Hi Everyone, He hit me up several weeks ago on FaceBook. Left to go to South Africa for work, Shell Oil. Divorced one daughter. Also his father had recently passed away and wanted to sell his land in South Africia. After a couple of weeks and more chit chat he asked if I was interested in a great investment. At that time I 100% sure what he was. Told him no. Invested to the max with my employeer. Continued on a couple more weeks with little contact.
Started back with IM then needed to borrow 50K. Dad's land needed taxes to be paid. He had two people wanting to buy dad's land but he could not sell due to back taxes. Had money in US but he was have difficulity getting. Would pay me back 20% of 3 million when he sold. That would be immediately. Just wanting to see what he would do, I asked for deed or something. He emailed me a scanned copy of a deed. Had Caifornia address and phone number on this so called deed. Number was not valid. Googled address. It was the The Grove Shopping Center's address in Los Angles.
I had know for weeks he was not for real. Terrible English skills. Face Book page only had 8 friends, All women. Pic of daughter that looked like a hooker.
I attached some emails below to show how he writes. Read from bottom up of page up to follow exchange. He is gone from FB, Yahoo, and any other way I had to contact him.
Stephen or what ever your name is......
Are we a little pis***? Don't think I know, I know for a fact. As far as kssing your a**, you WISH! Later,
Subject: Re: Finally!
[email protected]Date: Sun, 15 May 2011 18:10:39 +0000
Ok now that you think you know,you can kiss ma ass Bitch! Sent from my BlackBerry wireless device from Verizon
Date: Sun, 15 May 2011 13:52:50 -0400
To: stephen harris<
[email protected]>
Subject: RE: Finally!
Just in case you did not get this in IM or FB email. I am sending again. You really need to impove your game if you are going to play this
"You live in "The Grove Calfornia? A shopping mall complex. Guess you live between the food court & elevators. OK. Whatever!
You are getting Zip, Nada, Zlich,not one red cent from me. You suck at scamming. I have known since your second email what you were about. 419-ers. Twas fun for awhile.
A couple of suggestions take a English course, Learn punctuation (for sure), sentence structure (most definitely) and get spell check.
Also, learn how Americans phrase money matters.
Just one more thing, some women would not spend 50K on some idiot man that thinks they are a moron. Reported u 2 EFCC.
Has been fun just not very much.
Reported you to FB. BTW that was so obviously a fake page and your daughter, bless her heart, looks like a hooker. Not a pic proud dad would have of his daughter on his page.
Do not in any way contact me again. You are a thief and criminal.
Date: Sat, 14 May 2011 15:19:03 -0700
[email protected]Subject: Finally!
Hi honey,this is the gov doc that will allow me get the contract form to sell the property once i paid the money,i can't wait to sell off this property so i can get back home on time,i just want to hold and kiss you,its has been way too long honey.