by Arnold
Sun Apr 17, 2011 5:37 am
from Pastor Luis Fernando <[email protected]>
reply-to [email protected]
date Sat, Apr 16, 2011 at 3:59 PM
subject Hello..{A Present /// Gift For You}...Call me 16th.04.2011....
Good day and peace be unto you ,
I am Pastor (Luis Fernando)
I was the last person that saw and pray for late mrs.Mary jones before she died.May her soul rest in peace,She has entrusted a compensation of One million euro (1,000,000 euro) to me to give you.
Why is she giving you this gift as this will be your question?.The reason is Mary jones told me she contacted you sometime ago to help her invest some millions of dollars for purpose such as.
1: To set up a cancer centre to assist victims of it
2: For the motherless babies,Widows and orphans
3.Building factories, investment in real estate,oil and gas.
But due to some reason you could not help her.She found Someone else who was able to assist her invest the millions of dollars for the same purpose.This was a WILL and WISH of a dying rich woman.Before her death she has arrange a compensation cheque to be given to you,for the good mind you heard to invest the monies and love you showed to her when she was alive.
Your cheque of 1,000,000 euro will be sent to you once you call me 0049-1570-266-9351 and email me the details below for the mailing of the cheque.She gave me your informations but i could not find the informations but i was lucky to get your email address from her dairy she gave me before her death, because i will be travelling soon out of the country for ministery purpose.
1.Full Name:
2.Postal address:
WEB: [Genuine website and not part of the scam so deleted]
Remain blessed,
Pastor Luis Rosa Fernando .
Note.Please once again please call me for more details on how to get your cheque on this number 0049-1570-266-9351 and email your details to: [email protected]