by Wiljames
Wed Jul 07, 2021 11:24 am
Bank of America Financial Center
Metro Center Station 700 13th St NW,
Washington, DC 20005, United States
Office of Ms. Christine P. Katziff
Corporate General Auditor (BOA)
Wire Transfer & Audit Department
Attention Beneficiary,
I am Ms. Christine P. Katziff, Corporate General Auditor, Bank of America. Be informed of the arrival and availability of your long awaiting inheritance fund given by the World Bank and United Nations, Part Payment value,($25, 000,000.00) only as received. This occurred on March. 30th 2020, through great effort by the USA Office of the Comptroller of the Currency (OCC). But our Bank (BOA) Board of Directors refused to get you informed for reasons best known to them, which I believe, must be selfish interest.I made my research in our Bank database and confirmed I can upload the fund to an ATM VISA CARD and have the card ship to your address and wipe it out from our central system, where your fund cannot be traced by the Financial Authority.
Therefore, I urge you to trust my skill and assure me the absolute confidentiality of this information, and I will have your fund upload in an ATM CARD via the fastest method of ATM uploading method, (MT202 Cov), If you agree or can trust my skill on this matter, reconfirm your details as listed below, and I will upload your fund as you will confirm it ship to you immediately.
If you have any doubt or negative thoughts about this, please, don't bother to reply to this message, I cannot persuade you, I am only here to exercise my hatred on cheating and cheaters of your money, using my perfect professional skill. Be assured of a successful completion of this deal upon adhering to my directives by acting at the right time where necessary.
Reconfirm the following details via email ([email protected]) to enable me commence the process immediately.
Your Full Names:
Your Current Home Address:
Zip Code:
Your Direct Cell:
Your Current Occupation:
Christine P. Katziff
Corporate General Auditor
Bank of America Financial Center
Your Payment