Has someone offered you a huge sum of money or a valuable consignment? It's a 419 or advance fee fraud - find out how they work, and what to do to be safe.
by Troy Platt Fri May 01, 2020 9:12 am
Date: Thu, 30 Apr 2020 15:04:15 -0400 (AMT)
From: BLEMAIN FINANCE <[email protected]>
Reply-To: BLEMAIN FINANCE <[email protected]>
Subject: Hitel

Jó nap:

A nevem Mark Anderson, a Blemain Finance Ltd magánhitel-ügynökség igazgatója, Egyesült Királyság.
Azért vagyok itt, hogy olyan hitelprogramot nyújtson be, amely elősegíti pénzügyi helyzetének javulását, gazdasági helyzetét, és megszabadítja Önt minden pénzügyi válságtól / problémától.
Hitelek rövid és hosszú lejáratú ügyfelek számára, 3% -kal, as
személyi kölcsön, üzleti kölcsön, vállalati kölcsön stb.
Ha érdekli tőlünk kölcsönt, vegye fel velünk a kapcsolatot e-mailben: [email protected]
Kérjük, töltse ki az alábbi regisztrációs űrlapot:

Szükséges összeg:
A hitel célja:

Köszönjük megértését.
Mark Anderson.

Google Translation:

Good day:

My name is Mark Anderson, director of private credit agency Blemain Finance Ltd, UK.
I am here to submit a loan program that will help you improve your financial situation, economic situation, and free you from any financial crisis / problem.
Loans to short-term and long-term customers, by 3%, as
personal loan, business loan, corporate loan, etc.
If you are interested in a loan from us, please contact us by email: [email protected]
Please fill in the registration form below:

Required amount:
Loan Years:
Purpose of the loan:

Thank you for your understanding.
Mark Anderson.

Google is your friend!

Every email I've posted is a scam. Contacting the email addresses associated with my posts may lead to a loss of money for you. Do not let the scammers know they are posted here!

by hallonkev Mon Jun 15, 2020 1:53 am
From: Divisao de Aposentadoria e Beneficios <[email protected]>
Sent: Sunday, June 14, 2020 2:05 AM

Hitelre van szüksége?
Szüksége van személyes vagy üzleti kölcsönre?
Kölcsön adunk minden magánszemélynek és társaságnak 2% -os kamatlábbal

Ha érdekli, kérjük, vegye fel velünk a kapcsolatot e-mailben: [email protected]

Megjegyzés: válaszát csak erre az e-mailre továbbítsa: [email protected]

Do you need a loan?
Do you need a personal or business loan?
We give out loan to any individual and company at 2% interest rate yearly

If you are interested kindly contact us via email: [email protected]

Note: forward your response only to this email: [email protected]
by FishyMails Tue Jan 26, 2021 2:59 pm
From: BLEMAIN FINANCE <[email protected]>
Date: Sun, 24 Jan 2021 17:09:36 +0200
Subject: Dober dan


Dober dan:
Moje ime Mark Anderson, direktor zasebne posojilne agencije Blemain Finance Ltd, Združeno kraljestvo.
Tukaj sem, da vam predstavim program posojil, ki vam bo pomagal izboljšati finančno stanje, gospodarsko stanje in vas rešil vseh finančnih kriz / težav.
Ponudba posojila je kratkoročna in dolgoročna za stranke v višini 2%, kot je
osebno posojilo, poslovno posojilo, posojilo podjetju itd.
Če vas zanima posojilo pri nas, nas prosimo kontaktirajte po e-pošti: [email protected]
In izpolnite spodnji obrazec za registracijo:
Potrebni znesek:
Leta posojila:
Namen posojila:

Hvala za razumevanje.
Mark Anderson

Good day:
My name is Mark Anderson, director of the private lending agency Blemain Finance Ltd, UK.
I am here to present you with a loan program that will help you improve your financial situation, economic situation and solve all financial crises / problems.
The loan offer is short-term and long-term for customers at 2% as is
personal loan, business loan, corporate loan, etc.
If you are interested in a loan with us, please contact us by e-mail: [email protected]
And fill out the registration form below:
Amount required:
Loan years:
Purpose of the loan:

Thank you for your understanding.
Mark Anderson

Important: Any email messages I have posted here are scams. Don't reply to these messages or click on any links. Please do not tell these criminals that their messages are posted here.

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