Has someone offered you a huge sum of money or a valuable consignment? It's a 419 or advance fee fraud - find out how they work, and what to do to be safe.
by AlanJones Fri Jan 08, 2021 12:31 am
From: [email protected]
Reply-to: [email protected]
Other Email: [email protected]
Tel. No.: +13852222023

Hello, how are you doing?

It's me Mr. Geoffrey Okamoto, Assistant managing director of US (IMF)INTERNATIONAL MONETARY FUNDS. We received a report from Custom at Los Angeles Airport that you have an abandoned FUND worth total $10,530,000 Million US Dollars in there custody. I have instructed the Airport Custom and the concerned authorities to bring the FUND to our Head office in Washington DC. the fund will arrive my office today.
I want you to kindly Reconfirm
Your Full Name,
Current Home Address,
Nearest Airport,
Your Id card copy,
Your Direct Cell Phone ,
So that arrangement can be made for the delivery of the package to your home address okay.

Kindly contact this email:[email protected]
text number :+1-385-222-2023
Thank you.
Mr.Geoffrey Okamoto.

Please do not tell scammers that they are listed here - it will take them seconds to change their fake details and their new details will not be listed for any future victims to find.

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