Has someone offered you a huge sum of money or a valuable consignment? It's a 419 or advance fee fraud - find out how they work, and what to do to be safe.
by alex99 Mon Jul 11, 2011 10:30 am
my brother is involved in an advanced fee fraud involving nigerians..he has sent them litteraly thousands of punds via WESTERN UNION...i have gone into to his email to block the scammers emails address,but i dont know if this is enough to stop these people...my brother unbeleiveably has given him his bank details....im not sure how to stop them or if i have been successful in stopping them...can you please advise me

by jolly_roger Mon Jul 11, 2011 1:35 pm
I'm sorry to hear of your plight alex99, it will be a difficult time for you. Is it possible to post the email address, maybe phone number etcetera the fraudulant people are using? When I read sending money via WU, I thought Oh no because recovering that money will be impossible. If a search of the email address or name the scammer is using could be done, you could show your brother the results. The only safe way would be to open another bank account or change the current one.
I wish there was better news..
by Katharina Mon Jul 11, 2011 1:51 pm
Hi alex,

I'm sure glad you found your way over here - I guess we met on the Eater?
Please follow jolly roger's advice and prepare as many details as you can get hold of. Everything helps. Copies of email texts, photos, fake dokuments and certificates, acccounts of FaceBook or other social networking sites the scammer is active on will be very useful, too.
by alex99 Mon Jul 11, 2011 7:23 pm
jolly_roger wrote:I'm sorry to hear of your plight alex99, it will be a difficult time for you. Is it possible to post the email address, maybe phone number etcetera the fraudulant people are using? When I read sending money via WU, I thought Oh no because recovering that money will be impossible. If a search of the email address or name the scammer is using could be done, you could show your brother the results. The only safe way would be to open another bank account or change the current one.
I wish there was better news..

how do i search the email address? i have the address
by alex99 Mon Jul 11, 2011 7:24 pm
Katharina wrote:Hi alex,

I'm sure glad you found your way over here - I guess we met on the Eater?
Please follow jolly roger's advice and prepare as many details as you can get hold of. Everything helps. Copies of email texts, photos, fake dokuments and certificates, acccounts of FaceBook or other social networking sites the scammer is active on will be very useful, too.

thanks katherina im gratefullfor your support

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