Has someone offered you a huge sum of money or a valuable consignment? It's a 419 or advance fee fraud - find out how they work, and what to do to be safe.
by lizzy01 Thu May 05, 2011 5:35 pm
Hiya, Im signed up to this website called "Starnow" where you supposedly get discovered modeling wise.
I received an email from this man call Ken Robillard in Japan, what do you think? I'm finding it hard to tell whether it is a scam. Ill post the email conversations.

We are recruiting models for a new Japanese TV Show called "Ryukyu Is". This show is currently being shot on location in the Ryukyu Islands, Okinawa Prefecture, southern Japan. (away from all the disaster)
If selected, we would require the model to commit to a series of shows, initially, approximately 20 and up to 90 days. Episodes are comical and will include, Model Beach House (in fact there is where you will stay during your contract), R.I.P paranormal investigations "Ghost Hunting", foreigners in Japan (interview successful foreign residents) and Top Pick - resort hotels, beaches, spas, night clubs. etc.
We will produce a "Bikini Girls" calendar for 2012 also.
If so, send some of your current bikini photos and stats please. Let us know of any tattoos, piercings or scars.
See the site www.biginjapan.jp or the TV show www.ryukyuis.xbuild.com
Also, check YouTube: Bikini Girls - Ryukyu Is
You'll be able to see our staff and current cast.

Ken, Executive Producer - BiJe
[email protected]

Hiya! I am quite interested although would like to hear more about the opportunity. Do I send photos to your email? Also, how much is the job worth?

Hello Elizabeth

Please go to www.ryukyuis.xbuild.com if you have not already, to get additional information about this project.
We are looking to make selections to replace 2 of our current "Bikini Girls" in late June. Ekaterina (She is originally from Russia) is going to the U.K. and Nikki will be returning to the U.S in June. That's when we need 2 new cast for the "Bikini Girls".
All flights, lodging and meals will be paid for to include some incidentals. Fee for the assignment will be determined at the time of final selection. We may request a Skype interview prior to final selection. Do you have a Skype account?
You will be staying at the Sunset Beach House in Onna-son, Okinawa, Japan. You should be able to find on Route 6 - Okinawa on google/map.
If you are selected I will send you a contract electronically which you can see. Once you agree, we'll need a wet signature for our records.
Send us your bikini pictures please, let us know if you have any tattoos, piercings or scars.
Also you can see some "behind the scenes" video clips on YouTube: Bikini Girls - Ryukyu Is
Ciao for now

[email protected]

Let me know whether this is a scam!!

by GomerPyle Fri May 06, 2011 2:19 am
Taking a look at some of the stuff available on the internet about this enterprise the videos are incredibly short clips of very poor quality. The outdoor clips all have wind noise on them.

The simplest way to check this event out is to ring a reputable model agency in your own country and ask them what they know about it.

It doesn't seem a good idea, if you're trying to attract models, to show girls in your film clips all with massive silicon boob jobs.

I don't think it's been well thought out, whatever it is.

Non-EU citizens should go here to find out about obtaining a visa to work as an au pair in the UK
Whenever payment is requested by Western Union you're dealing with a scammer

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