Has someone offered you a huge sum of money or a valuable consignment? It's a 419 or advance fee fraud - find out how they work, and what to do to be safe.
by scamssuck Tue Jun 21, 2011 12:47 pm
Mod note: Research shows eufest.com to be a real and legitimate company. However, interested parties should make their own decisions regarding accomodation and service. - CW

Hi fellow scam-ees/potential scam-ees,

I'm going to Exit festival in Serbia with some friends this summer (7th July-10th July) Really excited, it's my only holiday this year and I've just finished uni so it's a big celebration for us. Obviously want it to go as perfectly as possible for those reasons....

Serbia at this time is meant to be HOT. And the festival finishes in the early hours of the morning, so when you're ready to retire and recharge, you want it to be restful, not boiling... This means that camping is pretty intense (sorry.) Judging by the forums, people who go to Exit for a second time don't camp. They always find a hostel, and this is the general advice that spreads to newbies such as ourselves.

So, being a bit unorganised what with having to complete our degrees, we only recently started looking for hostels in Serbia, and lo and behold, hostelbookers.com and hostelworld.com had no available rooms in the three that they listed. We then started googling madly for anything - hostels/apartments, anything that has a roof that is made from nice, cooling cement or something, rather than sun-soaking nylon. We found one that sounded PERFECT! It was on http://www.eufest.com and this was the hostel http://www.eufest.com/exit/accommodation/detail/274. Brilliant! We're a group of 7, this was less than £10 a night and a 5 minute walk to the festival!? Perfect. So, excitedly, I asked for its availability, and to my huge pleasure they said there was one apartment left all we have to do is go through the booking page and secure the apartment! I quickly went off to do this to find that I needed to pay the full amount straight up. I've never had to pay a full amount for a hostel before. Usually, you pay a deposit and then if you cancel before 24hrs prior to arrival you lose the deposit but that's it, and if you cancel within 24 hours of arrival you lose everything, right? After a lot of emails, where eufest denied me contact to the hostel, and failed to give me an address that matched up to where they said the hostel was, I thought - this sounds suspicious.

We then looked to our alternative options which were slightly more expensive and settled for this one http://exitapartments.net/index.php?opt ... &Itemid=55 15 a night, 15 min walk from exit, really great option too. E-mailed and fantastic news - the apartment was available. Learnt that the price went up to 17 though, but thought, ok never mind it's still cheaper than most, and got the payment information from them. They sent me a document from their bank with loads of information half in serbian, half in english, asking for 50 euros to be paid to the account beneficiary and that I needed to pay through swift. I didn't understand this process but I was desperate so in my lunch break from work today, I ran to the bank to try and sort it out. The bank was really busy though and didn't know how to process this, so put me through two different queues and then the bank phone, and I ran out of time.
I've since been doing some research about serbian apartments and saw on lonelyplanet that people were warning others to not wire money across.. I had no idea paying through "swift" is a process of wiring money (so if this is a scam - thank you halifax for being too busy to deal with me in the whole hour that I was there!!)

What do readers think? (assuming you've read this far! Apologies for the length!) I emailed the apartment, who have said that online bank transfer is not possible... It's a lot less than the first place we tried, but maybe that's their game - so that more people pay the 50 thinking, "oh it must be alright if it's only 50 they're asking for."

If eufest and exitapartments are indeed scams and I'm not just paranoid then let it be hereforth known! And also, there is really little on exit accommodation where it is such a young festival. So if these are scams and people haven't got round to writing about them yet, or they are scams new in this year, then hopefully this can be a point of advice for future seekers of shaded-shelters-from-the-exit-sun.

Thanks for reading!

by Justin Tue Jun 21, 2011 1:10 pm
Hello scamsuck!

I have to admit I do not know much about hostil bookings in Serbia. Hopefully someone will come along that does. The site you listed has been around since 03 so that leads me to believe it is real. Do the emails apear to be coming from this company? Is the domain name in the email address? Scammers do sometimes piggyback on legitimate sites.

I would be less suspicious about a swift/bank transfer than if they asked you to send money through Western Union or Money Gram but scammers do also use bank transfers so that alone does not rule out a scam.

by Gateway Wed Jun 22, 2011 10:10 am
The second site has been registered since 2010 it looks a bit amateur, but that alone is not enough to say it is a scam.

It would help if you could post the Headers and the emails from them, it would give us a bit more info to search on !

If you don't know how to get the headers have a look here

http://www.abika.com/Reports/Samples/em ... rguide.htm

If you wish you can email me at
[email protected]

How to get E-Mail Headers
by scamssuck Wed Jun 22, 2011 12:12 pm
Hey, thanks for the replies. The e-mails too? Ok yeah sure, these are with the second apartment. I expect it's a new website because the festival is also fairly young (since 2005 I think?) My guess is that a lot of people rent out their house over this time, which is why websites can look a bit amateur.

(Emails run from most recent -> earliest.)

From: Boris Petrovic ([email protected])
Sent: 21 June 2011 16:46:15

I really don't know, in my bank they gave me those instructions and didn't say about any other way of doing it.

Okay try tomorrow again, thats no problem, just mail me if you manage to send.

Reply ?

To [email protected]
Sent: 21 June 2011 14:43:31

To: [email protected]
Hi Dunja, unfortunately I was unable to make the bank transfer today as I only have an hour for my lunch break from my work and the bank was unable to do it in this time. I will try again tomorrow, or pass your email on to some one else. Is there any way this can be transferred online for more convenience?

Reply ?

Boris Petrovic Add to contacts
From: Boris Petrovic ([email protected])
Sent: 20 June 2011 13:53:05
Hotmail Active View
1 attachment (69.5 KB)
Download NOVO- INS...doc (69.5 KB)
NOVO- INS...doc
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Download as zip

Here are the bank transfer instructions, you just print it and take it to your bank, all info needed is there.
When you open it you'll see that the field "Details of payment" is blank, if they ask you to fill it just write "accommodation booking".

It takes about 5 working days to transfer the funds.

Just let me know when you do the payment, and I'll mail you as soon as the transaction is done.

Reply ?

Boris Petrovic Add to contacts
From: Boris Petrovic ([email protected])
Sent: 18 June 2011 17:00:30
The address is Zlatariceva as it is written on web and yes the photos are from that house.
And about payment, I will go to bank on Monday and they will tell me all details I need and I will send you the instructions. Hope that is fine with you.
Reply ?

To [email protected]
Sent: 18 June 2011 00:05:52
To: [email protected]
Sounds good, thanks Dunja! Can I have the address of the house please? Is it the same one that I was saw the photos of on the website? EA119? How do we make the payment?


Reply ?

Boris Petrovic Add to contacts
From: Boris Petrovic ([email protected])
Sent: 17 June 2011 16:43:56

I spoke with this lady owner today and she told me that price would be 17 euros per night. I hope that won't change your opinion about this house cause it is really nice and spacious.
And if that's all right, to make a reservation you need to send 50 euros in advance ( the rest you pay when you come).

And I forgot to tell you in previous mail, my name is Dunja Petrovic. :)

Please let me know what you decided.

Reply ?

To [email protected]
From: )
Sent: 17 June 2011 12:11:42
To: [email protected]
Hi, that's great thanks. We look forward to hearing from you! On the website it said 15 euros a night, is this still the price we can expect? We'd like to book quite soon, and we are in contact with other places for accommodation too, so would be great if we could know the price and details by today if possible so that we can book as soon as possible?

Thank you,

Reply ?

Boris Petrovic Add to contacts
From: Boris Petrovic ([email protected])
Sent: 16 June 2011 18:15:06
To: ()

Yes I talked today with the owner of the house and she told me that house is available for renting, but she just needs to confirm the price. I will send you a mail when she calls me and that will probably be tomorrow or on Saturday..

If you have any other questions you are free to ask me.. :)

On Thu, Jun 16, 2011 at 10:44 AM, <> wrote:

This is an enquiry e-mail via http://exitapartments.net/ from:

Hi we are a group of 6 girls and 1 boy looking to stay in this apartment from the 7th July to the 10th July please. Can you let me know if it is available?

Thank you

I would copy and paste the correspondence with the first guys, but that would make this post maaassive, and I pretty much ruled them out when they asked for the money up front. Although, all of the Serbian accommodations are asking for the full amount up front so maybe it's what's expected there and I'm too paranoid... Let me know if you want me to send the first apartment's emails over!
Thanks for getting back to me!
by Katharina Wed Jun 22, 2011 1:28 pm
This seems to be the tourist information site:

Did you get your addresses from there?

You didn't send the headers of the emails, but as the provider of the one you quoted is Gmail, it wouldn't have told us the location anyway. Please use the link Gateway posted and get the header of the other hostel's mails.

Tripadvisor gave me blanks. :(
by Justin Wed Jun 22, 2011 5:24 pm
Same email addy is on the website as well. I'd say it's safe to assume the OP is communicating with the owner of the website.

As far as the website I do not see any clear cut evidence of fraudulent activity.

If it was me I would only rent from someone willing to either take full payment upon arrival or take a credit card down payment where you at least have a chance to report it as a fraudulent charge if it comes to that.

For sure avoid anyone asking you to wire money via Western Union or Money Gram. There is no recourse to get your money back once it's picked up.

by scamssuck Wed Jun 22, 2011 6:16 pm
Ah, thanks for the replies everyone! I'm now probably going to go with this company http://www.exitconnectuk.com/ who are either asking for the full amount or a deposit (they will get back to me after talking to the hostel). They're a UK based company and seem fine... I'm just very wary of paying the full amount for a hostel... But so far, haven't come across a single accommodation in Serbia that does it any different - even the official Exit festival website.
This company is letting me pay by credit card, bank transfer or paypal. I don't own a credit card, so do you know if paypal is a secure way of doing it that would insure the money were this to be a fraud? I guess my concern is that we arrive and the hostel doesn't exist (we're going for the Student hostel), or that we get there and they claim we haven't paid, or that we pay the money and this guy never sends any confirmation or anything, and I have no proof that I've tried to pay for a hostel.

This is the payment info he sent me:

You can also pay by bank transfer
Details below

Tatiana Gautama
Sort code **-**-**
Acct no. ********* (obviously I have the numbers, just not sure if it's fair to post them online!)

Payment by credit card or debit card can be made through PayPal however there is a 3.5% surcharge
PayPal.co.uk pay: email address - [email protected]

If you need me to clarify further please don't hesitate to contact me


Kind regards & many thanks for booking with us

Nick Gautama

Suite 217
41 Oxford St
Leamington Spa
CV32 4RB

his email address is [email protected]

Thanks everyone
by eufest Fri Sep 16, 2011 10:13 am

I remember your correspondence with us about this property, and I can understand your concerns, but please be assured that we are not a scam site. As one of the respondents to your original post pointed out, we have been running since 2003, so it is unlikely we would still be around today if we were in the habit of ripping people off.

The main reason we ask for full payment in advance is that we have to pay the hotels and hostels up front ourselves. Sometimes, if someone is booking early and just needs a bit of time to get the money together from their friends, we allow them to pay half upon booking and the balance later. But we still insist on full payment being taken before we confirm the booking.

It's worth pointing out that a lot of the hostels we work with for Exit Festival are not full time hostels all year round, but are halls of residence for students at the university, so they are not set up for taking payments from customers directly. And once we make a booking with them, there is no option of cancelling up to 24 hours before arrival - once we have sold a room we have to pay for it.

As for being reluctant to give out full address details of the accommodation, I'm afraid it's because we suspected you might be trying to scam us. We have been caught out in the past by customers asking us for the address details of a certain property, and then contacting them directly to try and get a better price from the owner. And if they manage to do that then fair play to them. But we're not going to give it to them on a plate - we do have a business to run.

We provided you with a map showing the street on which the hostel was located so you could see the distance from the festival, city centre, etc, You disputed that our map was accurate, but I can assure you it was. But when you continued to push for the specific street number, contact details, etc, we thought that you were planning to approach them yourself and so declined to provide you with the information.

Maybe we all need to be a bit more trusting - ourselves included.

Anyway, no hard feelings I hope, and look forward to maybe seeing you next year.


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