by FishyMails
Sat Jul 24, 2021 2:44 pm
From: "Brian Hurd" <[email protected]>
Other e-mails: [email protected]
Date: 2021-07-23 3:55:59 PM -07:00
Other e-mails: [email protected]
Date: 2021-07-23 3:55:59 PM -07:00
With COVID-19 vaccines now on the horizon and to the rescue, discerning businessmen and investors are being proactive in preparing for what will be the new post COVID era and normal. Consequently, we are up-scaling our projects and investments financing/funding activities.
My principal, a well-known and highly venerated international figure and an investor, in his magnanimity, and as his own little contribution to cushioning the harsh economic effects of the pandemic on companies and individuals, wants to invest a few Billions of dollars as straight loans, without collaterals, to companies and Entrepreneurs, who needs funds to restart, re-energize or support their businesses at this time.
My principal prefers to spread these Billions of dollars to several qualified entities, and individuals around the world in form of loans, instead of a few, as a way of helping more prospective investees come out of the challenges and economic distortions caused by the pandemic, and for them to bounce back strongly and carve out new niches for themselves.
Otherwise, my principal could have quietly and safely invested the entire sum in Fixed-income Government guaranteed investments, like Bonds etc and go to sleep, or taken advantage of the bearish sentiments in the global stock markets, which will not likely change anytime soon.
Interested investees and companies can apply for any amount out of the Billions of dollars, (but not the whole Billions of dollars), if such entities/investees can justify the amount it is applying for and is able to show that he intends to invest same in legitimate and profitable business, or businesses. Note that this is a loan and not a grant.
Contact me for further information and actions on; Email: [email protected] and also provide your contact information for more details.
Thanks and Stay Safe
Brian Hurd
Important: Any email messages I have posted here are scams. Don't reply to these messages or click on any links. Please do not tell these criminals that their messages are posted here.