From: "Joseph Lengyel" <
[email protected]>
Tel: +14255330177
Date: 2020-12-21 6:04:01 AM +01:00
Subject: Re: Am contacting you as next of kin to a client,who deposited a huge amount in a bank,send your full name and phone number for details
Please read carefully as I am going to explain in detail why I mailed you. I am Gen Joseph L. Lengyel. I will advise you to check the attached file for my resume.
I have since carried out a search on his actual extended family ties and which effort have been to no avail and hence my contacting you. I want you to consider the details so you could understand the full reasons I need your cooperation.
My message to you is a final option for me because of the circumstances surrounding this claim right now. Mr. Henry Cassidy was an oil merchant and he had oil dealings around Europe, America and Asia. He died at 54 alongside his wife, Ellina, 46, and their two daughters, Katharine, 11 and Yolanda 8.They were Christians. He lived most of his years here in Switzerland but traveled often. I served as his private attorney for the last eight years preceding his death, just after the birth of Yolanda. Henry migrated to Switzerland a long time ago.
I contacted you because after the death, the finance company did search for any member of his extended family to put up a claim, or who could be presented as a trustee for his deposited funds with them which stands due to the fact that he died with his immediate family.
However, it might interest you to know that, after a thorough investigation on the finance company, I found out that the government will file a claimed to the treasury if the finance company not able to look for someone to make the claim, the money should be made serviceable and that means reverting the fund to the Government while the company retains a percentage of it. After unraveling their plans I decided to look for someone credible, with the same last name to apply for this claim. I have at my possession some legal documents which are very important and might be requested by the bank and can only be provided by my chambers.
Note that there is a legal reason for the confidentiality of this transaction because of its nature and the circumstances surrounding it. I will provide you with any information you need as we proceed. I want you to be rest assured that this is going to be done in line with the law. I would guild you 100% all the way through this transaction. Please bear in mind that you have to be really sure if you are going ahead or not for I do not want to jeopardize the success of this transaction which means so much to me at the moment. I will wait for your response and please do not forget about the discrete nature of this transaction. Do send to me your direct phone lines so we can discuss this further.
Please get back to me telling me if you are willing to go ahead or not so that I can give you the contact of this finance company where this fund is lodged and then inform you too of how to proceed.
Gen Joseph L. Lengyel
(Chief of the National Guard Bureau)