Has someone offered you a huge sum of money or a valuable consignment? It's a 419 or advance fee fraud - find out how they work, and what to do to be safe.
by FishyMails Mon Dec 14, 2020 5:46 pm
From: "UNITED BANK FOR AFRICA NIGERIA" <[email protected]>
Tel: +2347010595685
Date: 2020-12-08 8:34:15 AM +00:00

Attn: .

Following series of complaints from Citizens of the United States as well as Citizens of Other Countries In Europe over the Discrepancies and fraudulent ways in which fund transfers are handled by Africans which has made it impossible for a lot of People to claim their Winning or Inheritance/Contract funds from most African Countries due to frauds and illegal activities, A decision was reached recently by the United States Treasury Department under the authority of the White House to compel African Financial bodies (Banks) to urgently release all funds of American and European citizens that are trapped in most Banks and Courier Companies in Africa. It was discovered that some bureaucratic bottlenecks were put by these Banks and Couriers to make it impossible for beneficiaries to claim their funds so that they will fraudulently divert those funds to their private accounts.

Consequently, Our bank, United Bank for Africa has been approved to handle the payments without further delays,The Board of the UBA GROUP,

mandated ME to handle this matter to ensure that all funds of all American Citizens and others which are fraudulently being trapped in African Banks are urgently retrieved and paid to the actual Beneficiaries under a legal manner. Our team of experts were delegated to Benin Republic, United Kingdom, Ivory Coast and Ghana for this task and we discovered your File NO:BR227/9005666/00 as unclaimed fund. It was discovered that officials of other Banks have only put up illegal requirements in order to make it difficult for you to claim your fund.

The United States Department of Treasury has retrieved all Files of illegal transactions and forwarded it to our bank, UBA, to release your approved trapped funds, and we will be working under a legitimate arrangement to ensure that you follow the normal process to receive your fund. Sir I do not believe in flimsy excuses or stories, or writing much grammar .as I am a man of action and a very straight forward man.

All you need is to pay for the Capital Clearance/Non Resident account fee which is the sum of 350 dollars and no cent will be demanded from you in order to finalize the processing of your fund and the immediate transfer into your designated account. The 350 dollars you are paying is withdrawal-able as you can decide to withdraw it once your account is fully set up.

I urge you to be proactive and do the needful in order for this transaction to be finalized within 3 working days. Also I want you to forward all emails you receive from any office demanding you pay for any sort of documents of cost of transfer as no Bank or authority will ask you to pay for any transfer charges or documentation.

Meanwhile, all modalities has been put in place for the completion of this transaction upon confirmation of the Capital clearance/Non Resident account fee from you today

We shall ensure that a normal process is followed to ensure that your fund gets to you without delay. You are to acknowledge the receipt of this email.

Warm Regards,
Sincerely Yours.
Mr Kennedy Uzoka
Group Managing Director
United Bank for Africa (UBA GROUP)
Cellphone + 234 7010595685 Please call me as soon as you receive this mail for your Transfer Access code.


Important: Any email messages I have posted here are scams. Don't reply to these messages or click on any links. Please do not tell these criminals that their messages are posted here.

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