Has someone offered you a huge sum of money or a valuable consignment? It's a 419 or advance fee fraud - find out how they work, and what to do to be safe.
by alienseat Thu Jun 09, 2011 12:11 pm
I hope some one can help me to decide with this potential Love Scam I'll try and keep it brief

Meet a Filipino girl on line from a dating site and made it clear at the outset I won't send her money as we have never even met. Then of course we meet in her country and had a good time In Palawan a recognised island of beauty. She did most of the bartering and arranged some good trips at a good price as she did with the Hotels also.
A couple of odd things happened while on our holiday she wanted to be in peace in the bathroom for 20 mins or so each day maybe that is OK I don't know for sure. Then she also out of the blue said she wanted to go to the local market. Odd as she said she had never been to Palawan before. A few days later she went again choosing a time when I was un ready and needed a shower Hummmm. On the home we landed and stayed in Makati which is where she says she works and I was shown some sites WOW she knows the posh places for sure.
On my return home she tells me that her friends ask her where the engagement ring is and reportedly suggests that I am cheap Grrrr I answer who are they to say that and why did she not defend me. later she says she needs a flight to go home to Ozamis I agreed to pay for the ticket as she had been so good while we were away.
Next the TV breaks and needs 3600 php or £60 to fix it I refused on the basis that she will be coming to the UK soon on a Fiancee Visa. Now I am starting to see the signs. normally we chat yahoo Saturday am for an hour but for a few weeks we wont be as she is away with no internet connection. Eagerly on her return I wait on Yahoo but no sign just a text message saying her sister in law is with her so cant sign in !!!! next week she is away again with the boss of her work hummmm again does she ever work.
Just to cap it all off I don't know of any of her friends and although she has the opportunity to chat in FB to my friends this does not happen to any real degree.
I think she is just waiting for the £860 to be sent for the visa and that will be it
Anyone Please give me an opinion this just all feels wrong.

by Justin Thu Jun 09, 2011 12:33 pm
Hello alienseat and welcome to scamwarners.

This is not really the typical situation most of us deal with as you have actualy meet this person in the flesh. Most of the romance scams we deal with the victims never meet the scammer they are just convinced to send money to the scammer. The main reason they never meet is the scammer is not who they say they are and most often not where they say they are.

Since you have meet this peson in her country this makes your situation different. I'll let someone else offer more advice who may have more experience with romance scammers from the Philippines.

What I will say is trust your instincts. If you feel this person is not genuine with their love and only after your money you are probably right. To me at least it does not seem to be a good way to start a relationship but that is just my personal opinion.


by Thomas Berg Thu Jun 09, 2011 12:58 pm
If you have the feeling that she could be not kosher you shoud give the whole thing some more time.
There is no need to hurry. If she really have genuine feelings for you she will give you the time you need.
If her feelings are genuine you are going to have a whole life togheter :wink:

-no legitimate business receives payments only via Western Union
-to cancel a WU transfer call 1-800-448-1492
-details of a bank account have to match the details of the business
-one cannot apply for visa via email
by alienseat Fri Oct 28, 2011 5:54 am
Hi All
Thank you for your comments. I know this post was not the easiest to be able to give advise on.
Just to give you all the conclusion. I decided to avoid yahoo and after a couple of weeks she was gone never to be seen again using the same Yahoo account or at Dateinasia.
I accused her of just wanting money on many occasions her reply was I am not a scammer.
The way I decided to judge the situation is to think:
What is normal what would I do if she was here in the UK?
Would I really agree to marry some one after a 10 day meeting that then asks me for money?

Well after a few weeks all was clear she went and I have never heard a word since and that's been about 3 months now I guess that says it all

My next encounter is with a girl already mentioned here Cristalyn Cayobit I meet her in her home town Abuyog, Leyte. I will post more details about her once my mind has settled
by began steele Fri Oct 28, 2011 6:39 am
When you see the other post the best advice is to avoid it. No good will come from it and at best why associate with a bunch of suspected criminals. You say you are from UK and you seem to have been there before and think you know the country. Well you don't and you are a foreigner on their ground and big problems could arise.
You PM'd me saying you hadn't met this woman before you knew of all this, however the advice given stands for everyone who comes along and not just yourself. I hope you remember to place personal safety above all else

We sleep safe in our beds because rough men stand ready in the night to visit violence on those who would do us harm. ~~ George Orwell.
by anita42 Fri Oct 28, 2011 9:12 am
A friend's cousin married two different women from Russia. Both times, they left him as soon as they got their "green cards". He killed himself the second time. I don't know if "scammer" is the right word for this, but there are lots of gold diggers out there too.

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