Has someone offered you a huge sum of money or a valuable consignment? It's a 419 or advance fee fraud - find out how they work, and what to do to be safe.
by MaxProffett Mon Sep 27, 2021 4:31 pm
Jeff Turner offered us a loan from Basemath Finance Limited in the USA. He requested an upfront payment as a security deposit. We conducted our own due diligence and discovered that the two people shown as signatories on the loan offer had not signed or authorised the document. One confirmed that he had no connection with the company at all. Jeff Turner's email is Clion Finance Broker LLC. His email is [email protected]. LinkedIn profile: https://www.linkedin.com/in/jefferson-turner-7451861a5/
We understand that one of the people shown as a signatory is taking action with the authorities.
Always conduct due diligence when advance fees are requested.

Another company we dealt with in the UAE that is operating a finance company making money out of upfront fees is Geneva Investments LLC. We agreed to pay an upfront fee into an escrow company recommended by them. The escrow company disappeared with our money and we assume they were working with Geneva Investments LLC. The name of the escrow company is Jinnah Al Atta Facility Management LLC license number 934506. ID provided by the principal of this company turned out to be fake. Recommend avoiding dealing with either of these companies.
Geneva Investments provided us with a UAE license which turns out to be fake with the license number 675371 belonging to a totally different company.

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