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by Grusskire Sat Aug 28, 2021 5:23 am
From: Peter Gloor <[email protected]>
Date: 27 Aug 2021, 10:30
Subject: Hapening Now/Dr Peider Mengiard Sick/ Wife Contact

Gloor and Associates
Bahnhofstrabe 24,8027 Zurich
AsselemS Herrmann McCarthy Cruywagen(Randburg)
Address: 33 Canada Square, Canary Wharf, London E14
5LB,United Kingdom.

Dear Client,

It is a black friday afternoon in the office of the ICEP today when your cousin Dr Peider Mengiard fainted from his seat and was rushed to hospital. Information from Dame Margola told me that medical doctor diagonized fiecardiovascular disease that was attributed to these classical risk factors of hypertension and dyslipidaemia.

I am from the hospital now to see him , the medical doctor said that his Blood pressure rose above manageable height. He was sleeping while I came and the doctor said I should let him rest.

I send the certificate obtained from CRt later as i will be there back later today because Margola requested my invitation to his Church Pastor to pray for him as he requires private prayer.You can email the wife <[email protected] >to know how he is feeling.

Please email me the prompt.

Be guided accordingly.
Peter Gloor LLb,

by Grusskire Thu Sep 23, 2021 1:38 am
From: Peter Gloor <[email protected]>
Date: Sep 23, 2021, 12:06 AM
Subject: Sources of Claims Conference Allocations for 2021/Payment Ready

Gloor and Associates
Bahnhofstrabe 24,8027 Zurich
AsselemS Herrmann McCarthy Cruywagen(Randburg)
Address: 33 Canada Square, Canary Wharf, London E14
5LB,United Kingdom.

Dear Claimant,

Victim and Witness Assistance Unit (Grants Unit) Sources of Claims
Conference Allocations for 2021 on follow-up to your claim release
recomand her staff Rosen Jack to assists the funded agencies for your
$17 Million with completing fiscal reports and submitting your fee
performance reports detailing services provided and number of
individuals served

Kindly Contact staff Rosen Jack via :

whats app: line +1 205 675 0554
and email ([email protected])

visit website:https://www.claimscon.org/about/board/

as he is is responsible for the administration of your federal Victims
of Crime Act (VOCA) Victim and Witness Assistance funds to
not-for-profit and municipal agencies across the State serving crime

Currently the Grants Unit administers and processes over 200 contracts
to a variety of Victim Assistance Programs (VAPs) across New York
State in the amount of nearly $50 million annually.

The duties associated with this task include ensuring compliance with
Federal Register/Final Rule; timely submission of all financial,
sub-grant award and other required reports; and resolution of any
federal audit findings.

Be guided accordingly.

Peter Gloor LLb,

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