Has someone offered you a huge sum of money or a valuable consignment? It's a 419 or advance fee fraud - find out how they work, and what to do to be safe.
by FishyMails Mon Jul 12, 2021 1:15 pm
From: UCHENNA WANUNU <[email protected]>
Other e-mails: [email protected] [email protected]
Tel: +2347054010675
Date: Mon, 12 Jul 2021 10:28:08 +0100

My Dear Beneficiary,

I have been monitoring your transaction for a very long time with keen
interest, but I decided not to engage myself as the Secretary to the
director of transfer department, I am aware that your Fund cannot get
to you no matter how much you spent. This is due to the
irregularities in your file and evil men that have been handling this
your transaction, both in and outside the Country. I now decided
to tell you the truth for good name is better than riches, no body
have pick the courage to tell you the truth rather extorting your hard
earned money for their selfish interest making your payment to be
difficult for you to receive.

I advised you to contact Mr. Bello Hassan financial consultant who
assisted a Woman Mrs. Helen Jones in your country to receive her
payment by securing a loan through Nigeria correspondence Bank in
USA, whom her file had similar problem with yours , her payment was
made possible due to the relationship with

Please feel free to contact Mr. Bello Hassan financial consultant email
address: (E-mail: [email protected] or [email protected]
Inform 234 7054010675 Mr. Bello Hassan that his contact was given to
you by a woman whom he
assisted on the 21st of March, 2020 and do not mention my name because
that is his personal dealings with foreign beneficiaries whom their
files has same problem as yours. Do furnish me with day to day
dealings between him and do not forget to show appreciation for my
kind assistance as soon as you receive your payment.

Secondly do follow his advice and instructions with him your
funds is good as in your account

Yours faithfully
Mrss. Uchenn Awanunu

Important: Any email messages I have posted here are scams. Don't reply to these messages or click on any links. Please do not tell these criminals that their messages are posted here.

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