Has someone offered you a huge sum of money or a valuable consignment? It's a 419 or advance fee fraud - find out how they work, and what to do to be safe.
by Nushkal Wed Mar 31, 2021 2:13 pm
From: [email protected] via gmail.com
date: 31 March 2021, 6:22 AM
Subject: Business Inquiry


I Want To Use This Email To Welcome You To Consult Circle Limited®

The Consult Circle Limited® is a Consulting Firm that provides
customized consulting and Investment solutions. We specialize in
providing innovative investment solutions and objective, independent
investment advice to investors throughout the world. If you need to fund
your project or projects, Consult Circle will provide an investor to
fund your business taking you through all its processes easily without

We also recommend prudent, timely and imaginative investment ideas to
mention but a few. We distinguish our investment consulting services
from those of our competitors based on our experience, our proprietary
investment technology, culture of risk management and our investment
research. In addition, we are also characterized by our unique service
delivery model.

We believe that each client is unique, with an individual set of
investment challenges. To meet those challenges, CCL combines two
prominent service models in investment consulting today - centralized
resources and dedicated client service. This gives each client the
personalized attention available through a smaller firm, as well as the
resources of a large firm.

Why not get back to us so we can make your dream come true.

Michael Thomas

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