Has someone offered you a huge sum of money or a valuable consignment? It's a 419 or advance fee fraud - find out how they work, and what to do to be safe.
by victoria24 Wed Jan 21, 2009 6:13 am
Weird one this..
I applied for job for firstbank virgin islands and have received a contract via email. i have never spoke with anyone and to be honest offering 160k $ without even a phone conversation sounds a bit fishy to me. the next step would be for me to give loads of info for a work visa. they have a copy of my cv which scares me a bit. I have checked the whois database and it appears that the IP is logged in india. I know that firstbank exists so am a bit confused!
anyone heard of this as a scam?

by Ralph Wed Jan 21, 2009 6:16 am
Hi Victoria,

Welcome to Scamwarners,

I will start looking into it right now but if you could please include any emails, phone numbers or other details you have on this person it will be a great help.

From the little you have posted it would seem your suspicions are correct but I would rather make sure.

I had a quick look but nothing is jumping out at me so more detail is definately needed.

Scammers often use the name, website or other details of legitimate businesses to make their scams look more realistic, they will also create their own websites and spoofing the senders IP and email address is becoming more and more common.

As to the information you have posted it is probably not a huge concern, when we get more information we will be in a better position to know how to deal with that
by victoria24 Wed Jan 21, 2009 6:28 am

here's the email:

As per the result of the screening, we are to announce to you that you have been successfully been accepted as one of the chosen international applicants at First Bank Virgin Islands.

The hard copies of the contract documents has been dispatched to our nominated travel company, because they are in charge of all the issuance of Work, Residence Permit and Flight ticket to our chosen applicants.

Kindly contact W-D Travels Ltd according to their below contact information, you should have to indicate the below reference number (CODE 139), as to enable them to give you an immediate attention.

W-D Travels Ltd
689 Mars Hill, Frederiksted,
St. Croix Virgin Islands, US 00841
Email: [email protected]

Note: 1. Your contract is valid for 12 months, a final confirmation and endorsement of your contract shall be made upon the confirmation of the Prototype copy of your work permit, residence permit and flight ticket.

Note: 2. You should have to make sure that you secure your travelling documents and permits within 1 week of confirming Soft copies of contract / offer documents.

Congratulations, we hope to confirm and endorse your contract documents within the next 1 week, you should try to secure your travelling documents and permits within 1 week, all the expenses which you are going to make during the processing of your travelling documents and permits with our nominated travel company shall be fully reimburse upon your arrival.

Find attached the Contract Terms and Agreement, It is required that you go through the Contract Terms and Agreement and if it's okay by you, sign and return by e-mail attachment.

Email us the scanned copies of all your academic records.

Thanks and Good Luck.

Raymond Hughes

Graduate Development & Recruitment Coordinator
Human Resources
Plot 4 & 5 Orange Grove, Christiansted
Saint Croix US Virgin Islands 00820
Tel:- (888) 354-7778 ext. 7
E-mail: [email protected]
Website: http://www.firstbankvi.com
by Michelle Wed Jan 21, 2009 6:36 am
It would be interesting to know how Victoria found out about this job and how she applied.

FirstBankVI do seem to have some job opportunities but you need to send your CV on-line.

http://www.firstbankvi.com/index.php?op ... temid=1302

The forever cynical part of me says "Visa Scam" at the moment !!
by Ralph Wed Jan 21, 2009 6:42 am
I haven't looked far but the website looks interesting http://www.travel-immigration.com/

I would think it is a scam with a fake website

The email doesn't quite read right, a few mistakes in there that a professional company wouldn't have.

I will keep digging and adding here

This is where the scam comes into play
Congratulations, we hope to confirm and endorse your contract documents within the next 1 week, you should try to secure your travelling documents and permits within 1 week, all the expenses which you are going to make during the processing of your travelling documents and permits with our nominated travel company shall be fully reimburse upon your arrival.
Last edited by Ralph on Wed Jan 21, 2009 6:46 am, edited 1 time in total.
by Michelle Wed Jan 21, 2009 6:46 am
First of all [email protected]

travel-immigration.com is a site still under construction !! ..it's registered by a free and disposable Yahoo e-mail address .... the domain is registered for just one year, which is quite normal for a scammer.

............. I'm smelling scam !!

Administrative Contact :
Soto, Eduardo
[email protected]
3120 NW 162 ST.
Miami, FL 33054
Phone: 786-9754595

Technical Contact :
Rediff.com India Limited
[email protected]
L J First Cross Rd, Mahim-W
Mumbai, MH 400016
Phone: 91-22-444-9144

Record expires on 18-Aug-2009
Record created on 18-Aug-2008

Database last updated on 18-Aug-2008
by Michelle Wed Jan 21, 2009 6:53 am
And now [email protected]:-

site still under construction !! ..it's registered by a free and disposable Reiff e-mail address .... the domain is registered for just one year


Administrative Contact :
Lopez, Adrian
[email protected]
13314 S vermont Ave apt B--
Gardena, CA 90247
Phone: 310-3295352

Technical Contact :
Rediff.com India Limited
[email protected]
L J First Cross Rd, Mahim-W
Mumbai, MH 400016
Phone: 91-22-444-9144

Record expires on 08-Nov-2009
Record created on 08-Nov-2008

Database last updated on 08-Nov-2008
by Ralph Wed Jan 21, 2009 6:59 am
@Victoria, now that we have established that it is a scam, what information is included in your CV, we obviously dont want to know the details, just what type of details :wink:

So long as there are no bank details or your ID then the worst they can do is use your details for their next fake persona or use the details to send you a very realistic looking scam format including some of that information, there isn't much you can do about that

If they have your bank details then you will need to talk to your bank about changing the account number

If they have a copy of your ID, they are likley to adopt your name and use it for scamming as you and provide your ID to prove they are you, in some limited cases, scammers may open bank accounts in your name as well.

Thank you for bringing these details to our attention, I will notify our site killers to see what they can do about the fake sites
by victoria24 Wed Jan 21, 2009 7:05 am
thanks guys. my normal cv details.. work history, DOB, contact numbers and address.no NI number or passport number and no bank account details. I have contacted the eurojobs website and they have removed the job ads. as always if its too good to be true....
by Michelle Wed Jan 21, 2009 7:09 am
Victoria ..... I think that you will agree that this is a scam.

The reason that the scammers would want your CV and other documents is for them to look more credible.

Its a "visa/travel" scam.

If you had continued to write, you would have been referred to Travel Agents and Visa Agents . Each would require you to pay fees .... You would never get to see a Visa or any travel documents or your fees again.

Then there would have been a barrister or someone to help you recover your lost money ....these would have all have been part of the same scam and they would want fees of their own.

Congratulations ..... you haven't found a job but you may have saved yourself a lot of money and heartache !
by victoria24 Wed Jan 21, 2009 7:45 am
thanks again :)
by Ralph Wed Jan 21, 2009 7:49 am
Happy to have been able to help, :D

while you are here take a look around at some of the other types of scams so you can spot them if they come along in the future, now that a scammer has your details you are that little bit more likely to recieve scam emails, if you are unsure about anything please dont hesitate to ask :wink:
by victoria24 Wed Jan 21, 2009 8:03 am
will do, luckily i have been an avid reader of 419eater so alarm bells rung pretty quickly. i spose the other side of the coin is that there could be some poor sod who is either fleeced or standing on the tarmac at a carribean airport waiting for their new boss to collect them...
by Ralph Wed Jan 21, 2009 8:26 am
Other poor sods being fleeced is very likely although your posting here has lessened the odds :wink:

Sombody standing on the tarmac waiting for their boss to pick them up is far less likely, the scammer doesn't want you to travel, he just wants you to pay the fees.

Glad to hear your an avid 419eater reader, as it turms out so am I :lol: that is where I learnt about scams :wink:

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