Has someone offered you a huge sum of money or a valuable consignment? It's a 419 or advance fee fraud - find out how they work, and what to do to be safe.
by Obi-Wan Knievel Mon Dec 22, 2008 4:26 am
Normally, you'd think a company like FedEx would only notify you if they already had your name and address. I guess they're getting confused during the holiday season! :wink:

Date: Fri, 19 Dec 2008 17:45:47 +0100 (CET)
From: "FedEx Courier Service" <[email protected]>
X-Priority: 3
Importance: Normal


Dear Customer!
PARCEL #: EG2272

We have been waiting for you to contact us regarding the delivery of your
package to you. We assumed that our contact details was given to you by
Heineken.The content of your package itself is a Bank Draft worth of
$800,00.00USD.The package is registered with us for mailing by Heineken,
We are sending you this email because your package has been registered on a
Special Order.

What you have to do now, is to send us your residential address.Note that as
soon as we confirms your information, it will take only two working day
(48 hours) for your package to be delivered to you. For your
information,the VAT & Shipping charges as well as Insurance fees have been
paid by Heineken before your package was registered.Also note that the
payment that is made on the Insurance, Premium & Clearance Certificates,
are to certify that the Bank Draft is not a Drug Affiliated Fund (DAF)
neither is it funds to sponsor Terrorism in your country. This will help
you avoid any form of query from the Monetary Authority of your country.

However, you will have to pay a sum of ($160.00USD) to the FedEx Delivery
Department being full payment for the Security Keeping Fee of the FedEx
company as stated in our privacy terms & condition page. Also be informed
that Heineken would have paid for the Security Keeping fee,but we do not
accept such payment considering the facts that all items & packages that
is registered with us have a time limitation and we cannot accept payment
not knowing when you will be picking up the package or even responding to
us.So we cannot take the risk to have accepted such payment in case of any
possible demurrage.

Kindly note that Heineken did not leave us with any further information.
We hope that you respond to us as soon as possible because if you fail to
respond before the expiry date we may refer the package to the Nigerian
Commission for Welfare as the package do not have a return address.

Kindly get back to us (FedEx Delivery Post) by filling the form and send
it to the back to this office.This is mandatory to re-confirm your Postal

and telephone numbers.

Full Name:
Contact Address:
Mobile/Fax No:

As soon as your details are received, our delivery team will give you the
necessary payment procedure so that you can effect the payment for the
Security Keeping Fees and hence the delivery of your package to you takes
place immediately.

Yours Faithfully,

Mrs. Asari Victor.
FedEx Online Admin Team.

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