Has someone offered you a huge sum of money or a valuable consignment? It's a 419 or advance fee fraud - find out how they work, and what to do to be safe.
by kory Wed May 25, 2011 5:12 pm
I just booked a studio apartment to rent for a 2 week stay in London. The website seemed legitimate, but now I'm having concerns. Has anyone used the London Short Letting Apartments site before? Just looking for some reassurance.


Thank you!

by Justin Wed May 25, 2011 5:51 pm
Hello kory!
The website looks legit to me. At least I should say nothing suspicious that would lead me to believe the site is fake.

Are you positive that you are communicating with someone from this company? Does the email address and phone number match what is on the site?

From site
Tel : +44 207 706 11 22
Fax : +44 207 262 58 38
Email : [email protected]
Skype : Subram10

Scammers will direct you to a real website/company in attempts to make themselves more legitimate. What is making you suspicious? With a little more info we may be able to help you more.


by kory Wed May 25, 2011 9:47 pm
Well, I applied for this studio: http://www.londonshortlettingapartments ... x?msg=3683
I had to pay a deposit of £200 via PayPal (wish VISA), but I haven't been given any information in regards to the address or the name of the apartment realtor/broker (which I requested). I live in Los Angeles, so it's difficult for me to get through by phone.

I've been doing my research and I've yet to find reviews of others who stayed with London Short Letting Apartments.LTD. Just getting concerned.

Thank you!
by Justin Wed May 25, 2011 11:11 pm
The site has been around since 05 and the registrant information matches what is on the site. These two things lead me to believe the site is legit. If they were just taking people's money I think you would be able to find some negative reviews. Just like everything else if someone has a good experience they tell one person if they have a bad one they tell ten.

Did you book through the site? Have you communicated with someone from the company via email? If so was the email address the same as their domain name?

Obviously the best advice I can give is call the number on the website and verify your reservation.

by kory Thu May 26, 2011 8:05 pm
No luck yet. The number listed is no longer in service and I have not received any further information via emails. Since I paid with a debit VISA using PayPal, what are my next steps? The fraud needs to be reported to both PayPal and my current bank, is that correct?


Thanks for the help.
by Justin Thu May 26, 2011 9:27 pm
By all means cancel the credit card transaction. I did just call the number listed on the website and I did not get a not in service message it just rang and rang. Of course it's 2:30am right now there. I'll try calling to see if anyone answers first thing in the am (my time US Central).

Luckily you should be covered for fraud with paypal and the credit card company.

by Justin Fri May 27, 2011 4:26 pm
Ok after a phone conversation with them and some additional research this site/company looks completely legit. Now I can not speak for their level of customer service or promptness to respond to emails but as far as being a real company that rents apartments they appear to be that.

Still if you feel uncomfortable dealing with them then cancel the payment and search for a new company. Just do plenty of research before paying another down payment. I would also suggest speaking to someone on the phone before paying and get a clear explanation of the renting process before proceeding.

Good luck and i hope you enjoy your stay in the UK!

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