Has someone offered you a huge sum of money or a valuable consignment? It's a 419 or advance fee fraud - find out how they work, and what to do to be safe.
by FishyMails Wed Jul 07, 2021 2:18 pm
From: "Diplomatic Service" <[email protected]>
Tel: +2250594054839
Date: 2021-07-06 10:35:29 PM -07:00
Subject: From deplomat service.CI


This is to inform you that the transaction which you have with the bicici bank which the owner of the fund is Miss Ralli Akidy here in côté ivory has been programed to bring it to your country through Deplomatic way, OR if you want us to transfer it through check, please give us feed back immediately, please do not contact any person again or send money to any one, we are here to inform you that the sum will be parkage to in our trunk box and deliver it to your next door in your country.dear customer, you have to choose one option and get back to us with your address information as we demanded.

Please the consignment we be done as soon as you send us your address where the box will be delivered to you, Note: do not inform any body to notice that the box is containing money, even the Deplomatic did not know that the box is contains money, we conclude this because of the taxes and African monitor unit will not put eyes on it

The only thing you have to do is to keep the Deplomat fee which is 10,000 dollars for you to claim the box as soon as he handle the box to you, then the access key we be giving to you after you receive the consignment immediately.

The trunk box will move immediately we receive your address where you need us to deliver the box to you , the money is complete correctly, no cent is removed, the amount in the box is 4.2Million dollars, please send to us this four needed information

1) your full name.......
2) your picture or ID or passport ....
3) your address......
4) your telephone number....

Notice: we are doing this because of the high and monitoring unit which we can not be able to support and we have delivered money many times to our clients in any part of the world without any error, please the major thing is for you to keep this between us, immediately the diplomat come into your country, he will call you on phone for you to direct him where to deliver the trunk box, please send us your information because you will present your ID before he will deliver the consignment to you.

Thanks for your understanding
From deplomat service.CI
Tel: (+225) 0594054839

Important: Any email messages I have posted here are scams. Don't reply to these messages or click on any links. Please do not tell these criminals that their messages are posted here.

by FishyMails Wed Jul 07, 2021 2:19 pm
From: "Diplomatic Service" <[email protected]>
Tel: +2250594054839
Date: 2021-07-06 11:55:44 PM -07:00
Subject: To


This is to inform you that the transaction which you have with the bicici bank which the owner of the fund is Miss Ralli Akidy here in côté ivory has been programed to bring it to your country through Deplomatic way, OR if you want us to transfer it through check, please give us feed back immediately, please do not contact any person again or send money to any one, we are here to inform you that the sum will be parkage to in our trunk box and deliver it to your next door in your country.dear customer, you have to choose one option and get back to us with your address information as we demanded.

Please the consignment we be done as soon as you send us your address where the box will be delivered to you, Note: do not inform any body to notice that the box is containing money, even the Deplomatic did not know that the box is contains money, we conclude this because of the taxes and African monitor unit will not put eyes on it

The only thing you have to do is to keep the Deplomat fee which is 10,000 dollars for you to claim the box as soon as he handle the box to you, then the access key we be giving to you after you receive the consignment immediately.

The trunk box will move immediately we receive your address where you need us to deliver the box to you , the money is complete correctly, no cent is removed, the amount in the box is 4.2Million dollars, please send to us this four needed information

1) your full name.......
2) your picture or ID or passport ....
3) your address......
4) your telephone number....

Notice: we are doing this because of the high and monitoring unit which we can not be able to support and we have delivered money many times to our clients in any part of the world without any error, please the major thing is for you to keep this between us, immediately the diplomat come into your country, he will call you on phone for you to direct him where to deliver the trunk box, please send us your information because you will present your ID before he will deliver the consignment to you.

Thanks for your understanding
From deplomat service.CI
Tel: (+225) 0594054839

Important: Any email messages I have posted here are scams. Don't reply to these messages or click on any links. Please do not tell these criminals that their messages are posted here.

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