Has someone offered you a huge sum of money or a valuable consignment? It's a 419 or advance fee fraud - find out how they work, and what to do to be safe.
by FishyMails Fri Feb 05, 2021 3:09 pm
From: "imf monetaryfund" <[email protected]>
Other e-mails: [email protected]
Tel: +17039725096
Date: 2021-02-03 6:50:04 AM +00:00

United Nations Assisted Program - UK
3 Whitehall Court
London-SW1A 2EL.


I am Mrs Hellen Steward, the newly appointed director General in charge of approving & releasing all owed yet unpaid foreign payments and also the special adviser to the United-Nation. You have been selected through our computer ballot Your payment registration #:ECOW8100AFUN2021071

I am delighted to inform you that the contract/Inheritance panel of the UN/IMF Awarded Payment, which just concluded it’s seating in London just released your (E-mail Id & Name) among the currently approved beneficiaries who are to benefit 100% from this very Online Crediting 1First quarter payment of the year. This panel was primarily delegated to investigate all genuinely owed debts and claims as it has been over due This Online payment valued $3.5Million Us Dollars As Result of Your part Inheritance overdue payment (Three million Five hundred thousand Us Dollars) will be credited instantly in your online account set up by Barclays bank as soon as you supply them with the needful information below.

At this moment, We wish to use this medium of communication to inform you that for the time being the (UN) has completely stopped further payment through Diplomatic Delivery, ATM Card, Bank Draft or Check Payment due to numerous petitions received from the united states home-land security, the FBI, UN and other financial and security agencies to UN/Ecowas On Inheritance payments against wrong payments and diversion of innocent beneficiaries owed funds Delaying Over Numerous Fees the Un/Ecowas On has mandated All Due payment to be effectively credited via online banking within 24hours to beneficiary appointed.

Reconfirm your details Below to the bank for instant online transfer.

1) Full Name
2) Address:
3) Direct Telephone:
4) Zip code
5) ID Card/ Passport Copy/ Photo graph

Barclays Investment bank.
Address: 1301 McKinney St # 400, Houston, TX 77010, United States.
Phone:+1 703-972-5096
Email: [email protected]
Mr Edward Harkins.
Online Board Of trustee.
Barclays investment bank

Respectfully Yours in-service,
Mrs Hellen Steward.
United Nation Compensation Assisted Program
Chief Executive On payment matters.

Important: Any email messages I have posted here are scams. Don't reply to these messages or click on any links. Please do not tell these criminals that their messages are posted here.

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