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by etpjhwpknwk Fri Mar 05, 2021 2:50 pm
HiCompliments of the day, My name is Mr Colin Weir.

Compliments of the day, My name is Mr Colin Weir.,,

On 12.07.2011, my wife and I won the Biggest Euro Millions Jackpot of £161,163,000 GBP and we just commenced our Cash/Charity Donation.

Your email address was submitted to my wife and I by the Email Directory Management Team and you received this email because we have listed your email as one of the lucky beneficiaries, Kindly send us the below details so that the funds of $2,000,000.00 Million dollars only in your favor.Noted the donation funds is already with Efg bank Under Jeff Johnn is a nice man he have managing my funds for years, I WILL UVE THE BANK CONTACT HE PROCESSING IT DO GET WITH LEGAL PAPERS TO LEGALIZE YOUR FUNDS,

you will share with charity homeless and part fund you and your family for investment for your family,after you donate $1, million dollars to the charity homeless. the funds is with bank which this will transfer through online banking to your local account or by atm card,

*Full Name:
*Monthly Income:

We donated to the country that have the coronavirus COVID-19 pandemics . improve the lives of many people affected by this Coronavirus

Congratulations and Best of Luck.

Do contact me on
Mr Colin Weir. and wife

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