Has someone offered you a huge sum of money or a valuable consignment? It's a 419 or advance fee fraud - find out how they work, and what to do to be safe.
by dirose Thu Apr 14, 2011 9:20 am
I don't know if just co incidental but this email arrived in my inbox which was only ever used by the person who was a scammer. I think he passed my email details on.

From The Dask Of Mr Isa Bello.
Manager African Development Bank
54-56 Rue De Thomson,Ouagadougou.
Burkina faso.West Africa.
Tel:00226 78036241.


Greetings Friend,

I am Mr. Isa Bello of The African Development Bank, Burkina faso. West Africa, I write to seek your consent to carry out a transaction that would be highly beneficial to you and me. I know you may be wondering why I am contacting you for this despite all the friends and relations that I have but I decided to do this with an unknown person to avoid any form of blackmail in the future.

MR. MORRIS THOMPSON was an account holder with my bank. I have been his account officer for 11 years before his death. He died during the World Trade Centre bombing in September 11 2001.

Since his death, the management of my bank has made series of efforts to locate his family but all efforts were proved abortive. I also carried out series of research to find his family but it was confirmed that the mother who was the only surviving member of the family died at the hearing of the son’s death. He was already divorced before his death and due to this fact; no one was able to claim the fund he deposited in my bank legally because there was no will to it. He had a secret dollar account with my bank worth the sum of $10,500,000.00 (Ten Million,five Hundred Thousand United States Dollars) with an interest agreement of 6.7% which have been for the past 9 years.

My purpose of contacting you now is this:

My bank during the last executive board meeting resolved that if by the end of this year and there is no beneficiary to the said account, the account will be confiscated and the fund sent to the bank treasury and this is where I am interested in and wants you to come in:

I want you to come in as the Next of Kin/Beneficiary to this account. I have all the titled documents to back your claim and as a Manager of this branch, it is in my power to carry out any form of verification on the beneficiary of the said fund and process the fund wire without any problem. I want you to know that this is legal and 100% risk free as all the titled documents would be changed to your name and the fund wired to any bank account you wish to have it wired to.

Please note that I am willing to let you have 40% of the total sum while you give me 60% when the fund finally gets to your nominated bank account. Also note that I am willing to go extra mile to make this a success because if anything goes wrong, then I stand the risk of losing my job and even go to jail for trying to carry out such transaction. This is why I am contacting you so that we can put heads together and take care of this transaction within now and the next 14 working days.

Kindly get back to me immediately so that I advice you on how this would be carried out.

email address mrisabello2001@gmail.com


Mr.Isa Bello
African Develoment Bank (ADB)

by dirose Thu Apr 14, 2011 9:22 am
ReplyReply AllMove...InboxilianJasonmisc Flag this messageFROM THE DESK OF MR. ISA BELLOThursday, 14 April, 2011 8:26From Mr Isa Bello Thu Apr 14 07:26:59 2011
X-Apparently-To:; Thu, 14 Apr 2011 00:27:05 -0700
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X-YMailISG: Yp2vxuscZArIooJuRwcysEqVl5YNoO1dJ2CNVAFxs1TY6aIM rw6JAAJ4u02m1hIOOEern1Rm11SrKft_zFPOTJzGQydrIzC8WkPVq36HOIB9 88B1AY0fi9rId6JVYW7lrEDuHcHDx1aB4FG79ZL_28ZqfUQgcCKkZy6US2wx kPNy3YbRtnCFYkNOext0ctfGnR1qd73MTTlrhqU4tgB6GAu3unxrx0M2N7SD LEPlZiVRibvVxLOTV9nijZ1XP645Yea.zVAbYwla9yyWqn9zu_Qyfr.HshAP WbYE1jtURSdvVBNdbqf_w0AtVOwutIKXOVC3fIzuqefTLA5QfIxILUIeWwYs QuNIWQ5HFbat5ceFQRzTU69orbND7Qrub_XDF1ruPYT94Re_86UqL6Ohvue_ 61n1UKm85FeW6o80muKE7WuQKmkY8lF66xGJzatn54AxzsrEB6qoLQmkDg.A KPZvRVqraoyKkR8jfS2fPpZ5DDcynxmpIFpmff5VByzEpDHfebZKiq2R0qeq PMMspX842fyMn9dereZV_ZW.2jkgKzoILjNgrKTFKup1BIlot994Ix93eNSg cXDfR3bfUuBn9Si_qdtztBT8_M4v.rYIRj_gIoS_fx3lcZ78NjLHpIpkxCCx aYfcruwV1hx7OmAYhb1lLVL5iDA4Sr.H52uSCZftjHPQMV4Ev4ZMk67_8WcF zaj7Ei5DNYMAwo2suIBFX7ObLxRl3mgVQh5rvcp_EKWVTc82u2DB6L_wIKYB DW6EnucWkruE3x_vG3NbOJYeTcbXTVYpeXxkF9ddHoPRl0GV.llO_FlWNiwT QsYV80hglVH8h0RpcOl7mpvz3jwjZjwmMMVmuag8Cqv599fw1kSqJcgj8eu2 7._hrm1W8a6KcHiQyMFMftkuc7pNDTQyCofvhZLIREMknYJxtnUSpM.GYyq0 8Ozj77VxdkcgRkcfdhXEnyXjEmgFjNcKt_3nED5a1TMzMLPIvBpabvR5XAcv w6SV5dCGN9VA6wMdVOQVTiZg0a5oHpVo3s6vP6mrb_8RgR9LM76rvQd0Bc_c O5Et_aYwQ9K_jKhkhzF2nAudFGYmh_rL7B74G7.JcecjW_vjbUnrExHCBcYu AsuguuVCa3nMC2HqmFuB9fu04m_YtsXde1VgBmNGe7fya17hfmwg9L615dUP X1umr4rjM.If.FtWbambmYHN9rdN6_tG3_yXl0nnixpxpSzK4zjpn11emsDu EMJ0sgECoaUyndxnrOxHMdIXqYom_qMgn0WFDEPQaDU2avbYv.hs00It5ANH 4aK5DE2mINsBn2BOAbi2xVQszTZAwXm4GzD2Blm0rP8g098buEYFgoTrdEVS maiYlnSq.ymqmgoNMamCD7YiBgUs3HZDy3owGJ2yovja4dHljxpOZ8Zybuie glGp9Z_yffg8YVytNXbzqFqxk48tAUJ.hOZgLljtQAS8cjKex9ezT0QNqrQO jTBfCnQIAzVEXXdH8Q_HZXficxoB.JKNIjo2wY0RE8mFkolGmFoWreYnPWYC 2IMiFjMbdgIWhJb0nMg2SvYuN3f_EkGegBLnxlyETcDIh3zzm5m1MpRoRT52 W6Ils.PUW9h2iE6f_PJM8gD3zMutxxgy3rHMe6DMACdtzbZmSo3b5OsTNnqO mXFCvsKDVRKXJHU3rsu9c70cdZ4oY9fIFIqNqi2MJxIwfW4UL3kQ649odB.J tnJqXF8wVNzXWHtQfKFeWJ1WD2QmUJ9z3oyHzjjukTcRG_7sA5UzDhlp9LEM 9mYlRh6C7.VxBsWG2N7X_U_ISAqtbrQ4yck-
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Date: Thu, 14 Apr 2011 16:26:59 +0900 (KST)
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by dirose Thu Apr 14, 2011 9:22 am
ReplyReply AllMove...InboxilianJasonmisc Flag this messageFROM THE DESK OF MR. ISA BELLOThursday, 14 April, 2011 8:26From Mr Isa Bello Thu Apr 14 07:26:59 2011
X-Apparently-To:; Thu, 14 Apr 2011 00:27:05 -0700
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X-YMailISG: Yp2vxuscZArIooJuRwcysEqVl5YNoO1dJ2CNVAFxs1TY6aIM rw6JAAJ4u02m1hIOOEern1Rm11SrKft_zFPOTJzGQydrIzC8WkPVq36HOIB9 88B1AY0fi9rId6JVYW7lrEDuHcHDx1aB4FG79ZL_28ZqfUQgcCKkZy6US2wx kPNy3YbRtnCFYkNOext0ctfGnR1qd73MTTlrhqU4tgB6GAu3unxrx0M2N7SD LEPlZiVRibvVxLOTV9nijZ1XP645Yea.zVAbYwla9yyWqn9zu_Qyfr.HshAP WbYE1jtURSdvVBNdbqf_w0AtVOwutIKXOVC3fIzuqefTLA5QfIxILUIeWwYs QuNIWQ5HFbat5ceFQRzTU69orbND7Qrub_XDF1ruPYT94Re_86UqL6Ohvue_ 61n1UKm85FeW6o80muKE7WuQKmkY8lF66xGJzatn54AxzsrEB6qoLQmkDg.A KPZvRVqraoyKkR8jfS2fPpZ5DDcynxmpIFpmff5VByzEpDHfebZKiq2R0qeq PMMspX842fyMn9dereZV_ZW.2jkgKzoILjNgrKTFKup1BIlot994Ix93eNSg cXDfR3bfUuBn9Si_qdtztBT8_M4v.rYIRj_gIoS_fx3lcZ78NjLHpIpkxCCx aYfcruwV1hx7OmAYhb1lLVL5iDA4Sr.H52uSCZftjHPQMV4Ev4ZMk67_8WcF zaj7Ei5DNYMAwo2suIBFX7ObLxRl3mgVQh5rvcp_EKWVTc82u2DB6L_wIKYB DW6EnucWkruE3x_vG3NbOJYeTcbXTVYpeXxkF9ddHoPRl0GV.llO_FlWNiwT QsYV80hglVH8h0RpcOl7mpvz3jwjZjwmMMVmuag8Cqv599fw1kSqJcgj8eu2 7._hrm1W8a6KcHiQyMFMftkuc7pNDTQyCofvhZLIREMknYJxtnUSpM.GYyq0 8Ozj77VxdkcgRkcfdhXEnyXjEmgFjNcKt_3nED5a1TMzMLPIvBpabvR5XAcv w6SV5dCGN9VA6wMdVOQVTiZg0a5oHpVo3s6vP6mrb_8RgR9LM76rvQd0Bc_c O5Et_aYwQ9K_jKhkhzF2nAudFGYmh_rL7B74G7.JcecjW_vjbUnrExHCBcYu AsuguuVCa3nMC2HqmFuB9fu04m_YtsXde1VgBmNGe7fya17hfmwg9L615dUP X1umr4rjM.If.FtWbambmYHN9rdN6_tG3_yXl0nnixpxpSzK4zjpn11emsDu EMJ0sgECoaUyndxnrOxHMdIXqYom_qMgn0WFDEPQaDU2avbYv.hs00It5ANH 4aK5DE2mINsBn2BOAbi2xVQszTZAwXm4GzD2Blm0rP8g098buEYFgoTrdEVS maiYlnSq.ymqmgoNMamCD7YiBgUs3HZDy3owGJ2yovja4dHljxpOZ8Zybuie glGp9Z_yffg8YVytNXbzqFqxk48tAUJ.hOZgLljtQAS8cjKex9ezT0QNqrQO jTBfCnQIAzVEXXdH8Q_HZXficxoB.JKNIjo2wY0RE8mFkolGmFoWreYnPWYC 2IMiFjMbdgIWhJb0nMg2SvYuN3f_EkGegBLnxlyETcDIh3zzm5m1MpRoRT52 W6Ils.PUW9h2iE6f_PJM8gD3zMutxxgy3rHMe6DMACdtzbZmSo3b5OsTNnqO mXFCvsKDVRKXJHU3rsu9c70cdZ4oY9fIFIqNqi2MJxIwfW4UL3kQ649odB.J tnJqXF8wVNzXWHtQfKFeWJ1WD2QmUJ9z3oyHzjjukTcRG_7sA5UzDhlp9LEM 9mYlRh6C7.VxBsWG2N7X_U_ISAqtbrQ4yck-
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Date: Thu, 14 Apr 2011 16:26:59 +0900 (KST)
From: Mr Isa Bello <mr_isa_bello2011@sify.com> Add sender to Contacts
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To: undisclosed recipients: ;
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by Dotti Thu Apr 14, 2011 10:44 am
This is indeed a scam. It is a textbook "advance fee fraud" - the scammer will tell you that you can get this huge amount of money, only you have to pay various fees before you can get it.

In the end, the only money that will change hands is yours, because the money the scammer is promising doesn't exist.

Your scammer may have shared your address, or he may have sent this scam himself. Many scammers run multiple types of scams at the same time-- for example, they may be using romance scams, advance fee, fake lotteries, and even check fraud scams on different people at the exact same time. They may also be using dozens of names and email addresses at once.

Note: I have deleted and locked duplicate topics so that all of the discussion remains in one thread.

Need to post photos? http://scamwarners.com/forum/viewtopic.php?f=28&t=3219
Are you a victim of a romance scam? Read here for advice and FAQ's.
by Dotti Thu Apr 14, 2011 10:44 am
This is indeed a scam. It is a textbook "advance fee fraud" - the scammer will tell you that you can get this huge amount of money, only you have to pay various fees before you can get it.

In the end, the only money that will change hands is yours, because the money the scammer is promising doesn't exist.

Your scammer may have shared your address, or he may have sent this scam himself. Many scammers run multiple types of scams at the same time-- for example, they may be using romance scams, advance fee, fake lotteries, and even check fraud scams on different people at the exact same time. They may also be using dozens of names and email addresses at once.

Note: I have deleted and locked duplicate topics so that all of the discussion remains in one thread.

Need to post photos? http://scamwarners.com/forum/viewtopic.php?f=28&t=3219
Are you a victim of a romance scam? Read here for advice and FAQ's.
by GomerPyle Thu Apr 14, 2011 12:03 pm
As Dotti says, it's a complete lie, but even if it were true, it would be an illegal enterpise anyway with no chance of success.

Non-EU citizens should go here to find out about obtaining a visa to work as an au pair in the UK
Whenever payment is requested by Western Union you're dealing with a scammer

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