Has someone offered you a huge sum of money or a valuable consignment? It's a 419 or advance fee fraud - find out how they work, and what to do to be safe.
by Troy Platt Mon Mar 23, 2020 8:19 am
Reply-To: [email protected]
From: "Mr. Farouk Ayonde" <[email protected]>
Date: Thu, 19 Mar 2020 03:11:28 +0000
Subject: ANSWER

Querido amado,

Soy el reverendo padre Farouk Ayonde, nací en Brooklyn, Nueva York, 1945, Fui ordenado en el sacerdocio católico.

Por favor tómese su tiempo para leer este mensaje, aunque nunca nos hemos visto antes, esto no es spam, Es un mensaje real enviado a ti. También sé que se sorprenderá del nivel de confianza que estoy dispuesto a depositar en una persona que nunca he visto ni con quien he hablado.

He sido sacerdote católico por más de 45 años. Me operaron de corazón el 20-06-2018 y los médicos me acaban de informar que no puedo vivir más; Tuve una hemorragia grave después de la operación.

Decidí quererle todo el dinero que deposité en mi cuenta bancaria la suma total de $8,970,000.00 (Ocho millones novecientos setenta mil DÓLARES ESTADOS UNIDOS).

Quiero que utilices esta cantidad para hacer del mundo un lugar mejor para los pobres y menos privilegiados, ayudar a los necesitados y también ayudar a los miembros de tu familia.

Tomé esta decisión porque me criaron en un orfanato, así que no tengo familiares y actualmente estoy hospitalizado,donde estoy en tratamiento.

Por eso he decidido contactarme con usted para que pueda hacer un buen uso del dinero que le haré a usted.


Reverendo Padre Farouk Ayonde.


Dear loved one,

I am the Rev. Father Farouk Ayonde, I was born in Brooklyn, New York, 1945, I was ordained in the Catholic priesthood.

Please take your time to read this message, although we have never seen each other before, this is not spam, it is a real message sent to you. I also know that you will be amazed at the level of trust I am willing to place in a person I have never seen or spoken to.

I have been a Catholic priest for over 45 years. I underwent heart surgery on 06-20-2018 and the doctors have just informed me that I cannot live any longer; I had severe bleeding after the operation.

I decided to love all the money that I deposited in my bank account for the total sum of $ 8,970,000.00 (Eight million nine hundred and seventy thousand United States Dollars).

I want you to use this amount to make the world a better place for the poor and underprivileged, to help the needy and also to help your family members.

I made this decision because I was raised in an orphanage, so I have no relatives and I am currently hospitalized, where I am in treatment.

That is why I have decided to contact you so that you can make good use of the money that I will make to you.


Reverend Father Farouk Ayonde.

Google is your friend!

Every email I've posted is a scam. Contacting the email addresses associated with my posts may lead to a loss of money for you. Do not let the scammers know they are posted here!

by Link Thu Oct 12, 2023 2:35 pm
[email protected]
[email protected]

daposte.com has been reported to AA419

From: "Mr. Farrouk Ayonde" <[email protected]>
To: [email protected]>
Date: Tue, 10 Oct 2023 05:59:50 +0000

This is to inform you that with the help of the customs chief officer, the consignment boxes that contains the funds have moved to France bank for easy bank to bank transfer to your country. Now kindly contact the bank in France for immediate transfer to you.

Tel: +33187659811,
Whatsapp; +33773474788 Messages only
Email: [email protected]
Website: http://www.daposte.com/en

FYI. immediately after the funds transfer to your account you will have to send some money to Mr. Mourad the owner of the funds to enable him visit your country for meeting and further investment.

Get back to me immediately you contact the bank.

Date: Tue, 10 Oct 2023 10:47:07 -0700
From: DAPOSTE BANK <[email protected]>
To: [email protected]>

Dear XXX,

We confirm the deposit of US$2,000,000,000 for onward transfer to you.

We shall get back to you tomorrow.

Yours faithfully,

Dominique Pierre
Administrateur Délégué, Directeur Général

Bd De Vaugirard, Paris-France
TEL: +33187659811 / FAX: +33187659812
Whatsapp Message only; +33 77 34 74788
Email: [email protected] / [email protected]
Website: http://www.daposte.com/en

If you're here because you received the same email as what I posted and you're wondering if it's a scam...YES, it's a scam

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