Has someone offered you a huge sum of money or a valuable consignment? It's a 419 or advance fee fraud - find out how they work, and what to do to be safe.
by FishyMails Mon May 10, 2021 3:56 pm
Reply-to: [email protected]
From: George Coetze <[email protected]>
Date: Mon, 10 May 2021 16:11:56 +0100
Subject: Very Urgent.

I want to inquire on the possibility of investing in your business as venture capital or if you have the experience and capability to manage funds.

contact me if you are eligible. Reply using my direct email: [email protected] for further information
Best Regards

Mr. George Coetze

Important: Any email messages I have posted here are scams. Don't reply to these messages or click on any links. Please do not tell these criminals that their messages are posted here.

by FishyMails Mon May 17, 2021 11:39 am
From: "George Coetze" <[email protected]>
Date: 2021-05-12 4:42:43 AM -07:00
Subject: Re: Fw: Very Urgent.

I thank you for your response.

I am interested in Investing Private Funds with your Partnership,collaboration,experience and input,my desire and intention is for us to be very confidential and private in this Partnership.

Before I proceed, I would wish to inform you that these Funds which are being put up for possible Investments are;

(1) not under any Investigations.
(2) not being traced by any Financial Agency here in South-Africa or any part of the world
(3) not from any illegal activity but are proceeds of long years of diligence
(4) Your Reputation,good name and credibility will never be jeopardised with your involvement in this Partnership.

I would require the following clarifications from you;

[1] Do You consider yourself capable of handling substantial amounts of Funds?

[2] Do you consider yourself to be a very Trustworthy person?

[3] Do you have a Low-Risk but High Returns Investment outlet for these Funds,that would be entrusted in your care?

[4] Are you in a position to travel at short notice for a Face-to Face,physical meeting as a means of building further Trust and confidence which is very important towards the success of this deal as well as to fine tune and discuss all Investment plans, a physical meeting will also enable us to sign the Investment partnership agreement.

I am very interested to receive the clarifications above because I believe we should have similar values, goals that align, and a paralleled vision for this Partnership deal.

I look Forward to your response to a trustworthy business and personal relationship with you.

Thank you very much and best regards.

G. Coetze(Mr.)

Important: Any email messages I have posted here are scams. Don't reply to these messages or click on any links. Please do not tell these criminals that their messages are posted here.
by FishyMails Mon May 17, 2021 11:40 am
From: "George Gotze" <[email protected]>
Date: 2021-05-17 7:58:34 AM +00:00
Subject: Very Urgent



Vital Clarification

Thank you for your time. I am pleased to confirm your willingness to take advantage of the opportunity that currently presents itself. Be that as it may, everything should be clear and well understood between us at this stage, so that there should be no misunderstanding while we are in the midstream, when it may become difficult to move forward as well as backward. I made this contact to you once again in my capacity as the financial adviser to the investor to explain the details of the transaction to you so that you will get a clearer picture/understanding going forward.
The investor has since the year 2019, been in the process of liquidating all his assets domiciled across the globe especially in the Gulf Region for personal reasons and is moving the liquid cash to South Africa where he will have the opportunity to invest the funds profitably. Be that as it may, due to the unstable economic situation in Africa worsened by the impact of corona virus pandemic and its attending negative financial consequences, he has decided to move the investment funds outside the shores of Africa for investment purposes hence my contact with you. His intent is to invest in a reputable organization with the ability and capability to ensure good and consistent annual return on investment (AROI).

It is very important that you understand the peculiar nature of this investment project which might be a little different from what you are used to. Due to the sensitive position of the investor within his organization, this transaction will be fastidiously carried out under utmost discretion; more so, everything regarding the certification of all the legal papers and evacuation of the said investment capital out of South Africa to your country will be made in your name. Due to the sensitive nature of the transaction, the investor did not want the funds moved in his name. He has agreed to offer a certain percentage of the investment capital for this special obligation. If you must participate, you must have to understand this fact. The investor is Mr. Ibrahim Ali AlQadhi, The Chief Executive Officer (CEO) of the Gulf Investment Cooperation (G.I.C) with head quarters in Kuwait. The Investor is worth over $1b US Dollars in Assets but the available Investment amount currently is $200M USD only. The investment funds is a proceed of financial manipulation in the form of an over invoiced amount, which the investor orchestrated in his office as the Chief Executive officer of the Gulf Investment Cooperation. He skillfully slotted in a payment voucher for US$200,000,000.00 while working on a pay-out of $5b investment return to a Russian Oil investor in the Gulf region. The payment which was done in tranches that lasted from October of 2019 until June of 2020 was remitted through a European based bank; no top echelons members of the establishment knew about this. It’s our intention to move this money through you as a proxy masquerading the payment as return on investment. The $200m is being held in an escrow account in the bank under the instruction of the investor and will be remitted to any account he present as the beneficiary. His organization does not know anything about this money.

The investment amount will be released to you to manage for a period of 10 years without interference from anyone. It will totally be your responsibility to choose where and how you will distribute the investment capital to various investment placements. I am pleased to confirm that arrangement is already in place on how to move the funds to your account. The investment capital can be increased with time if necessary only and upon the certification of your capability to profitably manage the funds. We may come to that later but currently we are working on the available amount of $200M USD. Please be informed that the investment fund will not be used for high risk investment or illegal business which might put the entire fund into jeopardy, hence our choice of a capable and reliable person/ company to use the fund for investment. The investment amount as stated above is currently in deposit money bank from where it will be transferred to your account once all arrangements with necessary documentations are concluded.
We would require that you send us information on your area of specialization and how you intend to invest the aforementioned fund if given the opportunity. What is your expected Return on Investment (ROI)? The detailed explanation will enable us access one's qualifications and competency to handle the sum when released and will be of utmost importance before we can proceed with the business arrangements. The following information will also be required to ensure that the person's capacity to manage the investment is not in wanting.

Upon the confirmation of your willingness to proceed with the above operational mode, details of the investment placement will be worked out and presented to you for review in a Joint Venture Agreement document which will be signed by both parties once we agree on the principles. It is our desire to meet with you physically in South Africa for a meeting under the auspices of the consultant under whose care the funds are placed but the recent pandemic may force us to cancel the idea. Having confirmed your willingness to partner with me, I will like to have more information about you as follows:
1. Full Name and Business Address
2. Introduction and description of yourself/company
3. Direct contact information for easy communication
4. A brief workable project/business plan

I am sorry if we sound immodest with respect to the requirements. However, it is a project that should be done with an honest, capable and mature person. More information will be made available to you upon receipt of your comprehensive response on the above subject matter

Thank you.

Yours Sincerely

Mr. George Coetze

Important: Any email messages I have posted here are scams. Don't reply to these messages or click on any links. Please do not tell these criminals that their messages are posted here.

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