Has someone offered you a huge sum of money or a valuable consignment? It's a 419 or advance fee fraud - find out how they work, and what to do to be safe.
by $hadow Mon May 09, 2011 5:34 pm
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From: David Awusu <[email protected]>
Subject: Dear Friend, I have faith in you.
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Dear Friend,

I received your email with thanks and I have noted the content of your e-mail. Well, I know you will be skeptical about this transaction just because you do not know anything about it, but I will like you to trust me and give me the benefit of doubt to prove myself in this transaction to you so you don't have to be worried about anything because I have all relevant documents to back our claim and also prove to your country government that the fund is 100% legal.

Basically, I know some business of this nature always looks ridiculous and after going through your email, I can tell how you are feeling about my business proposal but I only request your consent as I will appreciate that because if I am in your position I will feel the way you feel just that you have not come across me before, the person that contacted you regarding to this issue, then you can give it a thought hence all is legitimate and risk free, so all I am asking you is to give it a thought to enable me prove this to you with the legal documents I have regarding to this transaction.

Note that: I did not contact you to invest your money on it before we could get this transaction done, so I would appreciate you adhere to my instruction because I have concluded every under ground arrangement here with our bank management and I have estimated to get this transaction done at the cost of twenty - six thousand United States dollars which I have with me already, so do not worry yourself about the finances involved, Ok.

I only need you to set up a new fresh Bank account in your country where this fund will transferred into and after the transfer has been done successfully, I will fly down to your country for the sharing of the fund as agreed percentage. As I will like to invest part of my share of the money in your country into a better business which I will like you to introduce me into hence I am not too familiar with your country style of business, that is why your advice will be highly needed when the time reaches.

My dear, I will like you to take this transaction as a great opportunity and grasp it with enthusiasm because for sure you will never regret of doing this with me, that is my assurance to you and where there is need to speak with me in person for more clarification, you can get through to me with my cell phone number here: +233-247-435-901, as I will appreciate you give this transaction a concrete thought.

Your urgent attention is highly needed!

Thanks & best regards to your family.

Yours Faithfully,
Mr. David A. Awusu,
Tel: +233-247-435-901

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