by Pmbbmp
Fri Jun 24, 2011 2:47 pm
Hi, so I applied for an online loan for a company called ez-axs loan group, I got contacted by royal alliance investors. This is their website: and email: mailto:[email protected].. So they said I had been approved for a secure loan to be paid over 5 years. The only problem is I don't have any collateral, no mortgage and no car. They then asked me if I had a co-signer, I said I had no one on mind. The next option was "monetary" which means I pay $1000 (after I pick a "closure" date and send two pieces of ID along with a void cheque and two pay stubs) this money is incase I can't make monthly payments I can dig into it. If not I will get a cheque of $1000 once I hit the three year term. I normally don't do advance fee loans but this seems legit. I however don't want to be scammed out of $1000. Oh! And the company is in the states they supposedly deal with all of north America, I live in Canada.