Has someone offered you a huge sum of money or a valuable consignment? It's a 419 or advance fee fraud - find out how they work, and what to do to be safe.
by IronGirl09 Thu Apr 07, 2011 2:48 pm
I have received the following e-mail, after corresponding with this person for a while. I was cheching this person out on the internet and wanted to know about the address he gave me and found out this site, with exact same text and address posted as a scam to other fine ladies. Please advise.

From: Patrick Jordy <[email protected]> View Contact


Hope you are doing pretty good.
I have sent the parcel containing a Gold ring, Gold necklace and HP Laptop with a Rose flower and the sum of 5,500 pounds sealed in the same pack to enable you settle some of your daily needs. I can imagine how hard you could be working just alone to make a better life. Please my love i wouldn't want you to fall in love with another man. Just accept this token from my heart. Please you will take money from the money i put inside the envelop and prepare my hotel reservation, because i hope to visit you in your country as soon as am back from my trip.
I sent it to your name and address you gave me.
From my inquiry the pack will arrive to its destination 2 to 3 days time.
Here is the company name and the track number that you will use and track the package so that you will know when it arrive in your country:
Company Name: Globy Courier Service
Website: http://www.globycs.com
Tracking Number: 7437775396
Go to the company website and tracking it through on-line tracking to know when the parcel will arrive to your country.
Let me know when you receive the pack. And please always take proper care of yourself for me. I can't wait to see you. I love you...Kiss

by GomerPyle Thu Apr 07, 2011 3:38 pm
Welcome to Scamwarners IronGirl09 and I regret to inform you that it's undoubtedly a scam.

There is no such company registered at UK Companies House, which is a legal requirement.

The website quotes a scammer's 44 70 redirect telephone number which looks like a genuine UK number but can be redirected anywhere in the world. There is no need for a genuine UK company to use it and it makes incoming callers pay a premium rate, which isn't good business practice.

The real organisation based that that address can be viewed here.


The registration details for the website are shown below.

Domain name: globycs.com

Registrant Contact:
Mr. Prince Emeka ()
4005 Jalan Angsa Mas 4
Taman Angsa Mas
Hang Tuah Jaya, Melaka 22000

Administrative Contact:

Mr. Prince Emeka ([email protected])
Fax: +1.5555555555
4005 Jalan Angsa Mas 4
Taman Angsa Mas
Hang Tuah Jaya, Melaka 22000

Technical Contact:
Mr. Prince Emeka ([email protected])
Fax: +1.5555555555
4005 Jalan Angsa Mas 4
Taman Angsa Mas
Hang Tuah Jaya, Melaka 22000

Status: Locked

Name Servers:

Creation date: 05 Apr 2011 09:52:00

Expiration date: 05 Apr 2012 04:52:00

Emeka is a Nigerian name and we are aware that many work from Malaysia whereas it's unlikely that a UK company would host their website there without there being a good reason.

Sending money hidden inside a laptop is also a pointless thing to do.

If you could paste the header of the mail you received (with your addie removed) it would be helpful in enabling us to have the website closed down as being a fake.

Non-EU citizens should go here to find out about obtaining a visa to work as an au pair in the UK
Whenever payment is requested by Western Union you're dealing with a scammer
by Dotti Thu Apr 07, 2011 3:50 pm
Welcome Irongirl!

As Gomer said, it is 100% scam. The writing tells me you are dealing with an African scammer, and I have seen this approach many times.

Ths scammer plans to approach you through the fake shipping company. You will be told that the parcel is held up somewhere, and that there are fees/bribes/taxes to be paid on the (nonexistent) parcel to release it.

Notice how he says he wants to visit you in "your country" instead of actually referencing where you are. That's because this is a particularly lazy scammer, using the exact same words on multiple victims, and he can't even be bothered to update for each individual victim.

Need to post photos? http://scamwarners.com/forum/viewtopic.php?f=28&t=3219
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