Has someone offered you a huge sum of money or a valuable consignment? It's a 419 or advance fee fraud - find out how they work, and what to do to be safe.
by AlanJones Thu Jan 02, 2020 1:43 am
From: howardstembrew - [email protected]
Reply-to: [email protected]
Subject: Your Urgent Attention Dear Client Sir/Madam,
Tel. Nos.: +14437341411 & +14104681707

International Lutos Units Head Office
700 19th Street NW (HQ1)
REF:-XVGNN82010- 1900 .Exit
at US-50 W MD-295, Maryland Baltimore /
Washington Parkway United State Of America
[email protected]
Phone +14437341411 or Ph +1410-468-1707

Your Urgent Attention Dear Client Sir/Madam,

Compliment and happy new year to you, an emergency meeting held today
regarding to those who has not yet received their total fund since
last month, however,' it has resolved that the your total fund which
already processed into Money Order shall be bring to you by an Officer
from this Office.

The only attached payment you are to pay is the only sum of the $75,
the fee is for Official Stamp Duty of the Money Order. Finally, go Now
and buy any of Steam Wallet Card, or iTunes Card $50 and $25 scratch
it and send now so the Officer shall come with your Money Oder been
the best and the easiest way for you to receive it and start making
use of your fund.

Mrs. Dianne Thompson
General Manager, Foreign Transfer Unit,

Please do not tell scammers that they are listed here - it will take them seconds to change their fake details and their new details will not be listed for any future victims to find.

by AlanJones Sat Jan 23, 2021 12:41 am
From: Center BK - [email protected]
Reply-to: [email protected]
Subject: Attention Sir, Madam
Tel. Nos.: +12123743326 & +18453380206

Attention Sir, Madam

This is to acknowledge the receipt of the instruction given by your
partner to send your ATM MASTER CARD of (US$2,500,000). She instructed
that as soon as you contact us, we should forward the ATM MASTER CARD
to you through Courier Company but I did not receive any communication
letter from you, So I decided to contact you today. I have been at the
courier company to confirm modalities of registering and dispatching
your ATM MASTER CARD to you. All modalities for delivery and Tag of
the ATM MASTER CARD to you I found & the price is as follow: acclaimed
courier companies such as DHL, UPS and FEDEX.

Below are the necessary findings I made from the courier companies for
the dispatch of your ATM MASTER CARD of US$2.5000.00 Dollars to you.
Here is the cost of sending your ATM MASTER CARD through any of these
Express courier services and the cost from here to your country. You
are required to pay one of the necessary courier charges to enable me
send your ATM MASTER CARD immediately to you. Please these are the
preferred channels of delivery I confirmed, make your choice and get
back to me today.

DHL Delivery Service: 2-Days Delivery
Mailing $90.00
Insurance $50.00
Vat (5%) $30.00
TOTAL $170.00

FedEx Express Courier Service: 3-Days Delivery
Mailing $70.00
Insurance $50.00
Vat (5%) $30.00
TOTAL $150.00

(UPS Courier Service): 4-Days Delivery
Mailing _________$30.00
Vat (5%)_______$30.00
TOTAL $130.00

Official Mail Service: 2-Days Delivery
Mailing _________$20.00
Vat (5%)_______$10.00
TOTAL $50.00

It is pertinent to note that this payment is not negotiable so select
any of your affordable courier fee and we shall forward the payment
directive on how to send it through MONEY- GRAM today with the name of
my secretary ok:

Be informed that your ATM MASTER CARD will be delivered to your
address depending on your choice of delivery Company which you have to
choose above, as the courier companies I visited informed me.
Therefore I expect you to send the money today so that I will dispatch
your ATM MASTER CARD today. Send the payment information to me as soon
as you made the payment.

On receipt of the delivery cost today, I will proceed immediately to
the courier company of your choice and send the ATM MASTER CARD
without delay and forward the tracking number to you along with your
ATM CARD PIN CODE. Note that the daily limit of the ATM CARD is
$5,000.00 only but you can make transfer from the Card to your
personal Bank account. I wait to receive the payment information
today. Do select your option, then go direct to the Store and buy i
Tune or Wallet Card of your option and send so get this finnalize.

Mr.Gorge Gonzales
Email ([email protected])
Senior Management
Tel 212-374-3326 Or 845-338-0206

Please do not tell scammers that they are listed here - it will take them seconds to change their fake details and their new details will not be listed for any future victims to find.

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