by FishyMails
Wed Jun 30, 2021 3:06 pm
From: "邮件无法发送到指定收件人 Mr.Wang Yilin Chairman,CNPC 邮件无法发送到指定收件人,请先通过其它方式联系收件人,以免耽误" <[email protected]>
Reply-to: [email protected]
Date: 2021-06-25 4:17:07 PM +01:00
Subject: Re:Attention:
Reply-to: [email protected]
Date: 2021-06-25 4:17:07 PM +01:00
Subject: Re:Attention:
Mr.Wang Yilin
Chairman, CNPC Group
China National Petroleum Corporation
District, Beijing PRChina | Postcode: 100007 LETTER OF INTENT 第十九届国际液化天然气会议第十九届国际液化天然气 第十九届国际液化天然气
Attention: Dear Sir / Madam.
Our clients are informal investors looking for good Investment opportunities in the area of Real Estate, Agriculture, Transportation,renewable energy and tourism business or any kind of business in your country or any part of the World.
They are looking for viable business they can invest in and they are willing to provide part or all the funding needed for the business in return for a percentage equity share of the business.If you have a good business vision, then we can partner together to make your dream a reality by providing the funding you need to achieve your
must believe in our ideology and philosophy to make this a reality.
If you have any such business idea or existing business in need of funding, please contact me now .. This letter serves as Letter of Intent to enter into a Joint Venture in multinational investment with you in your country. This is Mr. Wang Yilin, Chairman of CNPC (China National Petroleum Corporation). Feel free to check on the link below
to review our company profile and as well educate yourself more about
I have purposefully contacted you to offer and negotiate my proposition for investment in multinational companies and industries with you in your country. If you are willing to accept my offer I shall provide you with the relevant details for the investment fund
proposal as well as our procedures with a partner in Africa for the funding of such Projects/Investment . Furthermore, I wish to emphasize the need for our dealings to be carried out in a manner that is above board, legally and with transparency in order to ensure the establishment of a durable medium to long term profitable and credible
investment partnership. At moment I have a business I will like to invest in London UK where I have saved for estate and edifice constructions, This can also be done in your Country there such as real estate, electronics agriculture etc. Please get back to me on my private Email Address: { [email protected] }
Looking forward to hearing from you
Warm regards,
Mr.Wang Yilin
Chairman,CNPC, Petro China
Important: Any email messages I have posted here are scams. Don't reply to these messages or click on any links. Please do not tell these criminals that their messages are posted here.