Has someone offered you a huge sum of money or a valuable consignment? It's a 419 or advance fee fraud - find out how they work, and what to do to be safe.
by Con Warner Fri May 13, 2011 11:48 am
From: Jomiru Ivan <[email protected]>
Date: 2011/4/27
Subject: Partnership Inquiry.


My name is Mr. Jomiru Ivan from the Republic of Moldavo, resident in Switzerland. I am a former banker and a guru in Information Technology. I am contacting you to see if you could partner with me in some lucrative Electronic Transfer deals which could fetch us US$5m every month, and this deal could go on for a very long time without being detected. TRUST ME, THERE IS NO RISK INVOLVED.


In 2007, the Swiss Banker’s Association did publish a list of dormant accounts originally opened by non-Swiss citizens. This was done after intense pressure by the international community through the Independent Committee of Eminent Persons (ICEP) who saw the highly coded nature of the Swiss banking system as a big threat to the present day global financial community. It was observed that most of these accounts had been dormant since the end of World War II and majority belonged to Victims of Jewish Nazi Persecution.

The continuing efforts of the Independent Committee of Eminent Persons (ICEP) have since resulted in the discovery of more and more additional dormant accounts belonging to a few Military dictators and some sit-tight leaders of North Africa and the Middle East.

The published lists contained all types of dormant accounts, including interest-bearing savings accounts, securities accounts, safe deposit boxes, numbered accounts, un-numbered coded accounts, and non-interest-bearing transaction accounts. Interestingly, so many more were not uncovered (especially the un-numbered accounts), were as no claims came forth on even some of the ones published as most of the beneficiaries perished alongside their heirs in the Holocaust. Regrettably, the Swiss government have continued to sit on most of these unclaimed funds ever since as provided by the law for management of assets of deceased beneficiaries who died interstate (living no wills).

I have broken some codes, bugged the bank’s database and have been able to view some of these accounts. I need a foreigner or any account holder outside of Switzerland to partner with me in the transfer of funds out of these accounts. I already have a secure and encrypted cross-border wire transfer platform which guarantees safe transactions.

All that is required is for us to discuss this if you are interested so we can arrange for a possible face-to-face meeting to discuss the sharing ratio and to formalize all necessary legal documentations that would govern the deal in order to protect our respective interests since we are both strangers to each other. More details as well as my contacts shall be given to you upon your response.

Kindly get back to me with your comments/position on this e-mail:

Anticipating your prompt response.

Mr. Jomiru Ivan

Email: [email protected]

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