a sensitive,
confidential brief from Hong Kong
and I am asking for your partnership in re-profiling funds.What I require
from you is your honest co-operation and all confirmable documents to back
up this fund shall be made available to you. [email protected] .

Regards from,
Mr.Vincent Cheng

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