Has someone offered you a huge sum of money or a valuable consignment? It's a 419 or advance fee fraud - find out how they work, and what to do to be safe.
by d3rr3n Thu Aug 19, 2021 2:37 am
Subject Await your urgent reply
From "Mrs. Margareth Samaniego" <[email protected]>
Reply-To [email protected]

Hello, How can I help you in this matter? My name is Mrs. Margareth Samaniego I work as a Foreign Director Remittance/Telex Dept of DIAMOND BANK TOGO here in LOME. I was surprised by what I found in your transaction record. I discovered it was $390.0 USD unpaid Funds Release clearance fee that kept your inheritance/contract and prize winning fund $10,500,000,00 USD undelivered till date. Why have you allowed such a thing.. However I may help you finalize this payment today since it is my desk to handle your funds release , if you should need my help let me know, because your name is on the first official payment Gazette published by the IMF Inheritance payment settlement team brought to my office , those to receive their funds this week. That was even my major reason for contacting you. I expect your reply if you need my help.. Regards Mrs. Margareth Samaniego Telex Wire Dept Release Officer

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