Has someone offered you a huge sum of money or a valuable consignment? It's a 419 or advance fee fraud - find out how they work, and what to do to be safe.
by AlanJones Tue Feb 16, 2021 12:43 am
From: UBA AGENT 1 - [email protected]
Reply-to: [email protected]
Subject: Re: Compensation For All Victims From United Nations
Tel. No.: +2348125728407

UN Financial Services/IMF,
Regulation Committee
Ref: WBC/LU-14GN
File: C/L9H0445

Attention: Beneficiary,

We are not sure you received our previous message. But we wish to use
this medium to officially inform you that following the ongoing review
of all unclaimed and delayed funds by the United Nations and the World
Bank, your payment file was forwarded to our office for immediate
payment of your long delayed funds starting with a first transfer of
US$5.5m with reference No.WBC/LU-14GN, to your bank account.

However, we are surprised to receive another application this morning
from your supposed representative, Mr. Gregory Cheong, stating that
you authorized him to transfer the funds to a charity bank account in
Seoul, Korea, and that you were recently contacted Corona-Virus
(COVID-19) that has left you incapacitated. Could you please confirm
this present development immediately and also confirm if the bank
account in Seoul, Korea provided by Mr. Gregory Cheong can be used as
your authorized bank details.

Account Number: 14310810801022
Bank Address: 50, Eulji-ro 2-Ga, Jung-gu, Seoul, Korea.

Kindly reply today by email or telephone number then send your full
name and telephone number to confirm this information to avoid wrong
transfer of your funds, so that we can proceed with the transfer of
the US$5.5m to your designated bank account as scheduled. For
Whats-app massage contact ( +234-8125-728-407).

Yours sincerely,
Amine Mati
Senior Resident Representative
9 Hon. Justice Mohammed Bello St.
Asokoro Abuja

CC: Office of David Malpass World Bank president
CC: Office of Mr.António Guterres UN Secretary General
CC: World Bank Washington DC.

Please do not tell scammers that they are listed here - it will take them seconds to change their fake details and their new details will not be listed for any future victims to find.

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