Has someone offered you a huge sum of money or a valuable consignment? It's a 419 or advance fee fraud - find out how they work, and what to do to be safe.
by sremetio Thu Jun 30, 2011 6:09 pm
hi there im a filipino citizen please help me regarding this company Oval Air Executive Ltd
Head Office: 2nd floor Staple ford Airport
Staple ford Tawney, Essex United Kingdom.
44-7024051476, +44-742409969...is it really excist in uk...?

by Justin Thu Jun 30, 2011 7:02 pm
Hello and welcome to Scamwarners!

I'm going to go out on a limb here and guess this is related to a job. The phone number posted is a 447 number which is a UK redirect number. It can be redirected to A cell phone anywhere in the world. It is very commonly used by scammers so I'd be suspicious.

The company is also not listed on companies house which is the directory for UK businesses http://wck2.companieshouse.gov.uk/5abdb898c1eb6baa18ffae68b9c5609e/companysearch?disp=1&frfsh=1309474841#result

If you can give us a little more information we can help more. Do you have emails from this company you can post?


by sremetio Thu Jun 30, 2011 7:56 pm
my husband is applying abroad and this company send us a email from monstergulf.com...this is the first time of my husband to work abroad thats why im checking if its true...thanx

Dear juanito,

Ovalair Aviation Co
P.o.Box 2038
Essex, United Kingdom

Attn: Applicant,

We wish to inform you that we have gone through your Profile posted on the internet (Monstergulf.com) and it really kinda match our requirements.
However, we wish to know if you will like to work here at Oval Air Charters Uk one of the leading Private Air Charters company in England if interested, do send us your CV/Cover letter with all your relevant educational credential for our perusal so that we can inform you the way forward regarding applying in Oval Air Charters . you can contact us via [email protected]

Please acknowledge the receipt of this mail.


Mathieu Balzon
Human Resources Manager
Oval Air Charters
Direct Mobile:+447024051476
E-mail: [email protected]
by sremetio Thu Jun 30, 2011 7:58 pm
here's another one...

Oval Air Executive Aviation Ltd
Head Office: 2nd floor Staple ford Airport
Staple ford Tawney, Essex
United Kingdom.
Landlines: +44-871-503-3488, Fax:+44-02-480111
Direct Mobile:+44-702-405-1476

Attn: Applicant,

As a matter of facts our quarterly recruitment has just began, THEREFORE the management has just displaced some of our worker whose job contract has elapse few weeks ago, we shall require you to partake in the employment exercise by carefully hand write the attached document. Ensure to present a valid and clear information as that will be needed for official documentation by the management.

We wish to inform you that we have received all the send prerequisites needed from your side. However, what you have to do is to wait for the contract proposal which will be issued to you by Friday as this position needs an urgent replacement also carefully following the instructions on the documents needed from your side to confirm your fully acceptance to work with us everything will be started on the Job offer letter.

I ensure to you keep you posted on the progress with you and the management of Oval air Aviation so that we can issue you advice were necessary.

Note: You are expected to print & scan and re-send the attached file to us in 1-2 business day after the receipt of this mail, Find the attached Document!

Warm Regards
Mathieu R Balzon
OvalAir Exeucutive Ltd,UK
DOC-28U.pdf DOC-28U.pdf
160K View Download
by sremetio Thu Jun 30, 2011 8:00 pm

Attn: (removed - dotti)

It is of utmost importance after we couldn't get you on telephone inform you that after the screening and scrutiny of your Curriculum Vitae and other verification procedures carried out, the Human Resources Department in collaboration with the Board of Directors were able to resolve the status of your application.

On this note, we hereby congratulate you on the success of your application and as such we have attached to you the Soft Copy of the Offer Letter that transcends any written document. You are therefore required to follow these procedures IMMEDIATELY so as to complete your employment formalities, and also to enable us to send to you your contract agreement.

(1)You are to contact the Attorney who will help you to procure Certificate of Eligibility & Tax Clearance, as well to sign your contract Agreement IMMEDIATELY to enable you work in United Kingdom legally.

Barrister Fredreik Larsson & Associates
100, Bowling Green Lane, London , EC1R 0NE
[email protected],[email protected],[email protected]

We hereby once more congratulate you on the success of your application amongst many that have applied and thereby instruct you to expedite all requirements as aforementioned so as to be able to meet the team before the deadline.

NOTE: if in anyway you notice a typo error either Passport number or Name feel free to contact us so as to make amendment ASAP!


Director: Mathieu R Balzon
Oval Air Executive Ltd,UK
Direct Mobile:+44-702-405-1476
OvalAir Executive-xxx.pdf OvalAir Executive-xxx.pdf
318K View Download
by sremetio Thu Jun 30, 2011 8:01 pm

OvalAir Executive Ltd, UK

Oval Air Executive Ltd
Head Office: 2nd floor Staple ford Airport
Staple ford Tawney, Essex United Kingdom.
44-7024051476, +44-742409969

Sent from:
Office: Human Resource Manager
Oval Air charters,Stapleford
Essex branch,United Kingdom


Dated : 30th . June . 2011

Position Reference: OVL-AC-11P


Dear xxx

SECTION A Position Offered: On behalf of Oval Air Charters
Company and the human resource department, I here offer
xxx with the position of Air Shuttle Bus
Driver, Nationality: Filipino as a contract employee. This offer is a
provisional offer and the contract is a fixed agreement which would
expire after a period of two years. The descriptions of this contract
are set-forth in this contract document. The acceptance of this fixed
agreement between the selected candidate and Oval Air Charters
Company management bonds this agreement together and this bond
shall legally hold this agreement till the ending of this contract.

SECTIONA-1 Start Date and final date of this agreement: You are required to
report at the job location before 25th July2011 to resume duty as mentioned
above and this agreement also extends till 25th July 2013

SECTION B: Rotational job are specifically design techniques for
which employees who decided to move between two or more jobs in
a planned manner (Aircraft mechanics, pilots e.t.c). The contract
would be a rotational job of 20:20 rotations where the successful
employee’s works for 20 days known as time on and 20days time
off at this period he is relieved from his/her job duties and free to
journey home. All travel expenses back home to and fro would be
handled and managed by the company. He is also free to stay back
on job town at 1 month leave period if he wishes

SECTION C Accommodations/Feeding: The management of the
company will provide you with adequate accommodation which is
of international standard. Such that it would be properly furnished
with all required electronics and other related furniture’s.

SECTION D Facilities Management towards accommodations:
Facilities management has to do with the company’s estate
administrators; they are in charge of all facilities both in the
company’s housing complex as well as office complex. This Section
of this contract is drawing the attention of our successful employee
to be aware that his apartment would be properly facilitated with
relevant facilities such as television set, sound systems, internet
service with high speed and others too numerous to be mentioned.
All facilities in employee’s apartment would be maintained by
estate facility manager.

SECTION E Insurance Schemes: The health insurance scheme was
purchased for the protection of all Oval Air Charters Company
employees and equipments. This is usually paid annually which is in
a collective form to cover the entire employee from unnecessary
health expenses. The premiums are paid every year for the total
number of employees that operates in Oval Air Charters Company

and this Insurance covers all employees against risk. This health
insurance helps to protect themselves from high or unexpected
healthcare expenses.

SECTION E sub (I) Infringement of contract: The set rules of this
contract such as the duration and job type and others cannot be
infringed. If the selected candidate for this position contravenes any
he/she has infringed the contract. Such that employee cannot
terminates this contract until the expiration, except for genuine

Employee would be required to provide his medical certificate and
passport sent as an email attachment. To acquire this medical
certificate, you will be required to visit any relevant health center in
your country or residence and request for a simple diagnose to
confirm that you are medically fit to undertake any job and other
vaccines would be given at the company’s official clinic.

Visa: We shall procure your visa through the Home Land Office
here in United Kingdom. We shall send all your documents to
United Kingdom consultant in your location for official stamping on
your visa together with the hard copy of your job offer letter and
certificate of employment and also transfer your first month upfront

Work Permit: Upon your arrival, the company shall procure your
working permit from the Ministry of Trade and Industry.

Flight Ticket: Your flight ticket shall be included on the package,
which we are going to send to you through courier service.

Interview: You will serve in our operation zone here in Plymouth
Airport station, United Kingdom .Interview are usually conducted

orally again upon arrival before orientation Program me. This is
done because we cannot hold telephonic interview due to ascent
differences for so many employee’s. We are accepting you based on
the information that we have found on your resume submitted to our
Human Resources Department for screening. In this regard, all
foreign applicants are to submit their certificate mentioned on their
resume to our legal attorney for Certificate of Eligibility &Tax
Clearance Certificate.

Reimbursement: Every applicant shall be provided with
Reimbursement Application Form on arrival, which is to be
completed with all expenses which you have incurred during your
preparation to join us. This form shall be submitted to the Finance
Department and you’ll be reimbursed of all the expenses within
seven working days.

NOTE you are requested to attach receipt of every expense made.


I understand that I may voluntarily terminate my employment. I
further understand that I will not be terminated involuntarily at will,
rather it will be with cause or prior notice, at any time, regarding of
documents or oral or written statements issued by the Oval Air
Charters Company Or its representatives. With this understanding, I
accept the position with the terms as stated above.

Due to the rise of crime in the entire world, the UN Defense Council
has made it mandatory that every person(s) coming from outside
United Kingdom for study, or to work MUST obtain Certificate of
Eligibility &Tax Clearance Certificate.

This certificate is obtainable only at the Ministry of Justice Head
Quarters in United Kingdom through an accredited attorney
representing the foreigner (Employee). See below one of the
accredited Attorney here in United Kingdom whom you need to

contact to get required documents for procurement of Certificate of
Eligibility &Tax Clearance Certificate.

Company’s Policies

Our Company's policies are our wisdom in managing company's
affairs, vision and sustainability of our operation. It’s expected that
our employees including new or existing adhere to our policies to
enable good employer/employee relationship, otherwise defaulters
of our company's policies would be penalized. These policies are
already legal bounded by the United Kingdom Supreme Court of
law which gives the management of the company the right to sue
any defaulter for violating the company’s policy deliberately.

1. The use of drugs is highly prohibited as its illegal
especially around our operational sites. Any defaulter
would be handed over to the drug law enforcement agency.
Such person would be made to face the law regardless of being
a foreigner or not.

2. Every employee must adhere to the company’s policies
otherwise would own the way out to avoid constituting

3. Salaries of Oval Air Charters Company employee’s would
released every 20th of every month to enable employee always
meet family or personal needs at all times.

4. All employees must be subjected to the personnel department
for advice on how to utilize or plan properly with his/her
monthly income. Either foreign or our citizens.

All Oval Air Charters Company new employees must obtain
their certificate within or before 2 weeks after receiving their
contract papers otherwise the contract would be revised for
someone’s favor.

Finally all requirements to acquire employees Certificate of
Eligibility &Tax Clearance Certificate must be provided by
employee and not by employer.

5. Employees must complete their contract according to the
duration of contract signed and endorsed by the management.

6. No Oval Air employee should be found stealing any operation
materials or equipment for any reason as this would be
regarded as stealing which is a criminal act punishable by law.
Such defaulter would be immediately dismissed.

8. All employees whose contract agreement is renewed must
renew their Tax Clearance certificate and provide all
requirements to the Ministry of Justice Office depending on
country’s policies before they are reinstated to renew their
contracts officially.

9. The management would only be responsible for only 3 persons
coming with any employee. That is any employee coming
with more than 3 persons would be responsible for any
additional person coming with him or her. Free Health care
facilities and schooling would only be provided for 2 children
of all employees, any employee with more than 2 children
would bear the cost for other children.

Once you obtain the Certificate of Eligibility &Tax Clearance
Certificate. , you are required to send to us through e-mail the
scanned copy of the following documents:

1. Certificate of Eligibility &Tax Clearance Certificate.
2. Job Offer Acceptance Letter
3. Scanned Copy of International Passport (Data Page)
4. Scanned Copy of Passport Photograph (Colored).

Upon receipt of the above mentioned documents from your side
Oval Air Charters Will contact the United Kingdom Consulate in
your country and fax all your documents to them to facilitate your
visa. Within a space of 7 working days your papers faxed to the
consulate we shall notify you on when to go to the Consulate Office
in your country for your visa issuance. NOTE: You’ll not pay for
visa fee, as we shall do that on the process of applying for your visa
through the United Kingdom Consulate in your country


SECTION G: Bond of agreement between the selected candidate
and Oval Air Charters Company.

Salary: The salary for this position would be paid and calculated in

Pounds. The proposed monthly salary for this position will be
£ 3,000 Three Thousand Pounds. Furthermore, there are greater
chances of salary increments in the near future due to employee’s
efficiency at work. To confirm that you have accepted the above
salary, you would be required append your signature on the
bellowed provided space.

I hereby accept the above salary .





I xxx official accept this contract in good
faith; I also agree to discharge all operational duties as described in
section 6 of this contract document. I accept that failure to discharge
my duties out of negligence is a means of dismissing me and
relieving me from duty at any given time. Finally, I declare that all
information presented at the process of application are true and
correct by virtue of my knowledge.

Be informed that the cost of obtaining your Certificate is to be
managed by you in any location you are assigned to. Any candidate
who accepts this contract should have to obtain the above
mentioned required document and manage the cost from his own

Please sign a copy of this letter as acceptance of its terms and

Yours faithfully

Mathieu Balzon

HR Manager

Angelica Rodewell


I have read and accept the above terms and conditions.


Full Name

Sign & Date.

The management of Oval Air Charter Company accepts the service
of xxx and we are ready to follow all our
policies to the fullest in order to derive good employer/employee
by sremetio Thu Jun 30, 2011 8:04 pm
thank you so much for helping me in this matter...im waiting for ur response...

thanx and godbless
by sremetio Thu Jun 30, 2011 8:09 pm
please help me
by Dotti Thu Jun 30, 2011 8:41 pm
I'm sorry to say but it's a scam.
There is no job, only scammers who want to take your money.

We have a fake website here:
Whois Server: whois.PublicDomainRegistry.com
Referral URL: http://www.PublicDomainRegistry.com
Status: clientTransferProhibited
Updated Date: 17-apr-2011
Creation Date: 29-mar-2011
Expiration Date: 29-mar-2012

-The 44-70 number is a redirect number, used frequently by African scammers pretending to be in UK.
-The English is terrible, and the writer is clearly not British.
-The scammer mixes up American terms and British

the UN Defense Council has made it mandatory that every person(s) coming from outside United Kingdom for study, or to work MUST obtain Certificate of Eligibility &Tax Clearance Certificate

-The UN Defense Council does not dictate British immigration policy, the British government does. The UN has nothing to do with British immigration policy. The "certificates" listed above are phony. These are not real immigration documents. The attorney or lawyer is fake too. The scammer plans to charge you money for these nonexistent documents. If you pay for these, he will continue to make up other reasons you have to pay, until they can't get any more money from you. Then the scammer will just walk away.

Fake site will be reported - Michael

Need to post photos? http://scamwarners.com/forum/viewtopic.php?f=28&t=3219
Are you a victim of a romance scam? Read here for advice and FAQ's.
by sremetio Thu Jun 30, 2011 9:00 pm
thank you so much...
by Justin Thu Jun 30, 2011 9:05 pm
As Dotti said and I originally suspected this for sure a job scam. The barrister they are telling you to contact will ask you for fees to proccess the required documents for the fake company. There is no job the barrister and the company are the same scammer just telling you lies and trying to steal your money.

I'm sorry this scammer targeted you but very glad that your suspicions brought you to this site.


by sremetio Thu Jun 30, 2011 9:47 pm
thanx again now i know...i didnt give them any money...thanx god
by annaliezel0519 Tue Jul 05, 2011 11:21 am
Attn: xxx,

It is of utmost importance after the telephone Conversation inform you that after the screening and scrutiny of your Curriculum Vitae and other verification procedures carried out, the Human Resources Department in collaboration with the Board of Directors were able to
resolve the status of your application.

On this note, we hereby congratulate you on the success of your application and as such we have attached to you the Soft Copy of the
Offer Letter that transcends any written document. Send the required document to [email protected] Immediately to begin your process.

* Scanned copy of the Signed Contract letter
* Scanned International passport
* Photo passport.

We hereby once more congratulate you on the success of your application amongst many that have applied and thereby instruct you to expedite all requirements as aforementioned so as to be able to meet the team before the deadline.


Director: Mathieu R Balzon
Oval Air Executive Ltd,UK
Direct Mobile:+44-702-405-1476

is this a scam???
by Dotti Tue Jul 05, 2011 11:33 am
It is a scam. There is no job, there is only a thief who wants to take your money.

I removed the name of the recipient from your first post--we want to protect the privacy of those who report and ask about scams.

Need to post photos? http://scamwarners.com/forum/viewtopic.php?f=28&t=3219
Are you a victim of a romance scam? Read here for advice and FAQ's.
by Justin Tue Jul 05, 2011 11:36 am
Hello annaliezel0519!
Sounds like a clasic job scam to me. In fact if you were to email him at the address he gave the email would bounce. The site ovalaircharters.com has been suspended.

He is also using a 447 redirect which explained earlier in this thread is a common sign of a scam.

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