Has someone offered you a huge sum of money or a valuable consignment? It's a 419 or advance fee fraud - find out how they work, and what to do to be safe.
by DJCharlie Thu Feb 12, 2009 9:39 am
First, some background:

1, I live in the US.
2, I don't own a car, let alone one with a broken windshield.
3, This is the third email I've gotten from "Russell Cardwell", but while all three emails have the exact same wording, the from address and phone numbers change.
Now, the 3rd email:

Winscreen Repair
"Autoscreencare" <[email protected]>
Wed, 11 Feb 2009 20:57:10 -0000
<[email protected]>
[email protected]
by with SMTP id v17cs7139rvp; Wed, 11 Feb 2009 12:57:13 -0800 (PST)
by with SMTP id d11mr132735fas.8.1234385831999; Wed, 11 Feb 2009 12:57:11 -0800 (PST)
<[email protected]>
from mtaout02-winn.ispmail.ntl.com (mtaout02-winn.ispmail.ntl.com []) by mx.google.com with ESMTP id d26si1618618nfh.8.2009.; Wed, 11 Feb 2009 12:57:11 -0800 (PST)
pass (google.com: domain of [email protected] designates as permitted sender) client-ip=;
mx.google.com; spf=pass (google.com: domain of [email protected] designates as permitted sender) [email protected]
from aamtaout04-winn.ispmail.ntl.com ([]) by mtaout02-winn.ispmail.ntl.com (InterMail vM. 201-2186-134-20080326) with ESMTP id <20090211205711.RMDQ4080.mtaout02-winn.ispmail.ntl.com@aamtaout04-winn.ispmail.ntl.com> for <[email protected]>; Wed, 11 Feb 2009 20:57:11 +0000
from AutoScreenCare ([]) by aamtaout04-winn.ispmail.ntl.com (InterMail vG. 201-2161-120-102-20060912) with ESMTP id <20090211205710.PELX22934.aamtaout04-winn.ispmail.ntl.com@AutoScreenCare> for <[email protected]>; Wed, 11 Feb 2009 20:57:10 +0000
multipart/alternative; boundary="----=_NextPart_000_000E_01C98C8B.4FDC24E0"
Microsoft Office Outlook 11
Produced By Microsoft MimeOLE V6.00.2900.5579
v=1.0 c=1 a=NLZqzBF-AAAA:8 a=czqeAunOGyyLN1sqavEA:9 a=dJuOa6xp5kFYb7okcb0A:7 a=ui-H4z_PFqv0JnzEvT2lCW9B_QcA:4 a=50e4U0PicR4A:10 a=572D6PjingcA:10 a=_dQi-Dcv4p4A:10 a=X6c352J1q5-3NaEh:21 a=XMEsr-mg4FK6SRx7:21 a=SSmOFEACAAAA:8 a=UDRaWVdDHIzio30Mo3AA:9 a=ZWyG4q8UB1IAwYnd7mIA:7 a=Crjz0djtuiavnPQUcalBBlkxv5MA:4 a=kCHlM3MaNVEA:10

Hi xxxxxxx

Thank you for letting me repair your windscreen. I hope you are pleased with it.

Further to our telephone conversation, if you wish me to bill your insurance company I will need the name of the underwriter, the policy number and expiry date and full name and address of the policyholder.

If you wish to pay for it yourself the cost will be £25 + VAT. Please let me have your address and I will send you an invoice.


Russell Cardwell
Tel: 07917 095272

Email: [email protected]

I contacted the abuse department at ntlworld.com, and they say that it's legitimate, even after I explained the facts behind the email. Any ideas on this one?

UPDATE: ntlworld.com just wrote me back, saying that the sender "typed in the wrong address." But how does that explain the 2 other emails I've received from this person, from different email accounts, and with different phone numbers??

by The Enchantress Thu Feb 12, 2009 10:51 am

Welcome. I have run some preliminary checks of the mail you have posted. The company is legitimate, see info below, but like you I am puzzled about the different addresses and phone numbers you were given in the earlier mails. That is suspicious. Can you please post the earlier mails so that myself and others can investigate further?

IP (mail sender) = Bedford in United Kingdom.

Registered Number: 06328748 - Registered at Companies House on 30/07/2007

07917 is part of the @UK PLC Business Directory.

It is not unknown for scammers to pretend to work for legitimate businesses and charities.

Photos - are scammers using yours? click here
Are you falling for a love scammer? click here
Never send money by Western Union/Moneygram.
Never give personal information.
Online anyone can claim to be anyone, any age and from anywhere.
by Arnold Thu Feb 12, 2009 12:09 pm
I cant see how it can be legit in view of the three different phone numbers and email addresses. Also I'd expect anyone in the windscreen repair business to ask for payment or insurance details after completing the job. Not later by means of email. It's only £25 plus VAT after all.
I don't know what it is though. 07917 is a UK mobile number, and it didn't come from a free email address. Not a scam I've seen before.

by The Enchantress Thu Feb 12, 2009 3:25 pm
Like the OP I do not own a vehicle and have no understanding of what the usual methods are.

I have been wrong time and time again but will be glad if someone who understands can investigate it further, hopefully with more info provided.

Re-checked 07917 - yep can also be mobile code. :oops:

Photos - are scammers using yours? click here
Are you falling for a love scammer? click here
Never send money by Western Union/Moneygram.
Never give personal information.
Online anyone can claim to be anyone, any age and from anywhere.
by Dan Jones Thu Feb 12, 2009 3:43 pm
The headers lead to Bedford (which is where the company is based). I'm thinking that this is probably legit, even if it is a little strange and unprofessional.
by Ralph Thu Feb 12, 2009 3:52 pm
There is some more discussion on the subject here http://www.bannination.com/comments/5059390 I suspect the OP has already seen this, what a delightful site, and so much knowledge on scams too :|

I have forgotten my own manners now

DJ Charlie
I am sorry, I have no idea what it's about, perhaps looking for lists of victims, maybe looking for somebody who by some chance has just had their windsreen replaced to scam them the 25 pounds but that makes no sense at all.

It could even be somebody who is just checking if your email address works.

With the lack of you having a car, you obviously dont need any repairs to your windscreen so i think it safe to delete and forget about this one.

We will look into it further and see if we can make any sense of it, strange thing, much of the spam will never make sense
Last edited by Ralph on Sun Feb 15, 2009 1:54 am, edited 1 time in total.
by Ted Baker Sat Feb 14, 2009 5:53 pm
My 2p.

Although a registered company, this could be a one-man band. The address is a residential address. Possibly he sub-contracts to tone of the bigger windscreen repairers.

In the UK, if you need your windscreen repaired, you ring the company approved by your insurer. An appointment is made and you need to be with there vehicle to sign off the paperwork. Also you have to pay the excess on your policy up front. You are told about this both by your insurer and the windscreen repair company. If you desire to use a company different from that recommended by your insurer, you need to obtain consent from the insurer before going ahead with the repair. Chips in windscreens are usually done free (the bill picked up by the insurer).

No windscreen would cost £25 to replace (unless this is the excess on the policy).

It might be worth sending all the information you have to :

For information on this service please see below under Related Pages. You can contact this department directly by telephone or email:

Bedfordshire County Council
Trading Standards Service
County Hall
Cauldwell Street
MK42 9AP

Telephone: 01234 228897

Fax: 01234 228255

Email: [email protected]
by DJCharlie Tue Feb 17, 2009 11:12 pm
Sorry it took so long to reply to this.

Well, scam or not, I notified the authorities, and the emails stopped shortly after. :)

Thanks for all the advice folks!

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