Has someone offered you a huge sum of money or a valuable consignment? It's a 419 or advance fee fraud - find out how they work, and what to do to be safe.
by rab2003 Fri Dec 19, 2008 6:07 am
The company name is AKG Mega Mart (USA) Inc, based in Houston, Texas, Usa.

The cheater supposed name 'Ranjit Singh' proposed through MSN to sell me cpu at lowest price.
I sent him payement of 20500.00$ by Wired transfert on 11/17/2008.
Till now I did not receive cpu nor recover my money. He told me many times that cpu is shipped out but in reality he was lying and even gave me a fake fedex T/N : 865093697094.

At last (since 12/01/08) he told me he is going to India because his brother is shooted in a terrorist attack in mumbai and he will be back on 12/18/08, then he disappeared.

I called him many and many times but their phones ring no answering or vocal message.
I sent him many mails he always answer that money is safe give me your bank details I will refund your money back, give me your phone number I will call you, but effectively he did not do anything unless promise.

From 12/12/08 date of my last sent mail to him where I threatened to disclose him where I can he did not replied and disappeared completely.

I saved the correspondence mails, bank receipt voucher, history of discussions through MSN and trade manager, proforma invoice, Purchase order …etc. for further references.

Don't beleive TRUST PASS or ACP Verified this company has many :



http://www.pcexporters.com/premium/home ... ode=350348

Any help or advice are welcome.
Last edited by rab2003 on Sun Dec 21, 2008 4:12 pm, edited 1 time in total.

by Ralph Fri Dec 19, 2008 10:10 am
Hi Rab,

Welcome to Scamwarners.

Without seeing the information I can't be sure as to what has happened but it certainly sounds like you have been scammed, if you would like to post the emails and email address as well as phone number then I will be able to look into it for you.

If my suspicions are correct, the money you have sent is unfortunately lost and will not be returned.

You will need to go to your bank and let them know that your bank details are in the hands of a scammer and have the account changed, and please be aware of other scams from the same person using a different email address.

See what information you can provide on the scammer, remove anything that is your own details before posting and one of us can look into it for you.

I am sorry that I dont have any better news for you.
by Ralph Sun Dec 21, 2008 6:17 pm
There have been several experienced members looking into this case for you, what we have found does not lead us to any definate answers about this, all we can do is look at the possibilities and see if they fit in with what has happened.

The theory that we expect may be the case is that Mr Singh's company was legitimate however they have financial concerns which seems to have effectively closed the business.

Here are some things we do know:

Searching on the details you provided, we have found a lot of information regarding the company, the only negative information is from you, A scam set up so elaborately would have had many victims during the 8 months or so it has been operating.

The owner appears to be selling his house

The website is still up, but it doesn't appear to be selling anything

The company has an address which appears to be the owners home.

So what can you do;

Not being from the US, I dont know exactly which department you should contact but I am sure there is a consumer body that can ensure that you are on the list of creditors if our theory is correct, either way, it can do no harm.

Dont send any more money for any reason

Contact the police, they will not be able to get your money back but should be able to rule out scamming

Sorry I cant be of any more help at the moment, we haven't given up yet on finding proof of what has happened
by williamlow Fri Feb 06, 2009 1:08 pm
I had encountered similar experiences with this company. I had already lodge a report to the police department in Houston. Please contact me if you think we can help each other. Please leave your contact details & I will contact with you.
by R&R Mon Feb 09, 2009 4:31 pm
Hi Rab2003,
Sorry to here about you getting cheated by this guy Ranjit Singh from AKG Mega Mart. I was about to deal with him on selling him some good quantity of CPUs which I did put it on hold after I read this information of yours on this site. I deal in wholesale quantity in computer products & if you have any deals for me let me know. What I can say right now the best way to get your money back is by making it thru other wise transaction. What we sell we can show it to you physical in stock you can visit us if you did like too & make a deal. Hopefully this may help you to recover your losses that way.


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