Has someone offered you a huge sum of money or a valuable consignment? It's a 419 or advance fee fraud - find out how they work, and what to do to be safe.
by AlanJones Tue Dec 01, 2020 12:53 am
From: paul anthony - [email protected]
Subject: urgent business.
Tel. No.: +2348101182357

Good day,

I am Anthony Paul and i am working in a bank where some people who kept money with us have died and there is no one to make use of the money.

I want you to be my partner so that i can put your name as one of the beneficiary and send the money to you for investment in your country.

Kindly be aware that this transaction is risk free and i will travel down to your country later for my share of the money, when the money is in your bank account.

it will only take 72hours for me to do the change of ownership of the funds which is about $252million. And then I will wire transfer the funds to your bank account

You can reach me on +234 810 118 2357 for more discussion.

Yours truly,


Please do not tell scammers that they are listed here - it will take them seconds to change their fake details and their new details will not be listed for any future victims to find.

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